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Everything posted by justaname

  1. Do women with "hot" bodies and perfect faces get asked out more than those that are overweight? Wingnut is right. . . the answer is yes. Im a guy, and I asked out my wife because she was gorgeous. She could grace the cover of SI's swimsuit edition. (At least I think so) It was the initial attraction that made me want to ask her out. But here is the thing . . . we didnt get married because she was hot and i was hot. Im a 4 out of 10 at best. Im short, too skinny, and my head appears to balance on a toothpick. I have no business being with my wife, but as we continued dating she saw something else in me that no one else had. And while Im still crazily attracted to her, I love her more for the way she cackles, how she cries at commercials, how she sometimes acts more like a young woman rather than their leader, and for how she has overcome major trials to become the spiritual strength in our home. Most people are somewhat shallow at first, though I wish I could say otherwise. Just be yourself, try to make the best of all your activities, and someone will fall in love with you. It worked for my homely self!
  2. I didnt want to hijack the other thread so I thought Id start a new one. Sorry for any redundancy. Ive never been one to believe in "ghosts". Maybe its because most of the stories I hear about them, or about paranormal activity usually comes from some kind of nut job. I hear people talking about inviting bad spirits or some place being haunted and I just cant buy into it. Honestly, I dont really know much about it. I believe in the power that Satan has, but know nothing of its limits. At the same time, I also dont know what to think about stories about ancestors coming back to comfort their kin, or stories of "guardian angels". I have never had experiences with anything like this, and each time I hear of people telling stories like this, I have no once felt any spiritual influence or calmness about these stories. I want to know more about this stuff. The "administering of angels" is something I know very little about and I want to know more. To summarize, here are the specifics of what Id like to know: 1. Are there such thing as "ghosts"? If so, what purposes do they serve and from where do the come? Have they ever had a body? 2. In what forms can Satan's angels or servants appear? How would you know them? 3. If one is striving to stay close to the Lord, is there any reason to fear such beings? 4. What is the doctrine behind the administering of angels? 5. In what form would an angel appear? 6. Why would we need a "guardian angel" if we have received the Gift of the Holy Ghost? If there are "guardian angels", who are they? Have they, or will they have bodies? 7. What dangers does one risk not believing in angels and evil spirits? Thanks for any input!
  3. Anyone would recognize that we should follow the Savior's example by seeing people for their intrinsic value rather than their outward appearance. I often wonder about this though, when we specifically are instructed to appear a certain way to the outside world. Missionaries have extremely strict guidelines about their appearance, as do the GA's, and priesthood leaders. I was recently asked to shave my face by a member of the stake pres. when a certain calling was extended to me. I know this topic isnt entirely relevant to the issue of breast augmentation, but I do think we should recognize that we do in fact judge people by their appearance within our own walls.
  4. Good point Hordak. Ive had some elective surgery before that made a pretty significant difference in my life. I was the target for many jokes and rude comments before because my ears were bigger than what was considered normal. My self esteem was super low in high school because of the ridicule. It got to the point that if someone said anything about my appearance, a fight was going to break out. I didnt ask one girl out in high school because of how self conscious I was. After I graduated, I was finally able to get them "fixed". I was able to be myself because I finally felt like my ears were not the focus of everyone's attention. I finally broke out of my shell and I was loving it. I have never considered my elective surgery as anything close to something that is morally right or wrong. It definitely changed a lot about me. For some reason, probably because breasts are more sexual, having a breast augmentation seems to be so much more controversial than other elective surgeries. Whispers of women being slutty, vain, or worldly usually follow these women around. Sure, there is a chance that some women do it for wrong reasons, but I think most of them do it for similar reasons that I had my surgery done. . . just to feel normal. I can count 12 women that have had augmentations between the last two wards I have been a part of. (Its weird how many women have told my wife after she had hers done that they too have them). Of those 12, I can only place one of them as someone who has flaunted and showcased them to attract attention to themselves. For the rest, they all dress completely modest, are great mothers, wives, and members of the church.
  5. First of all, I would ignore all the insinuating statements about this guy's character. No one here knows him and no one is in a position to judge him based off a couple of lines you wrote about him. Just abide by your honor code, encourage him to do the same, and MAKE SURE you dont repeat your past mistake. In regards to whether or not you should tell him about your past? As someone who is married to someone with a rocky past, I would suggest you leave your past to yourself. If he blatantly asks you about your sexual history, I would be both honest with him while also sheltering both of you from details about anything. When/if that question comes up, try just telling him that you have made a mistake which you regret, but have wholly repented and have been forgiven for those mistakes and would rather not relive those mistakes by discussing details. If he ditches you, then you are only saving yourself from later challenges. Its taken a lot of hard work to recognize that my wife's past has no relevance on our marriage.
