How do you Pray


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I know that when we pray we address The Father, we thank, we ask and then close in the name of the Son. But do you stick to that pattern.

Lately I have been actually holding a conversation. I live close to a dairy farm and the new calves were out in the field. I stopped and took pictures of the calves frolicking in the field. I just marveled at the beauty that was around me. That night when I was on my knees, I shared that experience with the Lord. I could feel My Father there listening to me explain my experience. I felt him close. I have told him funny stories I have heard. I have told Him that I know that everything I have belongs to Him and thanks for letting me rent it. I have even read a poem to Him. Sometimes when I pray, all I do is thank because I have received so much in my life and I don't want for anything.

Things have not been easy with my life lately. I am fighting not to be inactive everyday. Not to go into a long story about my life, but there have been times when I have knelt down and told the Lord that I am tired of all the crap. I know He gives us opposition to make us strong, but enough is enough. I have told Him, I am mad at You right now, and it is best that I don't say much. I will come back when I am in a better frame of mind. I have cried and I have yelled, but I have always felt Him by my side when I am explaining my feelings.

I have always wondered, do others pray like this?

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Guest tomk

Your posted message makes my heart soar with happiness.

Others most certainly DO pray like this. I am one of them!!

Like other things, God leads you in how to pray and what to pray.

Throughout the day, I carry a prayer in my heart at all times. I cannot explain to others what it means to "have a prayer in your heart at all times" but inside of me, I know what it feels like, and it is real to me. The best I can describe it is having my thoughts oriented towards a Godly walk and talk among others at all times. Do I always succeed? No, of course not. I am rather embarrassed to admit that sometimes I fail miserably. Just ask my family. I wish I could love them as He does ... especially in having kind words. But I am working on it, and with God's grace, I'll get there. :) Each day I get a teensy tiny bit better. That is God's grace working in my life. A little bit at a time -- that is my God.

Alma 34: 27

27 Yea, and when you do not cry unto the Lord, let your hearts be full, drawn out in prayer unto him continually for your welfare, and also for the welfare of those who are around you.

Comprehending this, and being able to DO this comes only through God's grace and as a GIFT. And what a precious gift it is, once given. I love Him so much!! He always gives the BEST gifts!!

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I love the whole open, pour your heart out sorts of prayers! I don't think it gets anymore sincere than that! I pray lots of different ways. Sometimes I pray out loud on my knees and loosely follow the format. Other times I pray in my mind thru-out the day. I will comment to God or ask him questions or just acknowledge that I need him in that moment. Sometimes I have written out a list of what I wanted to pray for and then just point to it. Sometimes, I can't say a word and ask him to please understand my heart. There are times I ask specific questions or pray for my needs and other times, I just thank him for things of the day or a thing in that very moment. I have told God that I was angry at him. I actually felt so much warmth that day. Like he understood how hard it all was. I even felt him smile. Don't know if that makes any sense to anyone.

Prayer is work to me. And sometimes I avoid it because I know it takes humility to do it. I know I have to discipline my spirit or else it is just an empty thing.

I don't know what is going on in your life. I do know that there is great wisdom in struggling. That is part of what this earth life is for. But i must admit that I don't really like that it is that way.

I hope everything is well with you. Keep the faith. Even though the storms rage, that can't take anything away from truth.

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I read a book given to me by my aunt once about praying (my weakest point of many). I forget the name, but the one thing that stuck in my mind was that there realy is no incorrect way to pray. Sure there's a format, but that's it. This person also said they had "conversations" with God, even to the point of him getting up and looking up scriptures during the prayer. I think if we have a sincere heart, it doesn't matter how we do it, as long as we do it.

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Guest tomk

I talk to him often during the day. Sometimes if I just see a beautiful sunset or smell a flower or hear a waterfall I tell him how I feel about it, how I enjoy seeing/hearing such things and how thankful I am for the privilege.

He delights in our thanking Him for these simple things.

When we thank Him for a flower, or a bug crawling on the ground going who knows where, or birds, or dolphins, or whatever.

His heart soars when we thank Him for these things.

And in the very act of thanking Him we are blessed by Him with more knowledge and understanding of Him.

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I have always thougt that if I was truly praying from my heart I could talk with Heavenly as one would talk with their Father. Certaintly one should do it with respect, but pouring out ones thoughts and feelings in full faith that he is indeed listening.

Earnest, pleading, yearing, hungering prayer is key to regaining the Spirit if we have lost it. This type of praying may also lead to revelation, which we are promised if we are faithful. The Lord will reveal many things if we are prepared to receive them.

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“The proper way for a man to pray”

Said Deacon Lemuel Keys,

“And the only proper attitude,

Is down upon your knees.”

“Nay, I should say the way to pray,”

Said Reverend Dr. Wise,

“Is standing straight with outstretched arms,

“And rapt and upturned eyes.”

“Oh, no, no, no,” said Elder Snow;

“Such posture is too proud.

“A man should pray with eyes fast closed,

And head contritely bowed.”

“It seems to me his hands should be

Austerely clasped in front.

With both thumbs pointing toward the ground,”

Said Reverend Dr. Hunt.

“Las’ year I fell in Hodgkin’s well

Head first,” said Cyrus Brown,

“With both heels a-sticken’ up,

My head a-pointing down;

An’ I made a prayer right then and there;

The best prayer I ever said:

The prayingest prayer I ever prayed;

A-standing’ on my head.”

by, Sam Walter Foss

I am so thankful you posted your expeiences. It reminded me of a lesson I once had and included was this great poem.

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Sometime ago I was trying to get an injured hiker I found out of a dessert and we had gone without water for two days – I thought we were going to die within an hour when I knelt in my last prayer for help.

Since then I have noted that my prayers are not all created equal.

I also learned a great lesson about thrusting for righteousness. I doubt that few have any idea about what really thrusting for the righteousness or anything else will do to you.

The Traveler

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There is a great book from the Middle Ages (translated) called "Practicing the Presence of God" by Brother Lawrence. In it he describes his prayer life which infuses all the little daily chores (washing the floor, cleaning the kitchen, etc.). It is very much in the same spirit as your thoughts, cintiejo.

In another medieval book ("The Cloud of Unknowing"), the author talks about urgent prayers that consist of the simple exclamation "Help!"

God wants to hear from His children, no matter what.

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