a question about the lgbt

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so i am new to the mormon religion, joined 2 months ago.

and i would like to ask about transexual individuals, after the pass away do

they become condemned or do they also reieve celestial glory?

does this also apply to homosexual individuals?

very sorry if these questions sound irrevelant :(

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We don't know. We can guess all we want, but that doesn't really get us anywhere. If we believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, then we already know what is required to gain Celestial Glory. The rules are pretty much the same for everybody (children do have a diffrent path). But we are judged by how we keep the Laws of God, and how we listen to light of Christ in our life, and follow the truth! If we are on a correct path, that well keep going after this life. If we are far from it, then it well be harder to find.

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so i am new to the mormon religion, joined 2 months ago.

and i would like to ask about transexual individuals, after the pass away do

they become condemned or do they also reieve celestial glory?

does this also apply to homosexual individuals?

very sorry if these questions sound irrevelant :(

you didn't think to ask these questions while you were being taught 2 months ago or ask in your Gospel class at church, I am assuming you are still going????
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I have no idea, but according to the scriptures, you will have every hair on your head that your ever had when you are resurrected and I'm assuming you will have all parts of your anatomy back too. Only Heavenly Father knows the hearts of people who make the decision to change their gender.

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He/she/it will be 'lovely' corrected across the veil, as those who were born with both sexual organs.

Again, we must not allow those 'other intelligences' to control our own course of mortal life. We are the 'I AM" within this mortal flesh and need to control all thoughts and any actions. If not, then this is cause of the results.

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you didn't think to ask these questions while you were being taught 2 months ago or ask in your Gospel class at church, I am assuming you are still going????

Well, the Gospel Principles class has a set curriculum, so such a question would be off-topic for every lesson except the one about chastity. Not everyone feels comfortable raising their hand and saying "Hi Teacher - I know we're discussing the gathering of Israel today, but I was really wondering where transgender people go when they die!" :)

That class is a fine place to ask the question one sunday a year during the lesson on chastity, but seems kind of silly to have to wait if it's 8 months away.


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Is it wonderful that we are all allowed our opinions and can interupt scripture how we see it!! I love this forum for that very reason. We will all be judged for our own actions and how we follow the commandments of our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. I think, and its my opinion, that the scriptures and the guidance that we get from the prophet are quite clear. Homosexual behavior goes againsts the word of God and will be treated as such. We are to put off the lusts of this world and follow the teaching of the prophets as best as we can. We are to also treat each other with love and understanding, so those that have a problem with this should not be shunned but should be counseled as much as they will accept and helped as much as they will accept. I know that most don't feel like they are going against anything (nature or otherwise) but if you believe, even a little, that a being greater than any of us created this world and the laws that govern this world, then you have to accept the laws as recorded in scripture.

As far as getting off topic in class on sunday, I teach sunday school and we get off topic all the time. There are some topics that are hard for us to talk about and I have been told to tone it down more than once!! But if someone wants my opinion and my interputation of scripture, I'll be more than happy to try and help them understand where I'm coming from. Though I usually preface it with "This is my opinion"

Anyways, I've started to ramble so I'll stop now, I hope some of this make some sense.

With love..... :)

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Just to be clear...

From The Family: A Proclamation to the World

We, the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, solemnly proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of His children.

All human beings—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.

If one is born male, he was male before he was born. If one is born female, she was female before she was born.

This proclamation doesn't leave room for any other option in my interpretation. One is not at liberty to change gender or pretend to change gender.

Having said that- I, myself, make no judgment myself of those who got caught up in something like that. I do believe that full repentance is still possible in those situations.

I'm not sure if the question being asked here is whether it is a sin to practice these "alternative" lifestyles- if so, my belief is that yes it is a sin. If the question is whether the sin can be fully repented of to still achieve celestial glory, my belief is that yes it can.

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Just to be clear...

From The Family: A Proclamation to the World

If one is born male, he was male before he was born. If one is born female, she was female before she was born.

There's only one problem with that and it is that not everyone is born either male or female. Some are born with the distinctive sexual characteristics of both. I have no idea how this happens or why it happens but it is a documented fact that it does happen. They are often assigned a gender at birth. Hopefully they are assigned the correct one but it could be perfectly possible that a mistake is made.

I do know this doesn't account for every transsexual and I have no idea why anyone who is born as a woman would want to be a man and vice versa. I have seen some women who used to be men and still look like men. I have seen others who look like women and you'd never guess they used to be men. It's far too complicated an issue.