  6. It seems the biggest issue is about vanity, do you all feel the same way about a nose job, or someone having their ears pinned back or other superficial surgeries? (Gwen, thanks for posting the link to the other thread. I know this is somewhat repetitive, but there may always be a new perspective from a newer member.) My wife has implants. We have children. The implants were paid for in cash. It has boosted her self esteem. Her self esteem wasnt poor to begin with and did not revolve around her breasts. After having children and losing most of what little she had, she no longer felt like a woman when she looked at her body. I think that is her choice and her's alone. I did not participate in the "shopping". I told her that I was cool with it so long as she didnt look like a side show. She is happy, and therefore I am happy. She looks and acts modest and is a great and righteous woman.
  7. You are completely missing the point. And btw, thank you for comparing me to such characters. Feel free to call me the antichrist too. Im not stating that God cannot, will not, or does not answer prayers. I have a deep testimony that He does talk to man and reveals many truths to those who earnestly ask. There are several examples in the scriptures that state that the heavens were opened certain individuals, like Nephi and Lehi. There is obviously a reason that certain truths have not been revealed to us, and a good chance that they will not be revealed to us in this lifetime. I believe that this question is one of them. It is not a matter of "either He can or cannot communicate to man". That is far to simple. You know that. As strange as it sounds, some prayers are answered, by not being answered. Some prayers may be answered partially. This has turned into nothing more than a battle of wills, so Ill sign off.
  8. Fair response. I understand the desire to learn and perhaps I was hasty in my choice of words. I suppose from my perspective, there is no man on this earth that knows the answer to such questions. When you posed these questions, like this one, are you really expecting a stranger or a 19 year old missionary to give you the answer? Do you think that someone here knows? Suppose someone in this forum, or a missionary told you that God was indeed a son of another god, and he the son of another etc etc. That He was in fact a guy named Bill that live several trillion years ago on some other planet of gods and he has lots of brother gods and uncle gods. Would you stop and say to yourself, "sweet, I now know that the Mormon church is a)totally true or b)totally insane. I now am ready to start trying my hardest to be good so I can be a god too." Why is this question vital to your salvation? I dont think its necessarily wrong to ask the question, because of course the question is tantalizing. But for one to actually think that a straight, DIRECT answer to that question is going to be answered doesnt make any sense. And for one to whom the question is posed, what is wrong with simply saying, "I cant answer that because I do not know"? Even further, if you found out that god was indeed descended from other gods, you are still left with the same question you started with. . . who did they descend from? If God is the first, the only, and last God, you still still have the question of how did he become. Do you see what Im saying? The question will simply not ever be answered here. It does not need to be.
  9. The question about the Book of Mormon would be a good topic on its own. Go post it. Obviously I do care about the topic, though differently than others, and therefor I am adding to the perspective and insight. Am I not free to do that?
  10. After reading the thread about being modest if you are well endowed, it made me wonder what some of you think of women who get breast implants. Lets say the purpose behind getting the implants is for any reason other than reconstructive surgery or post mastectomy stuff. The woman/sister could be either single or married civilly or in the temple. Any issues with this? Do you think that they should just recognize that 'things' change and accept themselves as they are? I know several women, most of them temple married, that have chosen to have it done. Most of them are pretty discrete about it, but with most you can tell that some work was done. Most of the time rumors start spreading and there tends to be some backbiting or assumptions made about the woman. Lets hear your thoughts.
  11. I believe that God has revealed enough on each of the questions that have been posed to satisfy our knowledge requirement for the purpose of our mortal existence. Why waste time on other matters when we can't learn to love our neighbors, do our home teaching, forgive one another, ask for forgiveness, exercise faith, pay tithing, set a good example, be slow to anger. . . etc, etc, etc. (Here is the part where everyone thinks to themselves, "Oh, I do those things already". Obviously this guy and I are on different levels.") Ought we not recognize that we need to get back to basics? Isnt that why the FP asked us to study Gospel Principles this year? If you all have mastered these subjects, then by all means go ponder on whether or not Adam had a belly-button, whether Lilith preceded Eve, whether the flood covered the whole earth or just part of it, or the specifics of Christ's conception. Maybe we can even speculate on the date and time of Christ's second coming!
  12. That is not the same question. We know enough about God already. He is a personage of flesh and blood, he is our Father, and we were created in his image. We know we can become like him if we are obedient. Every endowed member could go on and on about his nature and his relevance to us. Those things are important and what we should be pondering on. Whether or not we have a Grandpa god or Uncle god is a silly, irrelevant question.
