Community bible study time!

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I am very passionate about God's word and thought it would be fun if we would walk through the book of _Luke together! This would not be a thread of debate but rather a thread of learning together. My only suggestion is that you would not use a commentary to help you with insights but rather prayer and holy spirit for discernment into the scriptures. Feel free to use hebrew/greek books to help or historical helps to get dates and such.

Each week we will study one chapter together. Starting with the Luke Chapter 1 Some of the questions I would like

for you to consider when you are working through your chapter.

1. Who is the author and time and date written?

2. Who is the author speaking to?

3. Are there any comparison/contrasts to observe? Repetitions of words? Cause and Effect or purpse and result statements?

4. Are there any promises for us to hang on to and any conditions?

5. How does this apply to my life?

6. What does this passage teach me about God?

7. Steps of action you need to take to obey?

8. Write out a prayer concerning what you learned and want to put into practice?

I hope you all enjoy as we walk through this incredible book together!

Please feel free to post each week as you learn and what God is teaching you. If something comes up that you want further clarification on just ask away.

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Everyone keep answers to yourself..when we get to weekend. Feel free to share what you learned with all of us. BUt if something comes up that you need more clarification on this week ask away. So that we can learn from each other. Then the following Monday we will hit a new chapter. I would like to get into some harder books but I thought this would give a good starting base.

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We studied the 4 gospels in our Women's Bible Study and I loved how it compared the same stories from different perspectives. We learned that because Luke was a physician, he noticed physical things, such as Christ bleeding from every pore in Gethsemane. I'm trying to remember some other specifics about Luke, but my memory fails me.

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Good Morning friends..I hope you enjoyed your first couple of verses today. I would also suggest that as you do a chapter a week that each day be spent doing a couple of verses at a time really digesting what you have read.

I would also suggest spending like 5 min in prayer before you start

Thanking God for all he has done

Asking God to reveal himself to you through his Word to help you understand his character more in Luke.

Remembering anybody you would like to pray for also..

Then opening up your study looking for God's leading. Keep a journal with you this week as you answer your questions and your questions come up.

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I hope you will forgive me for voicing a little concern. I think that having a bible study is a great idea. I think having any scripture study is a good idea. And to do so with members of different faiths....even more interesting. But, my concern is that your intent LnF, is to teach us or correct us or minister to us. It seems that you are already giving directions about how we should study and how we should pray. I appreciate that those things are good. I feel sometimes like you are talking down to us as if you assume we don't pray or thank God or ask to know him better thru the word. We do this....all the time! It is part of who we are as LDS people. I hope you can understand what I am trying to say to you. I want to participate. It sounds like a good idea...IF....the intent behind it is something that is transparent. I feel that each of us should be able to share from our own background and understanding and that discussions could take place in an atmosphere of respect and equal relationship. My fear is that you are starting your ministry here. And I feel like I would like to know if that is true or not.



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I hope you will forgive me for voicing a little concern. I think that having a bible study is a great idea. I think having any scripture study is a good idea. And to do so with members of different faiths....even more interesting. But, my concern is that your intent LnF, is to teach us or correct us or minister to us. It seems that you are already giving directions about how we should study and how we should pray. I appreciate that those things are good. I feel sometimes like you are talking down to us as if you assume we don't pray or thank God or ask to know him better thru the word. We do this....all the time! It is part of who we are as LDS people. I hope you can understand what I am trying to say to you. I want to participate. It sounds like a good idea...IF....the intent behind it is something that is transparent. I feel that each of us should be able to share from our own background and understanding and that discussions could take place in an atmosphere of respect and equal relationship. My fear is that you are starting your ministry here. And I feel like I would like to know if that is true or not.



misshalfway, I appreciate your concern. And the thought crossed my mind that some would see it that way. Please don't be threatened by this idea. We will not debate scriptures in this thread but we we will learn and grow together. I like doing bible studies and thought it would be fun to do it with you. often when I start bible studies I hand generic questions out to help the people go really deep into the scriptures. If they don't help you throw them out..and it is only my reccomendation that we all start with prayer before we go. We will be respectful of each other in this thread. I hope you still particpate.:)

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