As a slight tangent I do believe people who have vanity surgery are wasting their time because they are just going to end up with the same eyes, nose, chin when they are resurrected. Reconstructive surgery is a different issue altogether for such things like cleft palate or for injuries.

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I think it's safe to say there's no Transsexual or Hermaphrodite Spirits.

Thus, as you perfect your body, it'll relate to your Spirit. At the Resurrection you are raised with every hair intact. You "wake up" EXACTLY how you were before you died...

But in the Resurrected state, the Spirit has power over the Body (whereas in this life, the Body has power over the Spirit), and however the process of perfecting our body happens, happens.

A male spirit can't perfect towards a female body, or vice versa.

But... do we know the gender of our spirits? Most of us, yes. But those in question, the "Gender challenged?" Maybe not. But across the veil, I'm certain they'll find out.

Edit: When you get those surgeries, Willow, you're raised with them, too. All your scars, all your wounds. It takes power, and faith, and possibly repentance, to get rid of them.

I, however believe that people who get plastic surgery can't "Perfect" those "fake" parts, but that they'll have to spend time getting them back to how the were. Seems like a waste of time, to me.

People who get reconstructive surgery... I think that as they perfect themselves their bodies will become how they were MEANT to be. Such as those with cleft palette... It'll be as if they never had it (or the surgery) in the end.

To sum it up: I think any physical "Defect" that was possible because of the Fall of Man can be overcome as we perfect our bodies.

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I think it's safe to say there's no Transsexual or Hermaphrodite Spirits.

Thus, as you perfect your body, it'll relate to your Spirit. At the Resurrection you are raised with every hair intact. You "wake up" EXACTLY how you were before you died...

But in the Resurrected state, the Spirit has power over the Body (whereas in this life, the Body has power over the Spirit), and however the process of perfecting our body happens, happens.

A male spirit can't perfect towards a female body, or vice versa.

But... do we know the gender of our spirits? Most of us, yes. But those in question, the "Gender challenged?" Maybe not. But across the veil, I'm certain they'll find out.

Not to pick on you Lehi, just curious; why would a creator design the male and female almost exact alike?

DISCLAIMER: make people think here for instance. No doctrinal excerpts here or church is professing to such.

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I believe our spirits have a very definite gender, and there is no gray area as far as our spirits are concerned. However, in this life, there are physical abnormalities. These have nothing to do with our spirit gender, but with the fagility and sensitivity of this life. A little too much of this chemical and it causes "abc", too little of this chemical and it causes "xyz".

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Let's not forget that physical imperfections, deformities and the like are part of the "human" element of the equation. Most of the birth defects have a probable etiology or origin/cause but the correlation is not 100%. Exe: vitamin deficiencies are believed to be responsible for certain birth defects. But that is not always true within the same household (several sisters pregnant in the same household with identical food sources) and we have no clue why. The genome jigsaw puzzle is quite complex. We can speculate but that is far from fact.

So, ultimately obeying the word of God is the sure way to His kingdom regardless of what our bodies look like.

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What does happen to hemaphrodites and what is the purpouse to their birth? I know some hindus consider them special spiritual people.

I agree with VisionofLehi that we will find out for sure in the next life whether they are male or female.

Their ultimate purpose is the same as anyone else- to gain the necessary mortal experience necessary to achieve salvation / exaltation / a fullness of joy in the presence of God.

The purpose for which they were born with ambiguously-formed sexual organs?

IDK. One thing is that such a circumstance definitely helps provide some unique insights into human development. I believe that people born with these kinds of challenges are provided with a rather interesting way in which they can grow spiritually, to have a chance to really come to know God.

I believe such must have been the case for this individual.


I admire this man for having the patience to allow God to work with him through his development and the trials he had to go through, until it was finally recognized by all what his true gender is.

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I wish at times, people would have faith in the Spirit. We can determine in this life whether the person was a male or female.

ZTodd, I am not picking on you when I addressing this post. I am highly alarmed and greatly disturbed in this type of approach throughout the church, from both members and to include leadership positions. For some, it is a great heartburn for me. I have this issue when, we in the church, do not fully use the Spirit in receiving.

A case in point is me. I was serving in the Sunday school when I received a call from xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, telling me; when I can find the time, stop by his office. It was a new calling in the church. I did ask how many names were received; knowing others in the church could easily fill the position. To my surprise, I was told that many names were considered and prayfully found, not to be the person. After lengthy search, they resulted to go to the temple and ask the Savior in the walls of the Celestial room. Immediately, after the first prayer given, my name was given to them as the viable replacement. I did ask, was it the Lord? He said, yes.

Again, it was done by faith that the Spirit will answer that question. Do you guys see my point? :cool:

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