  13. The answer of "no" is just as helpful as every other "answer" that is going to be provided by anyone here. None of them are helpful as no one here as any insight to this question. Its silly.
  14. Sooo true. Of course we are all in different places along the stretch of "line upon line" learning. I find it EXTREMELY difficult to believe that anyone is so far down this line that God would reveal the truth of such matters to anyone here in this life. Call me a simpleton, but all the pondering, praying, and meditating on such silly questions is never going to get THE answer. In all likelihood, God will tell you, "You are on a need to know basis, and you dont need to know."
  15. Which is sillier. . . The fact that someone thinks someone here can answer questions like this, or the fact that some people here think it can be answered?
  16. Great post! One of the best pieces of advice Ive seen in this forum.
  17. Im curious and would like to put your comments about temples and receiving answers prayers in the right perspective here. When asked how often people attend the temple, your answer was "none". I dont know if that answer means you have never been, you choose not to go, or perhaps you are not worthy to go. Maybe that is irrelevant. You are correct in stating that the purpose of temples is to perform ordinances for yourself or for the dead. But the temple is also the house of the Lord, and a place where one can become closer to God. It is not a place that serves ONLY as a location for ordinance work. You do not have to perform an ordinance to enter the celestial room. There are other rooms there that serve as instructional or meeting rooms. No ordinances are performed in these rooms. I believe your high councilman is correct in his statement.
  18. Im curious. How old is this girl? Has she dated other people?
  19. I hate to break it to you man, but its pretty rare for a girl to wait for a missionary. I had lots of comps with gf's waiting, and none of them ended up getting married. In fact, one of my greenies was totally obsessed with his gf. They wrote all the time and he constantly received pictures and letters from her. She was quite the looker too. He showed off the pictures all the time to each of us in the apartment. Turns out one of our roommates was getting ready to go home and decided to look her up when he got home. Yep, they got engaged a couple of months later. My greenie was crushed. A couple of years ago my old comp was in town and paid me a visit with his wife. He was in his late 20's, married and was called as a bishop in his ward. He is super happy and loving life. Go serve your mission. Work your butt off. Go tracting when its raining and all will be well. If you get home and your gf is still waiting, then make the best of it. If you get married, treat her like a queen every day, honor your priesthood and take her to the temple. Eventually her folks will come around. If you do all of this and her folks still hold a grudge against you, then what are you left with? The answer is a great marriage, a lovely wife and a good life. What else is there?
  20. Maybe you should stop seeing each other while he has broken limbs.
  21. Im heading to a session tonight with the wife. Its been a while and we dont go as often as we should. We probably only make it out 3-4 times a year. How often are you all able to get out? (Weddings dont count!)
  22. How old were you when you went back to school marshac? Ive thought a lot about trying to do med school, but I think Im getting a bit old.
  23. This is great stuff man. Let me help you out a little bit. You could have helped yourself by actually reading the OP, but its apparent you didnt. Here are my questions: What are the motives behind writing these books? Are they attempting to make a dollar, supplement the scriptures, or are (they) so pure that they are simply trying to make the world a better place? Im also curious as to find out when our prophets started writing books for profit. Or do they? Is it really that difficult to see that my questions are in no way related to making an accusation? Is it really that difficult to understand that many of the responses to these questions have not been helpful but give the impression that its not ok to ask questions? This was definitely not the type of response I expected. I have to wonder if you guys are like this in real life. "Let me provide another example of disconnecting gradually and physically from things as they really are. Today a person can enter into a virtual world, such as Second Life, and assume a new identity. An individual can create an avatar, or a cyberspace persona, that conforms to his or her own appearance and behavior. Or a person can concoct a counterfeit identity that does not correlate in any way to things as they really are. However closely the assumed new identity approximates the individual, such behavior is the essence of things as they really are not." I hope not.
  24. This is interesting stuff. I never thought that asking questions would lead to accusations of declaring our leaders of having committed priestcraft. Nice stretch there Wing. I remember encouraging people to ask questions about the church, to research, study and pray about things. I never thought that there was such a thing as a question that was off limits or inappropriate. I still dont. Obviously some of you arent ok with raising a concern or asking a question. In response to my questions and concerns, I got some great information from those of you who genuinely tried to answer it. From those posts, I actually feel my concern was resolved. So thank you! From others, I got comments that were offensive and belittled the question. What is interesting is the fact that those comments that were actually helpful came from members who have relatively few posts. Those that were argumentative, negative, and offensive seemed to come from the regulars here with thousands of posts. Interesting stuff.
  25. Good point when it comes to curbing involvement in discussion forums. If you do a little math, you can see that there are some contributors to this forum that post from 14-25 times a day. Are they contributing, or deteriorating?