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Everything posted by unixknight

  1. LOL That's funny. My pics are hosted by my own website, which is just a tiny little gaming club site and the domain is ldsknights.org.
  2. Yeah Mary is regarded as an intercessor, and is very prominent in South American culture especially. Often people will set up a little shrine to the Virgin Mary in their home and light candles in front of it and so on. It does certainly look like worship, but a Catholic would say that they're asking the Virgin Mary to intercede on their behalf. So similar to the matter of idolatry, you could make the argument, but that isn't their intent, at least on the surface. To the extent to which individual people understand the difference, your mileage may vary. Yep, agreed.
  3. As a former Catholic, I'll take a crack at this... And if any current Catholics take issue with what I say then please, by all means set me straight. It's been a long time for me. Most of the time when you see statues or images or whatever in a Catholic setting these are merely symbols and reminders, just like the artwork to be found on any LDS Chapel's walls. Then there's items like crucifixes or Miraculous Medals worn on a chain, as well as rosaries. These items are typically blessed by a priest, which makes them extra sacred and holy. To be honest, I'm not sure what that's supposed to do but one could certainly argue that's a form of idolatry, in a way. I wouldn't call it that, though, since the items themselves receive no worship. Then there's the Eucharist, which is the unleavened bread that is transformed into the Body of Christ during the Mass. This is the analog to Sacrament in LDS service. Once this transformation has taken place, the Eucharist is to be treated exactly as though it were literally Christ's body. People are expected to genuflect (kneel down on one knee and perform the Sign of the Cross) when walking past it in the church. The idea is that one isn't worshipping the item itself, but rather the Savior whom it represents. Idolatry? Perhaps it is in practice, arguably, but that's definitely not the intent.
  4. Please forgive me if this has already come up. I took a quick look and didn't see much about it. @anatess2 I'm not sure why you seem so concerned about non-Trump supporters when Trump himself doesn't seem to be... From this article
  5. Their sculpts are amazing but sometimes the way they're pieced together leaves something to be desired. I'm dreading the assembly of my Harbinger of Menoth: For giggles: http://ldsknights.org/documents/10181/13212/hymn.png/31c9a454-17e3-4830-96d5-25bd8cedaac9?t=1401999605623 http://ldsknights.org/documents/10181/13212/IMG_3448-E6HrWpb5.jpg/59b6afab-580f-4158-9aaa-3de5b1e7e940?t=1397828321258 http://ldsknights.org/documents/10181/13212/IMG_3449-iheOI0pX.jpg/5df637e2-3874-4395-ae0d-f33452a09b1c?t=1397828320895 http://ldsknights.org/documents/10181/13212/cinerators2.JPG/608c37ae-c0c4-47fa-b747-7a0bbad674fe?t=1389785762633
  6. A nice post. It's great that she's trying to figure stuff out and there isn't a shred of hate or vindictiveness in any of it. Kudos!
  7. My gaming club has just started a Warmachine campaign but I'm hoping to do another 40K one soon.
  8. Hehe it's like an addiction, in a way. You can turn away from it for a while, but as soon as you start looking at that stuff again... It sucks you right back in. I'm perfectly okay with that though. Have you played any 7th Ed games? Annoyed as I was by the short time interval between 6th and 7th, I have to admit 7th is more fun than I've ever had with 40K.
  9. Frankly, I think Clinton will win anyway either through behind-the-scenes manipulation or by simple popularity.
  10. Before, the message was "Join us and vote for Trump! He's awesome!" Now it's "If you don't join us and vote for Trump it'll be all your fault when Clinton wins." The blame game has begun.
  11. Well I guess that's it then. I'm voting for Gary Johnson. I'm a registered Libertarian but I was going to vote Cruz.
  12. Never did a WHFB army in Chaos, but I did have a small Chaos Space Marine army for a little while, 100% Thousand Sons/Ahriman Warband. I decided with all the games I'm into I didn't need more than one army per game, so I sold them. That's also about the time I started selling off my Beastmen.
  13. Well to be honest, I think there's just something cool about a Scottish Claymore, but most people don't know how to properly wield one these days so I'll just settle for the traditional European Longsword. That said, there's a lot to be said for the cavalry sabers used by the Muslim light cav during the Crusades... ... wow this conversation got dark...
  14. I think anybody who takes their moral cues from a source with a name like "Hiki the Transgender Demon" is dealing with much more severe issues than are at first apparent.
