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Everything posted by Irishcolleen

  1. We are on a huge arugula, prosciutto and parm kick right now. It's become our favorite pizza, with the addition of some fresh mozzarella (no sauce, just olive oil- arugula added just before serving). We eat it as a salad, too with some grape tomatoes added.
  2. There's no recipe, really. I just boil some pasta- I like angel hair. While the pasta is boiling a rip up some prosciutto (6 oz/4 people, the stuff is expensive so it's just for flavor) and arugula and put it in a bowl. Drain the pasta and drizzle it with good quality olive oil. Dump it into the bowl with the prosciutto and arugula. Toss with freshly shredded parmesan and just a dash or two of lemon juice. The hardest part is not eating all the prosciutto before the pasta is done. Serve with a good rustic bread and you have meal that is so yummy, easy and quick.
  3. We are having angel hair pasta tossed with prosciutto, Parmesan cheese and arugula. Yum! It's quick, easy and has an amazing tangy-salty flavor.
  4. I do dance, but not well. I go to movies if they are ones I could see with Jesus and I listen to country music. I tend to wear jeans to evening service. So, I don't fit the Baptist mold but I am loved and accepted by my church.
  5. For my beliefs you can just copy what Prison Chaplain said although we might have some possible differences in the role of sign gifts, but I'm not sure. I don't stray in terms of doctrine, but I do stray in terms of culture slightly.
  6. I laughed but the situation here is bad. It's one reason why I hope the hubby gets a job in Utah ASAP!
  7. Quin, I'm not sure you under faith alone. Anyone who truly has been born again is going to have good works because their love for Christ makes them want to have good works. If they are truly saved they will be loving to all people because they want to follow Christ and He said to love everybody. Their works are out of love- not fear of losing or not earning eternal life. A person who has truly put their faith in Christ will strive to sin less and less because the are growing in knowledge of God's will as they have the Spirit residing in them. We still sin, because we will not be free from the effects of sin until heaven, but when we do sin we repent because we feel horrible knowing we have sinned against our Lord and Savior. We recognize that our sin nailed Him to the cross, so we don't take our salvation lightly. The problem is there are many people who intellectually accept that Christ died for their sins, but they have not truly recognized that they are in need of salvation (ex: their sin isn't so bad) or they have to much pride to accept it (ex: they think there must be something they can do to earn it). Then there are people who are culturally Christian- they go to a church that preaches faith alone because their gma, mom, etc... have always gone, but the message hasn't sunk into their hearts. These people give true Christians a bad name. If you would hang out with many of the people I know for a month you would begin to see what faith alone really looks like.
  8. Sometimes new businesses come and under cut the mom & pop's prices to drive them out of business. Once the mom & pop is gone they raise their prices, but because the mom and pop is gone, the consumers have no choice about where to shop and the person that used to be a business owner is reduced to being a Wal-Mart greeter. We have many mid-western towns that are essentially ghost towns with a Wal-mart on the outskirts because of this. We lose the local flavor and uniqueness of communities.
  9. There is a lot of noise in that direction. Several churches do have money-making ventures besides the LDS. Some have publishing houses. Some rent steeple space for cell phone towers. We are a bit different. We only get funds from free-will offerings. We won't even have a bake sale or car wash. That said, I don't think making money is a sin- unless it leads to sin.
