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Everything posted by Hemidakota

  1. Slavery exist even today throughout the world...but I concur with Aelswyth, sometimes we need to be reminded.
  2. Wasn't Hitler of the same race?
  3. Kudos...my wife has the same blood flowing in her veins [her father's genealogy]. I have great affection for the natives of this land. I can't understand either why some worry over these issues as to the fear of men or what is 'political correctness'? The Truth remains the Truth, no matter what had transpired over few hundred to a few thousand years ago.
  4. Again, what is the divine purpose of these organs? I think the key here is 'patternism'. There is nothing ‘wasteful’ or have no ‘specific’ purpose to keep it simple. The usage of these organs in mortality to what the intention for exaltation is the question. Beside, I do know we are 'symbiotic beings.' Meaning, our symbiotic relationships in which each host species benefits are mutualistic [our soul].
  5. That is not entirely correct. There is only two items that is lacking from this mortal world and the next. Those brethren [sisters] who received that 'sure promise' in this mortality will received what is necessary in the next life when united with the mortal frame. They are not waiting for the 'day of judgment' to receive their inheritance or glory. For some, it is already given that sure promise in mortality after their trials and receiving that GODHEAD in person. There are some will have to wait awhile longer due to the mission or tasking that are required of them even across the veil; the Prophet Joseph Smith is one of them. His work is still not complete in turning it over to Savior. If it was, then he will be exalted.
  6. Has it been in every opening dispensations of time… I don't recall any of these brethren, including FATHER or the Savior, having any required academic degree to qualify based on our misperception of what is a scholar.
  7. Correct. Caffeine has its merits and been proven medically. VisionofLehi - if Caffeine was the culprit to why the Prophet Joseph Smith receive the WOW revelation, perhaps we should add all coca bean products - knowing that dark chocalate contains more than Tea or Coffee. However, that is not the case. Study what brought this revelation to pass [hint: upper room where the GAs met and his wife Emma complaints].
  8. "The gospel according to the wiki god." No offense, there are some articles are no more correct than Darwin was in his conception of evolution. A great example is the process on how nuclear weapons work...not even close.
  9. Follow the guidance or prompting of the spirit. Unless you are of the age of eight years old.
  10. Getting back to the 'Mark', this was done by the Lord to prevent others later in taking vengeance upon Cain. The answer is in Moses chapter 5, verse 40: What may be a curiosity, who instructed Cain in the killing another human? I highly doubt Cain knew how. Some may argue, well, he learns it based on the current ritual sacrifices done by Adam. Seeing Cain's heart hardened, he then marries one of his brother sister and migrated to the land west of Eden called Nod [eastern Missouri and western Illinois area?]. Nod in Hebrews is Nud and if my memory serves me right, it means 'Back & Forth"; another way of saying, they were a nomadic culture. What is note worthy [few areas listed] about the Cainites: first city builders, smiths, and perhaps started the first monetary system.
  11. Charley, the only thing that offends me are those who are filled with arrogance. Pride is one of the main problems that many millennium brethren will openly fall. This one simple character flaw has caused way too much damage since our preexistentment. I am an advocate for a education in this mortality. As Professor H. Nibley used to say, '…education starts in the cradle and ends in the grave.' [Paraphrase] My earlier study in the field of Quantum Mechanics was to march to the beat of the brethren [science fellows] until I received that greater portion of light and it shocked me. I now look at the Universe as a small place to something superior and evolution subject, being filled with truths mingled with worldly dogma. Though, we still need the place in our minds for that academia knowledge, in order to help us resolve those untaught mysterious.
  12. The other unexplained mystery is the asian caper.
  13. I do understand there was herb bearing plants in the Garden. Your reference was remark to those spiritual male and female, who at this point do not possess mortal bodies. Mortal man and woman did come until chapter 2. You will read, in chapter 2, after Adam was created, GOD does not mention anything about eating herb or grains at this point. Adam was told about the fruit of tree he ‘…mayest freely eat.’ GEN 2:16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: Prior to Adam and Eve departure from the garden, GOD made mentioned of eating the herb of the field in Genesis 3:18. GEN 3:18 [Moses 4:24] Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; Remember, it was Moses who was the author and from his own vision observation, the term ‘unclean’ was used to describe those animals that were not to be eaten.’ The Book of Jubilee, being an uncanonized scripture, holds a greater detail on this matter on what transpired to fill in the gap. It reveals they were eating a limited source of animal protein prior to the flood. Now, if we can have a 'Seer' in these latter days, perhaps, we can clear up some those precious moments in time.
  14. Alma was using the mustard seed in a metaphoric teaching moment. Nice info concerning the 'white date'. GOD's teaching moments - it is the same as the why HE did not create both male and female on the mortal world together.
  15. If time is equal ones viewpoint of earth, then yes. Let me add some tidbit of info concerning the members of the Church of the First Born [CFB] and resurrection; using Abraham as an example, he is now FATHER [GOD] and is glorified being at this moment. I used the key phrase here - CHURCH OF THE FIRST BORN. Unless, they [CFB] are called to a further work, there glory will be pending until that mission is complete; hence, Joseph Smith. He is still working beyond the veil in completing his mission. You are not going to find Abraham body where he was buried. I am at times, puzzled, when I see seeing people drawn to these ancient mummies [prior to Christ death], knowing they were not resurrected and pose an eternal problem.
  16. We only assume they don't age based on our limited viewpoint. Even they will eventually return to that chaotic matter in the end. At this point, trying to define the GODs time is nearly impossible without observation. Once observe and writing it, is another story.
  17. You are correct. It was the prophet who later remarked the hot drinks were indeed Coffee and Tea.
  18. Perhaps Elder McConkie should of applied it. [Jester] I do miss that Elder....:) I am with Bruce on this one...I do eat chicken, cow, pig, fish, and so forth.
  19. ugh...Aelswyth, I hope so. I am aware of its process. Now, it is not the answer I was seeking.
  20. Sometimes if my memory serves me right, there was a report about the cause and effects of ingesting hot drinks [liquids]. The report goes on to talk about the toxicity in both plants. Oh well.... LATE EDIT: Improvement Era 1903 Improvement Era 1917 Word and Wisdom: A Modern Interruption [Hot Drinks], Elder John A. Widtsoe Joseph Smith, Seasons and Time 3:799-801
  21. Sometimes I wish I had a home teacher. lol I do believe, we can gain the same observation as Jacob achieved in mortality.
  22. The curse was not the skin pigmentation but a mark [GEN 4:15] to separate Cain decedents from those of Seth. People need to look past the skin pigmentation and know, we are still brothers and sisters in this mortality, as it was in the spirit world.
  23. Perhaps it was the 'French' fries... OTHERS: wasn't this land [Americas] considered the and of promise of all the lands on this earth? If so, then why not? Elgama...excellent answer.