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Everything posted by kileyizzle

  1. lol yeah i've spoken to alot of guys and girls i'll call it research while researching i found out some of the following... dating to marry while useful in your plight to find your eternal companion wipes out a whole lot of amazing people... infact one person whom i spoke to said he wouldn't settle on dating anyone that didn't immediantly meet up to his standards... heres the thing; you got to make it work put in the effort man you can't expect to be like oh.. she's the one without any flaws. be realistic and heck have fun with it. if it doesn't work out you have a new buddy to hang with! lol i've been rejected 11 times this year; don't mean i'm gonna stop i'm aiming for 12 by the end of next week ahah
  2. lol oh i've asked out heaps of em.. some say yes and change their minds others just flat out no... 4 years of being single.. c'mon guys... sympathy date anyone?
  3. What is the churches veiws on elective cosmetic plastic surgery? I was just curious..
  4. I also wanted to add, something else as well, regaurding this issue. This was the straw that broke the camels back, basically... i've had a few issues, and i've spoken up about them frequently. I was raped three months after my baptisim, and thus again in september, the missionary that baptised me, encouraged me to talk to bishop about it. It took alot for me to do it, and was greeted with an "if" statement completely undermining what strength i had. I have had alot of nasty things occur during my time in that ward, when taken to the bishop i was told point blank " i can't make people like you " & shown the door. I have repeatdly spoken to bishop about the gossiping that occurs within the ward, & have even spoken in sacrement about turning the other cheek. I have a strong testimony of trials & adversity. I know that I AM a child of God. I know that i must put my heart & trust in him in order for me to go anywhere in this life. By me saying i'm unable to attend church, it's me saying that i just can't... keep having people do this to me... It sounds sooky, and childish but Every experience in life, everything with which i have come in contact with me, is like a chisel which has been cutting away at me, molding, modifying & shaping me to be what i am. Everyone i've met, Everything i've seen, heard felt & thought has had it's hand into me being unable to attend. The other girl involved in the situation has completely pulled away from the Gospel, so it's not only myself feeling it. She too has had the same issues with the same members & the bishop. So it's alot more than just this one set issue...
  5. I have been alienated, wrongly accused, harassed & bullied. I am a convert, not even two years. Yes i understand the concept of agency. But we are influnced frequently by other peoples actions, @ the end of the day we are the ones who make the choice. But if a person feels as though they have no support they will be unwilling to try. Like i am now. I am unable to go to church because of their actions. I have bipolar, anxiety & depression, this has literally broken me down to worse than before. bitten once twice shy... 17 years of abuse taught me that, and the actions of those people have reinforced & bought back alot of things. There has been more support here for me than anywhere else. I'm not saying it to play the victim i'm saying it because it is what it is.
  6. Hai Guys, Well i still haven't been able to go back to church yet and really am at a loss...
  7. right now it doesn't seem like everything will be okay...
  8. I don't think it's harsh and unsympathetic at all, infact it is the same attitude i wish my bishop and RS president exercised... The issue was, that a family that i was close with had been slowly pushing me away, i had attempted speaking to them about this numerous times. There was then a few nasty posts on FB which is when i deactivated my account to avoid the drama. At that stage i had several members harassing me in the familys defence saying basically that they are golden and haven't done anything wrong. The only thing i posted on her page was, " hai, i tried calling you yesturday but got voice mail, looks like i might be homeless speak to you soon " At this point of time somebody, actually the only person who did speak up for me sent an e-mail to the family. I don't know what was said, nor do i care. This was not between myself and the family but between her and them. It was at this inital stage that i recieved phone calls from the RS president stating that i knew what was written, that it is my responsibility to make my freind take it back and tha it's rubbish. I was accused of being homeless because i spent money on clothing and other luxarys. I was told that i am responsible for her actions, and that it is entirely my fault. Now this family had said nasty things to her, about her to anybody and anyone who listened, so she was well within her rights to say something. The ward it's self has had three baptisims over the last 2 years. 2 of them were me and her. It's a clicky enviroment and i've spoken to bishop MANY times about it, met with the response, " give it time " or " i don't have to make people like you " It makes a mockery of the church and everything it stands for, that this was taken to the RS president and Bishop, Even more dissapointing are their responses. The church should have never been involved, and the fact that the only person bearing the brunt of the whole thing is me, i have every right in the world to be angry. My narrative my be sarcastic but atleast it's honest.
  9. PHOTO SCAVENGER HUNT! makes everyone work together and allows the clicks to dissolve, also fun to see the end results, you can set it to a theme or not, or just have something completely random, as long as you keep it legal!