  10. Around 3. One kid chose, one kid needed prodding. What the could continue to excel in as an adult. They had to continue for a specified time. After that they could quit IF they had an activity to replace it. One daughter quit piano after 3 years to pick up flute. It depends on the kid. I was forced to take piano and I have no rhythm (that's why I'm Baptist- no dancing expected :) ) and I am completely tone deaf. For me it was torture and a waste of my parents money. My daughter has natural talent, she just needed time to develop. The background in piano helped her when she picked up flute- which has become her greatest joy in life. If your child is not progressing and you won't listen to reality. When one of my girls was in gymnastics another mom was sure her 3 year old was going to the Olympics. She used to yell at her kid from the parent area to work harder. The coach finally gave the mom a reality check. We pulled our daughter from gymnastics because she started experiencing joint pain. Early sports should not do damage to their health as an adult. Some parents ignore risk because they want a super-star. The key is balance. When our girls were young we did not make them practice every day and they practiced no more than what their teacher recommended. I am a firm believer in free-time and outdoor play for children. However, as their interest grew they automatically increased their practice times on their own. We have spent more on music lessons than we have on any expense other than mortgage and insurance. We would not go in to debt to pay for lessons, but we would make sacrifices to pay for them. One daughter is pursuing music professionally one is in college to be an aircraft mechanic. We were surprised to have a mechanic, but she is so happy and skilled in that are that we are thrilled for her. And, she will always have the ability to play for relaxation and to help at church. She also developed a lot of manual dexterity as a pianist! We did travel to select competitions. Mostly ones affiliated with out church denomination. The competition was less stressful, and the kids knew each other from church camps, etc... so they looked forward to the social aspects of the competition and have made life-long friends in the process.
  11. It is an attractive building and the vacancy rate in Philly is only around 4% so it's not a bad investment. With that said there are a few questions that people on the outside would have. IDK, .maybe some members have them, too? 1. Will the project displace those who have lower incomes/housing costs? In Chicago we have seen upscale developments replace lower income housing. This has revitalized neighborhoods, but it has displaced the working poor who struggle to find more affordable housing by driving up prices. Does the good in revitalizing the neighborhood outweigh the risks of displacing people who currently live in the area? 2. Will the retail development displace small local businesses who have benefited from lower rents? Will chain stores located in the retail spaces drive mom & pops out of business- kind of a Wal-Mart effect? 3.What is the purpose for having income producing properties? Many people are uncomfortable with churches acquiring wealth. Many people see a church's role as providing for spiritual needs and focusing on what's eternal. To some it may seem like serving mammon. 4. Is there enough transparency to ensure church funds are not used for income generating interests? Each individual/organization/church is accountable before God for their actions, but when churches enter into profit making businesses, people do tend to ask questions. This is why there has been some media scrutiny. Personally, I don't think churches should be in the business of making money, but that is just my personal opinion and I don't think less of the LDS because of their business practices.
  12. It is frequently easier to have a dress made for you by a local seamstress. That way it can be altered in many ways for modesty, fit and just to reflect your personality. It is not as expensive as you might think. It's usually less expensive than buying a dress from a shop, with the added bonus of having a one-of-kind dress made just for you.
  13. I've never seen that in any of the geneologies. Also, there is no indication in the Bible that the mark was even put on Cain's descendents. Genesis 4 only says the mark was put on Cain. So it is stretching the Biblical text to believe the mark was even on the descendents.
  14. According to the Bible, no one alive today would have the mark of Cain as all his descendents would have died in the flood during Noah's time.
  15. Maybe I'm not careful enough, but some of my medications say to take with food and I rarely do. It doesn't seem to bug me and the medicine still seems to work.
  16. I have heard if you want to be left alone on a airplane the best thing to do is to carry a bunch of Amway catalogs.
  17. I think it depends on the person. Some people are pushy and rude about it and others aren't. The rude ones are usually the ones that think they are going to get rich selling stuff and building their pyramid. The "nice" ones are just the people who sell the sruff for fun or to get discounts on the products they like.
  18. The question about whether God was spirit of flesh & blood made me wonder about this. Non-LDS Christians believe these are essential characteristics of God. Please explain your answer so I can understand any similarities or differences we may have. Please excuse my typing. I meant members. I have no idea what a momber is. My right and left must have switched places while i was typing.
  19. Choose what you drink rationally. If I was stranded on a raft in the middle of the ocean with only Dr. Pepper to drink I would drink Dr. Pepper. It also gets down to benefit. Will the soda provide more benefit than water? Only if the water is contaminated. If you have very low blood sugar and there is no other fast acting glucose, soda might be better- although you will crash later.
  20. Soda isn't good for you even if it lacks caffeine or sugar. It is ok for a treat. To kick the soda habit, I started drinking sparkling water (La Croix, Perrier, San Pellagrino, etc...). Sparkling water is refreshing and delicious. I'd save a lot of money if I switched to just plain water, but I love the fizzy feeling.