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Everything posted by KCGrant

  1. KCGrant

    Fahrenheit 451

    I think Bradbury's book was very 'prophetic' as far as his images of the future. I shudder to think he might have introduced the first Reality TV show in his book! Another great read along this line is Ayn Rand's Anthem
  2. I tried three times as well, all with different responses. I wonder if it's totally random... I'd rather just write like me!
  3. Some great advice has been given so far and I'll 'ditto' most of it. The LDS market is small and the parameters you have to work in as far as content are tighter than most. As far as publishing, I guess it depends on what your goals are. Do you need to be "published" to be content with your work? Or do you just want to find a broad audience to share it with? E-publishing can definitely fulfill the latter, though many authors (including myself!) like the perks that come when you can say you have a published book. It's good to decide now, before your work is finished, what you want because that can guide you as you write. Also, if you want an actual book to hold you're going to have to learn more about the business. Attend writer's conferences, pick up recommended books. They'll tell you about getting agents and querying publishers, writing your synopsis (very important!) and hone your skills as a writer. Good luck in pursuing your dream!
  4. There's no reason you have to go along with the pack--read what you like and like what you like!
  5. Thanks--those are really good. It's interesting how many first lines have become so popular that they're dead giveaways as to the titel now.
  6. I have to admit I felt the same way about it. When something is THAT hyped up, it really lifts your expectations--to where you feel like you'll be reading the next Great American Novel. I've decided to put it aside and read it later. Much later. Maybe then I'll be able to see it with a different eye.
  7. Hi, We're going to be playing a lot of games at my next writer's group meeting and so I thought it would be fun to put down first lines from books and have people match them up to the title. Anyone have a favorite?
  8. Thanks for the info--as an LDS author, it's enlightening!
  9. I think both should be considered, though I suppose I was specifically asking for LDS-themed works. There's been a shift in the last several years to where there are a handful of LDS authors working in the mainstream: Orson Scott Card, Dave Wolverton, James Dashner, Shannon Hale...lest we forget Stephanie Meyer...even Rachel Ann Nunes has a book that's not "LDS" related but is published by an LDS publisher. So it could be that there is some branching off to where LDS publishers recognize the need for fiction that doesn't try and 'preach' or 'convert' but that still represents our values, however. Maybe that's part of the future of LDS fiction. Enjoying everyone's comments!
  10. Thanks everyone--this is very enlightening. Keep it coming! The Association for Mormon Literature is a review group that deals with the production and study of Mormon litereature. Visit them at Association for Mormon Letters
  11. Hello, I'm going to be on a panel of LDS authors for the Utah Library Association conference down in St. George in a few weeks. Our focus is going to be the future of LDS literature. So, I'd like to hear what you think: Is LDS literature improving? Is it stagnant? Do you feel there's a legitimate market for it? Does it have anything new to offer? I'd appreciate your comments...
  12. The problem is it doesn't matter if members of the church take him seriously--we're not his audience.
  13. I'm sorry--I wish they'd put my book on Kindle, but my publisher isn't into that yet.
  14. That's OK. I'll get us back on track. Someone asked about websites. Most of them are big enough to google, but here's the one's I've got: LDSStorymakers.com (LDS writers) Luwriters.org (league of Utah writers) utahrwa.com (utah romance writers) ltue.org (sci fi) Hope you find something you like!
  15. Bienvenidos-- I served a Spanish-speaking mission WAYYY back in '91 and I also studied at a local college in Morelia, Michoacan. So welcome y mucho gusto conocerle.
  16. They're one of the best. The options for breakout classes are exceptional and varied and they have a 'boot camp' in the morning where you can edit your writing in a small group with a seasoned author.
  17. I just finished Hunger Games. It was fascinating! I'm anxious for the next, when I have the time I'll get started.
  18. Hello everyone, Sorry I've been absent from the board--I'm still trying to figure out how to market, promote and write books while still being a wife and mom. Not to mention that I belong to several writers' groups. I wanted to suggest that anyone who is interested in being a writer should look for groups in their area. Many will hold writers' conferences that you can attend even if you don't join. For those of you in Utah like me, check out: League of Utah Writers: annual conference in September (all genres) LDSStorymakers: annual conference in April (LDS market) Writing on the Wall: annual conference in February (sci-fi) Utah Christian Writers: conference in September Utah Romance writers: Heart of the West October conference
  19. I'm excited the church is investing in an update for the Ogden Temple! That part of the city has been changing rapidly and it will be good to see the temple and temple grounds catching up to that progress. K.C. Grant author of Abish: Daughter of God
  20. I had a very nice review of my book "Abish: Daughter of God: in the LDS-based magazine Meridian Here's the link if anyone's interested: Meridian Magazine :: Books: LDS Fiction Features Sleuths and Special Agents
  21. My husband and I recently visited Vancouver. It was a beautiful city--unlike any I'd seen before. We even stopped by and saw the temple which is being built.