  10. Wow, thank you so much for sharing msqwerty! I too feel that Church is more of a High School than a place of worship. So often i've been fed the you don't go to church for the people but to strengthen your relationship with heavenly father. Truth. That is. But life was not intended to be played solo, it's a team sport. Basically the Bishop, RS President are aware of my current situation. They are also aware of my history of abuse, ( survived 17 years of physical, sexual abuse from family members ) , So they are both aware of my situation. I also have Bipolar, Anxiety and Depression. Angry and Hurt a little. But simply more frustrated that knowing the history i had that i was still treated the way i was. As both of these members have important callings they demand respect. Where was my respect when they hurled accusations and slander my way ? I love church. I love the Gospel. I will pray, i Will attempt to let go. Heavenly Father Knows that. But i truly feel that, being a convert, them knowing my history and what not ( Also pending the fact that i have to go into hospital shortly ) The ball truly is in their court this time, i'e done as much as i can w
  11. Thank You! All of you for your lovely responses! It really brought tears to my eyes, felt the spirit really strong seeing all the things you've written! It's really overwhelming to see that even if things right now aren't going so smoothly that there are people like all of you who responded taking the time, to really help people, from the bottom of my heart thank you so SO much. I didn't attend church, for two reasons today, 1> Because i felt extremely Ill, 2> To Avoid the dramas. I figured maybe a weeks break would do me some good, besides hadn't the energy to attend. I plan on putting myself and bishop on the prayer roster for the temple as well as the other partys involved this Wednesday. I was really close with all the members involved, so it's a shame that a personal dispute was having to be taken to church anyways, kinda like never had a family, so they were all i had, pending everything else that's occuring it really lifts my heart to see such empathy thank you so much xxx
  12. Turn to God :) And know that you are loved no matter what happens It's never fun to face your mortality true, but you have eternal life <3 Wishing you all the best big kisses cuddles and cheer up hugs Kiley xxx
  13. To be honest, there's a lot of pressure on all of us to graduate from YSA and to move on to the next daunting phase of our lives. Marrige. Some Jump at the idea, others... Jump out the window, never to be seen again. It's a tough feild to compete in, i can tell you this basically from the amount of failures i myself have endured since my baptisim. Which i have taken to keeping score inbetween the pages of my journals. If any of you do manage to stumble upon that, you will either laugh, or cry. The theory of dating well, " date to get married ". The reality of it all is, " I went out with him/her once, she seems cool but there's other fish in the sea " As frustrating as that is, we must not give up hope of finding and eternal companion. Having said that, it's not as easy to do. It's a war zone out there, between the beautifully groomed men all a splendor in appearence and the sweet charming women it's only natural that you doubt yourself at some stage. So how do you manage to keep up with it all. Well, a few tips. 1 ) Don't go looking for your eternal companion, this will prove not only frustrating, but put an enormous amount of pressure on who you may date in the present. Yes we are all encouraged to persue our romantic intrests, for most of us, it's part of the fun, And one of the most challenging things that Heavenly Father encourages us to do. Life is not a race. You will have your EC in this life, Or the next. There was something passed on to me through a preisthood blessing that i won't forget, because rejection, IS common. " It's your job to be ready for him when he comes, He is out there " Not the exact words but the general meaning of it is. If he/she isn't in your life right now, doesn't mean they won't be. Until then, work at things you want to do with the time Heavenly Father has given us. It could be something as simple as the following. - Read the B.O.M twice this year - Make new freinds - Fill in Journals - Run a marathon No, it does not have to be something HUGE because everything we do on a day to day basis is a lesson, everything we are given in this life, we use to our full potential. There is nothing wrong with sitting at home eagerly cracking the binder of a new novel your excited about! There is always going to be something to enrich your life, even if your not currenlty dating someone, or with somebody. 2 ) Being Too Picky? It's okay to have standards, they are pounded into us as youngsters so it's impossible not to. Having said that, while your not to settle for anything more or less than what you desire, try hard not to write people off. We are all aiming to graduate from YSA, but there are alot of people who don't feel like they fit in, or belong. This does not directly relate to dating it's self, but more of what Heavenly Father commands us. He commands that we love each other. Sure the girls and guys are not your cup of tea, that's fine! But they could be somebody worth knowing, we grow not only in our own experiences but in others as well. You might even meet your EC through "those" people? Anything is possible. 3 ) " i'm too fat, not pretty enough " " There's something wrong with me " We all hit the low point where the above phrases are more like chants that run underneath our reflections in the mirrors, that resonate in the back of our minds while we wander around the supermarket contemplating the comfart food that will ease the pain. Never forget that YOU are a child of god, YOu were made in HIS image. These are thoughts that need to be crushed, and quickly, It will only cause you more harm than good. Even if the "potential " person isn't intrested, it's a learning curve. Nothing is WRONG with you or them at all. You can't light a fire with a wet match, remember that and save yourself from a RSVP-ing a pity party you didn't want to attend anyway. Basically, CHIN UP! Having fun is a huge majority of it, we're young, beautiful and have so much potential! Convert, or Life Member, we all go through the same. We all hit the same point. Turn to Heavenly Father, Pray, we all know what we are to do.
