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Everything posted by carlimac

  1. One of my 40ish LDS acquaintances posted on Instagram, “I stand with the LGBTQs at BYU”. What does that mean? Do you sanction everything they do? Do you think they are totally helpless to control that aspect of their lives so they should have the freedom to be “authentic” at BYU? Another friend with a gay son feels the same. So how do you reconcile that with church doctrine and frankly, with nature. I myself also stand with LGBTQ at BYU. I stand with their confusion, loneliness, the rejection they may feel from family, friends and maybe even church leaders. I stand with them as they face whatever made them that way. Abuse, dysfunctional relationships? In some cases they may have been born that way. I remember a baby with ambiguous genitalia at the hospital I worked at. Hopefully the surgeons that fixed the problem got it right but back then it was more of a crap shoot. I stand with the underdog and anyone who feels different from the majority. I feel compassion. I want to hug them and soften their pain. But we all have to decide where that line is when we’re standing lest they get they idea that standing WITH them means standing FOR them and condoning all that they want. Some parental emotions and midlife wokeness take people way farther over that line than is good for them or the kids they are standing with. It can be a pretty fuzzy line and can cause even more hurt and confusion!
  2. I watched these today, too. It’s certainly creepy and the makings of a mystery novel. And the body count...😱. I pray those kids aren’t part of it.
  3. Nothing is said about children with gender dysphoria. They definitely need to be helped/listened to/loved but possibly distracted till it passes. Which it does most of the time.
  4. Oops. Feather didn’t say that. I did. Don’t know how that happened or how to fix it. But I was trying to respond to the same quote Grunt posted.
  5. The Big Ugly of this is far from over. There will be gay couples called in for kissing or making out in public and they will get their panties in a bunch and file lawsuits over it and sue the school and church and the whole crew of this hormonal, emotional, high strung BYU cruise ship from the First presidency down to this clown of a professor will get a back eye. I would bet on it. At BYU things need to be spelled out. Dresses this long, No facial hair unless there are skin issues, no bellies showing, no spaghetti straps,etc etc etc!! Many students are mature and sensible and realize you just can't play with sparks in a dry field without there being significant danger. They will respectfully hold off on PDA on campus. But many are barely out of childhood and will push the limits like a feckless spoiled kid until mommy and daddy come bail them out. After a day and a half of conversations with the mom of a gay kid, I'm so tired of the whining and tantrums. Some parents are worse than the kids themselves and no wonder there are identity and maturity problems. I know that sounds harsh but I really haven't had any reasonable and smart discussions with people from this crowd. State the obvous to them, such as yes you can get married and even adopt kids, but those kids will never experience having a mother (or father) in their home. That's a disadvantage for those kids right out of the gate. Doesn't matter to the gays getting married. It's all about "me, me, me!" And sometimes their parents are snootier than snoot! But...the Lord loves them just as much as he loves me. I need to remember that. sigh!!
  6. I remember a few talks by President Hinckley where he told the General church membership that we were good people striving to do our best. I felt so much more motivated by that than almost any other General Conference talk.
  7. Finally!!
  8. This makes God the Father seem like a being with no emotions except happy ones. Loving and benevolent ones. different from the angry, disappointed, and vengeful God sometimes described in the scriptures. I wonder if this view of God would give a pass to people who commit dumb preventable sins. “Since God is always loving I can do anything I want and still be OK in his eyes. I’ll still make it to heaven no matter what I do.” Thoughts?
  9. The woman I was talking to, mother of a gay son and great ally to LGBT, etc., and in her words, “liberal Democrat” was very upset by the wording on transgenders and says it leaves them no choice but to leave the church. 🤷‍♀️
  10. I’m not going to go shove that in her face. If it brings her any amount of comfort to believe he was born that way then I’ll leave her to it. She believes a bunch of crazy but harmless stuff and I’m not going to change her mind. So I’ll just let it go.
  11. Just a quick question. Has the Church ever made the declaration that gays are “born that way”? I’ve been having a conversation with a friend- the mom of a gay guy and she says that’s what the Church has finally admitted. I don’t think they have. Anyone know for sure?
  12. It’s a terribly overused word right now. And it’s used to denigrate someone who has opposing opinions than oneself. Ugh! I hate it. Literally!
  13. Harry Reid got plenty of pushback! ( I don't like that word "hate" because that isn't what it is really.) He's just been out of the picture long enough that we've forgotten. I think we have held higher expectations for Mitt because he acts and talks like an LDS Repubican...till he doesn't. Then it feels more like a betrayal.
  14. I don’t think so. It explains what was going on with Trump’s phone call with Zelinzki.
  15. Just watched a Blaze TV about the missing money sent to Ukraine to prop up their banks. Mind blowing!! I recommend y’all watch it. The house and MSM has spun a narrative that had nothing to do with what really happened.
  16. I don’t think it’s that simple. I personally can’t explain it because all the details boggle my aging, forgetful mind. But I’ve heard talk of very logical reasons why there were no witnesses called. There! That was helpful wasn’t it!
  17. Maybe he’s planning to ditch the Republican Party and run for Pres as a Dem. 🤷‍♀️
  18. I'm skeptical, mostly because so many liberal Trump haters are gushing over it. It just doesn't feel right. And I'm no Trump lover. He drives me crazy. If I didn't have to hear his voice, his State of the Union address was great. Our country does seem to be in better shape than it has been for awhile. Got to give him credit for stirring things up. But his narcissistic, taking credit for everything, schoolboy pouting and constantly flinging insults and barbs at his enemies are nauseating. I'm just not convinced that what he did with the phone call was impeachable. So Romney's somewhat timid and so very very safe "breaking with ranks" doesn't impress me. He may be burned at the stake so to speak but ironically, it will be by those who voted him in. But it seems his actions assure him a spot with the "Moral Majority" in the Democratic party. (sarcasm on) so he doesn't have to worry. For this and a few other things, I'm glad I'm not a Utah resident right now.
  19. I really liked him but knew he wouldn’t win POTUS when I went to vote.Well I didn’t “know” but had a strong impression. It was good for him to run but it wouldn’t have been good for the church if he were president. Since then I’ve been sort of “meh” about his political moves. (I do like his wife though. She’s doing awesome things in the realm of neuro research and healthcare.) Go Ann! In the last 24-48 hours there has been a huge flip flop among my friends. Those who voted for him for senate now despise him. Those who couldn’t bring themselves to vote for him are now practically drooling at his feet. It’s a little sickening. And they were the ones criticizing him for flip-flopping. 🤔 My uneducated observation is that he simply saw things differently than the rest of the clan. Came to a different conclusion. But I can hardly call his one “guilty” vote heroic when he knew it wouldn’t actually oust Trump. His vote didn’t make any difference in the outcome. Would he still have voted guilty if his had been the deciding vote? I don’t like to judge. But it kinda looks like he just did this to ingratiate himself with his enemies. I don’t know. He seemed sincere. But it’s no secret he has never liked Trump, has been very vocal about what a scum bag he thinks Trump is. So... was this really such an honorable and brave thing he did? 🤷‍♀️ My opinion of him went up a notch but then down two notches as I evaluated the scenario.