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Everything posted by yorkiebeebs

  1. I don't think shows like this will help the image of the church. People don't distinguish between the LDS Church and these. It will just confirm to everyone who already dislike the LDS Church that it is a weird cult.
  2. There seems to be a campaign to spread misinformation about the LDS Church. It's usually from organized, very angry former members. Satan wouldn't waste his time on a church that isn't saving souls. That's a good sign. I think the more visible the real LDS Church is the less power the hate mongrels will have.
  3. Very interesting and fun to read. Keep the stories coming.
  4. Maybe I don't need to open them up then. I have other bags of beans and rice to store and now I'm a little afraid to do it. I have all the supplies but it would be a bummer to spend all the money and find out that they were not done correctly. I found out that our group is scheduled at the cannery on the Oct 25th and I plan to can as much as I can afford. I keep trying to get to the cannery on the one day of the week that it's open to the public to purchase but it doesn't seem to work out.
  5. I'm trying to store them in an amount that are available for use when I want them for soup or some other dish and also for long term storage. Since I can't find an affordable vacuum sealer that works with mylar bags, I am going to open all of my bags. I will put two oxygen absorbers in them instead of one and seal them up and stop worrying about them. The crazy thing is that these are good oxygen absorbers and one is supposed to go in the gal can. My bags are cut down to a size that holds only two cups. One of these oxygen absorbers should be more than enough. I am a little ocd when it comes to something like this and it really bothers me when I can't make things happen the way I think it should.
  6. I think we all have to much time on our hands. God will be God and I'm not Him.
  7. No but I'm getting close! I was raised by parents who were from very strict churches. My dad was raised with a Quaker background and my mom was raised in a very strict pentecostal church. No short sleeves, nothing above the knee, no makeup, we couldn't date until we were 16yr old...etc, you get the idea. My parents had 12 children (3 boys and 9 girls) and all of my growing up years I was asked if I was Catholic or Mormon. They compromised and raised us in the Presbyterian Church. So I guess in our values and dress, etc I was raised in a similiar home. We didn't have family home evening but on Sunday we did nothing except church. Nothing! I guess I have very familiar feelings when I research the lifestyle of the LDS Church and the teachings are very comforting to me. They just seem to make sense to me. So I continue on and one day Heavenly Father will make everything come together for me. Thank you so much for allowing me to be here. I feel very comfortable when I'm here.
  8. I keep coming back to this thread and telling myself to keep my mouth shut on this one but really... If my son or daughter came up and told me that they were sleeping with their boyfriend every night but not to worry because they don't do anything...well I would have a good laugh for sure. If by any chance (a very slim chance) that it is correct then I wouldn't recommend that they marry. Something is definitely wrong with the hormones in the guy. This whole idea is crazy to me and I would have a real problem with a bishop who would go along with it. If nothing else, it is a very bad witness to the teenagers or for single adults in the church not to mention what nonLDS Christians would think of what the LDS church is all about. I was raised with the teaching that you avoid occasions of sin and that is definitely an occasion of sin. Wow! I could go on and on. This is such a no brainer to me that I can't even imagine there being a question as to should I do this or not. Sorry if I have offended anyone but really, come on now....
  9. I completely agree. People need to be discreet. I don't think it's necessary to tell anyone when you choose to do something so personal.
  10. I find your posts very informative and interesting. You sound very knowledgeable about the customs and rules. How long have you been living there?
  11. I'm assuming that if you are married and want to be sealed or married in the Temple that you can. Am I correct?
  12. Counseling, counseling, counseling! There are alot of questions that come to my mind when I read your posts. You and your husband remind me so much of my son and his wife. These were the biggest things that brought them to this point. They are 23 & 25 yr old and both the youngest in their families. Both very immature. Heavily indebt (this is a BIG one) A good counselor can find out what is bringing this behavior and help you both to learn communication skills and understand what is really going on. Everyone knows the buttons to push with their spouse. You need to learn to restrain from pushing them and he needs to learn to walk away and not respond when it happens. If you have financial stress it can really cause a negative atmosphere and bring on bad behavior. A good counselor can help you find ways to reduce your debt and relieve stress. If you treat him like you treated him when you were dating and early in your relationship eventually he will respond. He sounds very angry and there are probably reasons for that. It's hard to be mad and hurtful when someone is being loving to you. Like I've said before, I believe that love is a choice. You can choose to respond in a loving way and say kind things. I think most people respond to that. Your husband should consider anger counseling to help him learn proper responses when he gets angry. It sounds like you both have things to work on.
  13. I hear much about the garments that you wear but I've never seen them. Are the womens garments feminine? Somehow I've always had an image that isn't very flattering with no sex appeal. I know that isn't the focus but married couples do have to keep the interest of their spouse especially since you wear them almost all of the time. If this is to personal or offensive, please accept my apology. Where else can I ask such a question.
  14. He went to the Bishop and confessed and was excommunicated. During the years his friends from the church have approached him to return to the church but so far he has not. The man my friend married a couple of years later is not LDS but attends church with her. He was active in the Temple and everything right up to the point that he confessed to the Bishop and this affair had been going on for at least a few months. I guess it's just something that I've always wondered about but never had anyone to ask the question.
