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Everything posted by Captain_Curmudgeon

  1. He did do himself some damage that will come back around: Came off as a whiner and excuse makerReduced by the number of people who wrecked behind him the people who are going to be willing to cut him slack in the futureKarma is alive and well in NASCAR.
  2. Not me. "It's just one of those racing deals." He says he didn't cause the wreck on purpose and there's no compelling evidence to the contrary. If you penalize bad judgment or emotional outbreaks at the wheel or lack of driving skill, there will be no NASCAR.
  3. Even more boring to watch when the red flag is out and they're stopped.
  4. I just put Melatonin on my shopping list and I'll give it a try. Best treatment I've ever experienced was Transcendental Meditation. While I was practicing faithfully, I'd fall asleep every night within five minutes of turning off the light and stay asleep until the next morning. Second best: Hot tub just before bedtime. Got ambien from my doc a while back and it kept me awake. No chemicals seem to work very well for me since I have to dream to stay mentally healthy. So I need something that causes sleep but doesn't suppress dreams. May not exist.
  5. Bummer. I'll say this here, then: sort of hope the Steelers win by 3 just to yank your chain.
  6. Agree completely. The bits of football chat we've had there before now have dulled it down considerable.Separate room is the best (not that I wouldn't have have gone to Main without it).
  7. If you're back from church in time for the Super Bowl, how about hanging in chat during the SB? I've got a laptop set up next to the TV (mostly to use the Internet Movie Data Base while I'm watching DVDs), so I'm going for it.
  8. Think you're a Lost Prophet? Make predictions and see how they turn out. I've got one confirmed and am working on a second. Figure out the whole story on the Smoke Monster before the next episode and I'll treat you to lunch.
  9. Go State (works both here AND for football (but not the NFL)).
  10. I think those scriptures and your examples are certainly at the core of what I'd call immodesty. When I first found out what CTR rings were, I was shocked (really) at how immodest most (if not all) of them are.Think about a modest home, a modest car, a modest lifestyle. Of modest means. A modest diet. IMHO, for some people, modesty has been drastically reduced to a small portion (modest portion?) of its real meaning.
  11. Stripping? Wearing women's clothing? Sounds pretty diabolical to me. So, you don't take the charges of Satanism seriously?
  12. I haven't made my pick yet, but I've got to say that Kurt Warner is a genius. Teams keep discarding him and he keeps taking other teams to the Super Bowl. I may pick the Cards just so I can root for him.
  13. The Post Office has a tough row to hoe. It must provide universal service but it no longer has any kind of monopoly. So, they've got to cover their complete routes six days a week and their competitors can cherry pick. UPS goes ONLY to the houses where it has a package and picks up ONLY where they want to. Imagine if you had to drive ten or fifteen miles if you wanted to mail something and the carriers would only deliver when they had a full load for your neighborhood.
  14. Two days in a row. I just joined NetFlix, so I have an interest in the other day (other than Sunday) being mid-week. Things would work better than with a two-day hiatus.
  15. This sort of reminds me of the old Two And A Half Minute Talks of my youth. Plagiarism was the usual method then and it looks like something like that -- searching -- is the method now.
  16. I'm a skeptic, but I would say two things. First, don't dismiss it. I take hunches, dreams, and fortune cookies seriously. Second, check it against everyday reality (which I think you're doing).
  17. Really. I would have mentioned that my scout troop and priesthood quorums went to Deseret Gym, owned and operated by the church, where swimsuits were not allowed (so that General Authorities probably swam nude as well), except that whenever I mention that someone usually soon closes the thread. A lot of things. The advertising industry, the pornography industry, and some right-wing religious organizations have combined to promote the idea that all nudity must be sexual, whereas in the past (and for some of us now) it was obvious that it was not. The fact of child sexual abuse stopped being ignored. I don't know what happened in the public schools so that people don't shower anymore (you had to in my day or you failed PE), but I wonder if homophobia doesn't have something to do with it. And we have the same advertising industry and the entertainment industry trying to tell us that only some bodies are all right and the rest of us should wear sacks and stay out of public sight.As I've said elsewhere, Satan can't have a body so he tries to make us ashamed of ours.
  18. And the tradition has changed radically in my own lifetime here in Utah and the church. In another thread, I just posted about how my mother would be considered a child pornographer under the current federal law because she took a pictures of her children nude (me in a bathtub, my brother in a horse trough).My father went out for swimming at Granite High because his family couldn't afford football shoes. The swim team at least practiced in the nude (they may also have competed -- Dad didn't say). When I went to Granite (class of '58) boys' gym class was required to be nude in the swimming pool. My scout troop and priesthood quorums often swam in the nude. It was no big deal. If you think about it, for us then your original one-button suit that you were born in was considered perfectly modest for swimming. Some of us still think that way.
  19. Season Five is happening and the Lost Discussion Group is back in business.
  20. Womens' Beach Volleyball. (Everything else is a distant second.)
  21. Nice to have a Mormon boxer who can actually box (get someone older to explain this to you if you don't understand it).
  22. I used to think that it was due to the Donation of Constantine and the later admiration and sucking up to Aristotle that made up the Great Apostasy. Then I noticed how many of Jesus's apostles had Greek names and now think that it might have been a lot earlier.
  23. Interesting to me that no one in the thread seemed to realize that the whole thing was based on a (rather well-known) saying. Doesn't anyone read Ralph Ellison, Richard Wright, or James Baldwin anymore? (I read all of them as an English major at BYU, BTW.) As a skeptic I'm annoyed by all public prayers (particularly after what Jesus said about them). Much preferred the opening prayer (which ended with the Lord's Prayer) to the closing prayer, though.
  24. I have had an uneasy feeling since 2000 that the government hasn't been telling the truth. There's a physics professor at BYU that shares my uncertainty about the collapse of the towers (and I seem to notice that Bush doesn't want to admit that the attack took place on his watch). The Weapons of Mass Destruction lie was admitted to and regretted by GHB a couple of days ago. Karl Rove admitted to Fitzgerald (to avoid perjury charges and the charge treason of exposing US intelligence agents (in time of war)) that the whole uranium business was bogus. I keep hearing from Cheney that 7-11 was somehow due to Iraq and never admitting that every dollar that financed the attack and 18 of the people involved came from Saudi Arabia.