  15. I understand what you're saying, but we all have our own burdens and challenges. Do I have the strength to live a celibate life if I were called upon to do so? I admit I probably wouldn't but that's my failing. I don't get to spew hate on others for my own trials and weaknesses. At the end of the day, guys like this vomit their hate on the Church for one reason only: The Church refuses to validate them for their desires, and in today's political climate it's safe - even encouraged - to react in this way.
  16. Well it certainly has cool points of its own, no doubt. Still, as the descendant of a Crusader knight, I gotta go with the weapon of choice.
  17. Can I choose? If so, I pick a sword, 'cause that's just kinda cool.
  18. I want to feel compassion for this guy. I do. I know a better Christian than I am would. But I'm struggling. Maybe confessing this will help... but I'm oh, so very bitter these days. I'm so sick to death of being lectured and condemned by people who consider themselves more tolerant and loving than we are. These are people who espouse a new morality based entirely on self-gratification and mutual enabling. They are en entire demographic whose only defining characteristic is whom they want to have sex with. Some of the greatest people I've ever known are LDS, with a smattering of other Christians in there. Even if you were to absolutely, positively, indisputably convince me that God does not exist or that the Church is false, I'd STILL remain a member of the Church (to the extent that a broken testimony allows it) and support it in any way that I could, because being associated with this Church, this morality, and Christianity in general, places me in the company of the finest, most loving and generous people to be found anywhere. Meanwhile doorknobs like this guy, whose definition of himself has more to do with his hormones than his spiritual understanding, have the chutzpah to pretend to be too good for it. Deep down he knows better. I hope, for his sake, that he wakes up from this culturally poisoned fugue he's going through, but as far as compassion, I'm sorry but I think I'm fresh out. I have a close friend who's been through the same struggle and he's found the strength to remain a member of the Church in good standing, despite his attractions. Him, I respect deeply. This Tyler guy... I can't. I'm sorry I can't do better.
  19. I can absolutely understand avoiding old acquaintances. Every once in a while I run across someone I went to grade school or high school with, and as nice as it is to see them, it's always awkward, because over the years we've become entirely different people who have no other connections in common. Those people I did have a lot in common with in school, I stayed friends with and we've grown as people together. When I was in middle school I had a best friend that I did everything with. We'd ride bikes all day, go to mo vies, talk about girls... best friends you can imagine. We went to different schools and lost touch, and just last year we started talking again and it was... awkward. Reminiscing only takes you so far, and updating each other on our lives feels like a chore. What do we have in common now, as the men we've grown into, to base a friendship on? Nothing. So it was great talking to him again, but that's all it is. As for violent fantasies... when I started having them about my ex wife I knew it was time to get out of the marriage. I never laid a hand on her in anger, and I realized at one point she was trying to provoke me to do so. Bad mojo.
  20. Yeah no kidding! I love that you're using the classic beakie Marines for the Inquisitors and the classic style Imperial Guardsmen for the cultists. Very cool! Your Chaos Warriors bring back memories of an opponent I battled a few times in a campaign our gaming group ran, and he was running Warriors of Chaos, Nurgle flavor. My Bretonnians did reasonably well against him, (2 - 1 in the campaign) but the games were hard fought. Is Flavinius the Damned's head from a Space Wolf sprue? And am I crazy or is the mutant sporting a Bretonnian Men-at-Arms helmet? I also love the severed Grey Knight arm on the Bloodletter's base. I take it the organs and living matter on the tanks is green stuff? Your beakie marine Inquisitors reminded me of a Black Templar squad I recently completed after digging up some of my old marines I got back in 1990, and added a classic Rhino I got from a swap meet in the area. I refurbished the marines and built the Rhino to be an all-retro Tactical Squad for my army: The link, in case the image doesn't display: http://ldsknights.org/documents/10181/21182/tactical1.png/4e5dc94c-3040-492f-b5d8-9b479e56c686?t=1455654215862
  21. Hmmm odd that they don't show. Here are links to both: http://ldsknights.org/documents/10181/64467/right.png/974eaf9c-cb41-405b-8240-9344a5378c99?t=1458055187029 http://ldsknights.org/documents/10181/21182/tactical2.png/d9853ed0-f555-4a7c-b7a6-a3de81f7e4c7?t=1456953027974
  22. Every time I see the title of this thread on the Current Events page this song immediately gets stuck in my head...