  14. No worries at all :) Just remember that your never alone, the Church has nothing against Mental Illness, and that the gospel is your salvation Much Love xxx
  15. Hai :) i'm 22, i have bipolar, anxiety and depression so what i say comes from personal exp. The church, was at first very supportive, but it's very difficult for people from anywhere to accept mental illness at all. It's very difficult for them to recognise the highs and the lows, personally, being baptised was the best thing i ever did, because even in the dire times when it feels like your alone, you can always turn to God. My Bishop had busted me self harming in his office when we had just spoken about my testimony, the response was amazing, they were kind and considerete, even took me to the hospital to get fixed up. There are alot more people in the church that have mental illness's that seem to be ashamed of it, don't be, God loves you regaurdless of what "flaws" you may have. There will always be that kind of Taboo nature about mental illness, my advice be forth coming when people ask, or are curious. The Church is always True. The Gospel is your salvation. The people, need a little more work mostly, it's because alot of them don't understand it, or feel that it's something that should be swept under the rug. They do offer services through the LDS that you can speak to about your illness, so they have that aspect covered. But basically we are human, and people fear what they don't know or understand.
  16. YES! and often. I have alot of converts and members ask me questions about it, but not in the dirty way, it's more a curiousity i feel. Basically it's present everywhere, sex is in music, clothing, media, games etc etc It's a healthy curiosity, as long as they ask questions but don't do it and continue to live the Gospel it's fine. I personally don't think it's any sort of issue. Just a natural curiousity :)
  17. Nah, i don't know my home teachers are. I've been told to swallow my pride and just agree with what they have been saying. But i have respect for myself and i won't do it. I am a Convert, and a little well, completely disgusted over what has occured. Fact of the matter is, my faith is based on the gospel, the gospel is my salvation, it is dependent on God, not the people. I've prayed about it with a willing heart, and the intent of attempting to patch up the burnt bridges so to speak. Usually i'm fairly easy going about this kinda stuff, but when i am being personally called, and held responsible for something i did not do, let alone have a chance to defend myself against the onslaught of accusations, seems a little unjustified to just agree with them and let bygones be bygones. It just doesn't seem right that i have to be the one to confrom when i attempted to make the effort already ya know?
  18. I took an Eternal Marrige Class! Oh yeah. Still Single. Basically. Dating, yup. There is a real stigma about it though, i've noticed. Members prefer to date members.
  19. Hai Hunni! First of all, we all feel that way! < At Some Stage > most of us hit that pity party stage of "OH MY GOSH, i'm -insert age here- i'm going to die alone! " I'm gonna pass on to you some wisdom that i received through a blessing, basically he said, it's your job right now, to get ready for him, to be ready when he shows his face. It may seem like everyone is paired off, and it is tough breaking through the groups, BUT having said that, get yourself out there, as much as you can! Attend Instiute, Grab hold of your YSA Rep, and get your cute little butt to as many activites as you can... Find a few Ysa, and hook in, make new freinds and concentrate on that rather than finding your EC. Don't rush yourself because he IS out there! Keep strong in the Gospel, and Relax! Your time will come <3
  20. The above title, is what my bishop said before hanging up on me. Here's the fascinating backstory. I am a convert, still relatively green, (YSA Rep for my ward), I haven't even hit the two year mark yet, so i'm struggling coming to terms with the Gospel let alone the people. The issue at hand? There was a personal dispute between myself and another member of the same ward, i repeatdly approached this person both in person, and via e-mail to discuss the issue at hand. Until it was launched all over Facebook for the entire world to see. At this point, I deactivated my FB account and opened a new one, disregaurding the course of action that had occured. My freind, also a convert wrote an aggressive E-mail to the member, i am unaware of what the e-mail says, nor do i care, it's not for me to know about it's between herself and the member. For three days, I've had the relief society president of my ward, call and harass me. There is no other way to describe what she has been doing. Basically i needed help concerning health issues which concerned the Bishop. ( i'm about to become homeless and am being tested for cancer ) The RS president, has accused me of things i have not done, apparently i have control over my freinds agency, and am slandering the member in question. I also know what was written and it's my responsiblity to ensure she does not speak like that. I attempted to inform her that i did not know, which is when she replied " i don't have to listen to this rubbish " and hung up on me. Brillant, she is a temple worker too. Pfffft. After the third day of this i approached my bishop, and was greeted with this loving response. "Don't complain to me" followed by him hanging up as well. I'm sorry but this is not right, correct? Who do i talk to about this issue? Considering that the Bishop and the RS are the people i would of usually gone too?
  21. welcome aboard! we are a intresting bunch aren't we! it's awesome to see lol it's so hard writing books and plotting it all out, i'm not one to sit in one place for long so it takes ALOT for me to get it down but it's cool we have a fair few writers among us aye! sorry to hear about your divorce lovely, rest assured things will get better :)