  15. My friend is LDS and years ago her husband and father of her 9 kids left her for another woman. They had been sealed in the Temple and he was a leader in the church. From the outside they looked like the perfect family. Obviously she was devastated when this happened. I've wondered through the years, what happens after they die? They were sealed together. If he were to come back to the church would they still be sealed? They both have remarried but when they die (if he is back in the church) will they be together? I know these sound like crazy questions but it's hard to understand some of these teachings. It's so nice to be in a friendly environment and be able to ask the questions. Thank you in advance.
  16. When I read your post I thought of what I'm going through with my son and his wife. Things were as bad as you are describing or possibily worse. She moved out and was planning her next move. As far as she was concerned the marriage was over. I called around and found a good counselor and made them an appointment for marriage counseling. I told them and the counselor that I would pay for it for as long as it takes. They go once a week. At first his wife wouldn't even consider going to the counseling sessions. My son was committed to go with or without her. After a couple of sessions alone my son's wife decided to go also. The counseling started a couple of months ago and now they are doing really well. There were two or three different weeks that things were so bad that they stayed 3hrs with the counselor (they were the last appointment of the day). They are really working with the counselor and things are good. I may have to pay for counseling for the rest of my life but if that's what it takes for a happy relationship and family then I'm grateful to be able to do it. The reason I'm telling you this is to tell you that there is hope if there is even a tiny bit of desire or love there. I believe that love is a choice and Heavenly Father can restore what Satan has tried to destroy. I would encourage you to seek counseling. From what I understand there is counseling available through your Bishop. A good counselor can help you in this situation. Even if you decide to end this marriage a counselor can help you through it.
  17. When you join the LDS Church do you fill out a questionnaire letting them know where you could best serve or help out? I've always heard that there are only a few people in the church who are really active (not this church). Sometimes I got the impression that it was a clique situation and that they were threatened to bring more people into the circle. The LDS Church is organized differently, am I correct? Do you include everyone in serving? If a person has a talent or an interest in a particular area, does your church use them in that area of service? How would they know unless you tell them? Do you sit back and wait to be called or do you initiate it?
  18. So gossip isn't a problem in the LDS wards? I guess in reality every church is the same in this regard. People are people no matter where you go. Personal face to face confession is a very difficult thing for me. I don't know what it's like in the LDS Church but in the Catholic Church it terrifies me. I guess it's different if you've been raised with it, I wasn't.
  19. Thank you Pam, I was wondering if it was the same as confession to a Priest in the Catholic Church. I appreciate having people to ask the questions of and little by little I'm learning much about the LDS Church. Thank you so much.
  20. Does the Bishop take a vow to not discuss or in anyway reveal what he's been told in the confession? I know a husband and wife usually share everything, are they allowed to discuss these things with their wife? I'm just wondering because I've worked in church office areas before and everyone working there seemed to know everything that was going on in the church. Please don't be offended by these inquiries. I'm really interested to know.
  21. Phone sex to me is similar to pornography as it is done in secret and can go on and on without anyone knowing. I would think if you didn't have control enough to just say goodbye when the conversation got a little inappropriate for a married person then you should talk to the Bishop, imho. I know you say this will never happen again but the fact is that it could easily happen again. He's supposed to be your confessor and help you deal with these types of sins, at least that's what I've read. I also think I would end this friendship because I don't believe you can ever be "just friends" again. This is just my opinion and I'm not LDS.
  22. I've already put 5 twenty five pound bags of beans in these 7mil bags with no signs of the oxygen being removed. I've used half of my mylar bags and the oxygen absorbers were new and they are good. So now I'm wondering if beans require the oxygen to be removed to be good for long term storage. I'm very frustrated about this because I've done alot of research and spent a lot of money getting ready to do this. I've searched and searched for a vacuum sealer for the mylar bags that aren't going to require a second mortgage on my house to buy it and so far I haven't had success. I've tried several tricks to get the seal a meal to vacuum the mylar with no success. Right now I'm not feeling very positive about this whole thing. What do you think I should do about my beans? Thanks Sorry, I thought I was posting this on another thread. I hope it's okay to be here.
  23. I found this forum because I was searching for info on something related to food storage and one of the places it led me is here. I started reading about LDS beliefs while learning about preparedness. I read the book on prophecies by all the prophets related to food storage. Just little by little I learned more and more. Something stirred inside of me and I knew I was on the right road home. I started watching the devotionals on BYU and everything makes so much sense to me. I seemed to be at peace with what I was hearing. I really want the fellowship of LDS members here because I feel like I'm a believer even though I have a long way to go. There are still things that are hard for me to grasp but I believe that I'm being led by baby steps. I have a long way to go but I don't want to feel like I'm alone on my journey. So I guess I'm what you call an investigator. Thanks for allowing me to join in.
  24. yorkiebeebs

    2 Nephi 28:9

    I would love to know the source of this. I'm not doubting it in any way, I just am curious. I looked up this article and wow, it's so much like what's going on today. Thank you for this reference.
  25. Thank you for this reply. I totally agree.