Due in 2008


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Congrats to all you mommies-to-be, that's marvelous. I'm done with pregnancy, I have 5 and my baby is 4 months. I've had UP and UB's with all of mine and was fortunate enough to have waterbirths too except for my first cause she came 4wks early and my last cause I had a 45min labour and almost had him in the car, so there was no time. I have been truly blessed considering my body doesn't handle pregnancy very well.

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Glad to hear, I found the more active I was the better the pregnancy went, I even competed in a Nationals dancing comp at 22wks, (was a chanllenge spinning around with a stomach). But then we went on vacation after that and I went down hill full speed.... keeping active was the key for me.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm pretty new to this forum but I thought I would chime in with my status! I'm due mid-January. This is number three, which I hear is the hardest adjustment when it comes to adding kids to the mix. We're keeping the gender a mystery and that is driving my mom crazy! Right now the names I like are Karen and Reed. But we do have a history of changing the name at the last minute... Happy pushing to anyone due soon!

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Hey everyone.

I had my forth child 6 weeks ago. My son was born under water into my hands at home.

It was beautiful. Normal natural and perfect.

I have been considering this if and when we decide to have a second baby. I'm a little scared to not have a doctor near in case something goes wrong though... How did you deal with that?

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I have been considering this if and when we decide to have a second baby. I'm a little scared to not have a doctor near in case something goes wrong though... How did you deal with that?

Trust in yourself!

It is about taking responsibility. That was the big thing. Realising I didn't have to hand it over.

I never thought something would go wrong but we did have ambulance cover. Do your research!

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I have been considering this if and when we decide to have a second baby. I'm a little scared to not have a doctor near in case something goes wrong though... How did you deal with that?

I'm not trying to set up an argument. I just wanted to share my experience...I have had my kids in the hospital and with my first one there was a complication that there was NO warning for and quick reaction, with equipment they had at the hospital, was everything... I'm not into being "drugged up" but that is optional. Having a child at home, with minimal distractions sounds awesome but I just can't see it being worth the risk. I am grateful that the doctor was so watchful and was able to quickly get my son out of danger. Either way, I say get one of those medicine balls to sit on during contractions. They sure give me a TON of relief!

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I'm not trying to set up an argument. I just wanted to share my experience...I have had my kids in the hospital and with my first one there was a complication that there was NO warning for and quick reaction, with equipment they had at the hospital, was everything... I'm not into being "drugged up" but that is optional. Having a child at home, with minimal distractions sounds awesome but I just can't see it being worth the risk. I am grateful that the doctor was so watchful and was able to quickly get my son out of danger. Either way, I say get one of those medicine balls to sit on during contractions. They sure give me a TON of relief!

My problem with hospitals is that it feels to me they want to rush you through what your body should be given time to work through on its own. I know that if they decide that you are not dialating quickly enought they will start drugs to make it happen faster. I don't want this. If I am going to give birth naturally, I want my body to be able to do what needs to be done. Women were having babies for thousands of years with use of midwifes and alone before it was decided it needed to be done in a hospital. Laying on your back is not the optimal way to give birth, doctors have you do it this way to make it easier for them. A more natural position is squatting. I would of course have a midwife or doula, and go to a birthing center so if a problem was suspected a hospital would not be far away. The only reason I was in a hospital for the birth of my daughter was because I had to have a C-section because she was in a breech position. I would definitly want the medicine ball!! ^_^

Sorry for hijacking the thread

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Hey, I hear ya! I have the same concerns. That's one reason why I like my current doctor. We've been discussing my delivery and she is very supportive when I say I don't want to "speed up the process" and I am learning that we can say no in a hospital. (Though it was good that while my son took his time coming out, when the doctor saw that he was in stress he did speed it up and I'm OK with that.) I like the sound of different physical positions during the delivery...specially since I get that awful back labor, but I decided that's a compromise I'm OK with just because of my past experiences... If anything happens, I want to be at the hospital the moment it comes up! But I do have friends that loved their experiences at birthing centers...and I am happy for them.

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...Laying on your back is not the optimal way to give birth, doctors have you do it this way to make it easier for them. A more natural position is squatting...

I definitely agree with this. You would think by now doctors would have heard of a thing called gravity. :) My son (second pregnancy) came very quickly and I was lucky and gave birth in a sitting position with back support; way better than lying down.


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It is great how you have much more choice now, and of course we are all different and want different things. Although as soon as i feel the first twinge of pain i wanna be lying down on that hospital bed with my gas and air tube strapped to my lips, and i dont budge till baby is out lol.

With my last child the midwife told me that she couldnt feel baby and i was going to have to get up and walk around, i really didnt want that so i prayed so hard that 30 minutes later she was born!!!


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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,

just wanted to let you know that i am going into hospital tomorrow to be induced (small baby) never thought you could be so nervous and excited all at the same time!


Good luck and congratulations!!! I've got just over 4 weeks...seems like ages! We don't know the gender and we still can't agree on a name for either sex. Argh!

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