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Everything posted by raven2

  1. More details on the new youth program that will include a high school program through pathways that will incorporate seminary and remove early morning seminary. New callings/assignments will be created to support the new high school program.
  2. What an amazing moment. Two of the world’s religious leaders meeting for the first time and building on common ground. I think the apostles and prophet are in safe hands for this historic event. Hopefully this meeting strengthens the opportunity to continue working on efforts that revolve around common goals and objectives for the benefit of Heavenly Fathers children.
  3. Or maybe the church expect/ hopes that members of the church will respect and follow its position not to bring guns to church builds. Even if they have not complied with ever legal rule or posted every sticker on every door that different states make up.
  4. I think we will see changes to early morning seminary within the year. Many high schools are changing to later start times that will make it harder and harder too find teachers and for parents to get their kids to class. I also believe the church is still working on some type of home school/pathways type program with people called to provide face to face teaching once or twice a week at the local church building. I really believe the leaders are concerned with losing our youth in such high numbers and are looking to give as much help as possible.
  5. Do you have any addition information or links. That would be a huge step back from what they announced. If I remember correctly they were talking about a program that they expected to serve 10 of thousands of high school age kids for their educational needs.
  6. It had some momentum in 2014 and 2015 in south Florida.
  7. This kind of makes me laugh. In Florida there is a growing effort to split the state as well. But what is triggering this is the extreme conservative movement in Tallahassee that is trying to force rural politics on the mostly urban population from I-4 south. Which pays the bills for the more rural conservative areas of the northern region and panhandle. Without Orlando, miami, st Pete, palm beach the northern region would find it pretty hard to pave their roads and have low taxes and no state income taxes. The I-4 south region covers most of the economic bills for the extreme conservatives to have their cake and eat it too. Wouldn't it be nice if we could become more understanding of each other's needs and look to find common ground. It might even mean both sides of the political spectrum doesn't always get everything they want every time.
  8. Question - have anyone heard more about the church rolling out a high school educational program through pathways? I know they announced it about a year and half ago during seminary/institute training that was broadcasted from BYUI. I just haven't heard much since than.
  9. I really like Elder Oaks talk on politics and law. The following is an amazing statement with great insight. Sounds like moderates are exactly what is needed. "Extreme voices polarize and create resentment and fear by emphasizing what is nonnegotiable and by suggesting that the desired outcome is to disable the adversary and achieve absolute victory. Such outcomes are rarely attainable and never preferable to living together in mutual understanding and peace."
  10. ^^^I think this explains the church's view point pretty well. "The Church’s doctrinal position is clear: Sexual activity should only occur between a man and a woman who are married." "The Church has advocated for rights for same-sex couples regarding “hospitalization and medical care, fair housing and employment rights, or probate rights, so long as these do not infringe on the integrity of the traditional family or the constitutional rights of churches.”7 In Salt Lake City, for example, the Church supported ordinances aimed at protecting gay residents from discrimination in housing and employment." "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints affirms the centrality of doctrines relating to human sexuality and gender as well as the sanctity and significance of marriage as the union of a man and a woman.2 However, the Church firmly believes that all people are equally beloved children of God and deserve to be treated with love and respect. Church apostle Elder Quentin L. Cook stated, “As a church, nobody should be more loving and compassionate. Let us be at the forefront in terms of expressing love, compassion and outreach. Let’s not have families exclude or be disrespectful of those who choose a different lifestyle as a result of their feelings about their own gender.” Same-Sex Attraction
  11. Thank you! Its sad to see members of the church go against the clear teachings of Jesus Christ and the prophets.
  12. I think you may be right on several of your observations. I think each person ultimately must decide what it means to have stewardship over the earth. I think the church has posted several ways to do that (including recycling). But whether or not a person feels or will be held accountable for certain things is a tough one (with really no direct answer). We know we have stewardship, we have been told we will be held accountable, but that could very for each person and their sphere of influence. The one thing I got out of this is, the idea of ‘eat, drink and be merry’ - might not be good one and we should strive to leave it better than how we received it. I think these quotes from Ezra Taft Benson are pretty good on this subject. Ezra Taft Benson - "In fact, we are morally obligated to turn this land over to those who succeed us — not drained of its fertility but improved in quality, in productivity, and in usefulness for future generations.” Ezra Taft Benson - "Pollution of one's environment and moral impurity both rest on a life-style which partakes of a philosophy of ‘eat, drink, and be merry’ — gouge and grab now, without regard to the consequences. Both violate the spirit of stewardship for which we will stand accountable.”
  13. I thought I answered number one. There needs to be a balance, but I do believe were are out of balance. I have posted serveral quotes as well on that subject, here is one of them again. "Thus, when God gave unto man “dominion over the fish of the sea, and over fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth,”[22] it was not without boundaries or limits. He intends man’s dominion to be a righteous dominion, meaning one that is guided, curbed, and enlightened by the doctrine of His gospel—a gospel defined by God’s love for us and our love for Him and his works. The unbridled, voracious consumer is not consistent with God’s plan of happiness, which calls for humility, gratitude, and mutual respect. In other words, as stewards over the earth and all life thereon, we are to gratefully make use of that which the Lord has provided, avoid wasting life and resources, and use the bounty of the earth to care for the poor." Elder Marcus B. Nash, 18th Annual Stegner Center Symposium, Friday, April 12, 2013 You other question, I don't understand it. With that said, I think I have taken enough time to try and respond to you. You have yet to post much past your opinion, a few political articles and a few unanswerable questions. Not trying to be rude, but I just feel like I have done enough to support my original statement and connected it with quotes/comments from the church, prophets and leaders. I did appreciate the opportunity to discuss this topic. Thanks
  14. We do know that we where instructed about mortaility. “In the pre-existence we dwelt in the presence of God our Father. When the time arrived for us to be advanced in the scale of our existence and pass through this mundane probation, councils were held and the spirit children were instructed in matters pertaining to conditions in mortal life, and the reason for such an existence. In the former life we were spirits. In order that we should advance and eventually gain the goal of perfection, it was made known that we would receive tabernacles of flesh and bones and have to pass through mortality where we would be tried and proved to see if we, by trial, would prepare ourselves for exaltation. We were made to realize, in the presence of our glorious Father, who had a tangible body of flesh and bones which shone like the sun, that we were, as spirits, far inferior in our station to him” (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 1:57)
  15. I think everyone is welcomed to their opinion and can debate whatever issues they would like. My opinion was that, focusing on the political aspect of a topic very seldom results in a balanced and thoughtful discussion on a subject matter. It just ends up with one side posting their opinion and some data and the other side doing the same thing. (Which is what happens most of the time on the topic of Global Warming/Climate Change.) This frequently ends up with both sides missing what the prophets and the Savior had to say. My feelings on this are pretty simple, this subject has more value and deserves more than a republican or democrat debate. I just find it sad when a political viewpoint becomes the focus of an individual’s thought process. (Which happens a lot on these types of subjects.) I never said there shouldn't be a balance with this topic (and most topics). I think many leaders of the church have made enough statements to show that we are currently not in balance, as a nation and world, when it comes to our environment. (Thus all the posts from propehts and leaders of the church.) You are welcome to believe or discredit whatever you would like.
  16. Ezra Taft Benson: “Surely you can see the inconsistency in the individual who insists that we be good stewards and not pollute our environment, and yet who is unscrupulous in his personal life. Again, physical and spiritual laws are interrelated. Pollution of one's environment and moral impurity both rest on a life-style which partakes of a philosophy of ‘eat, drink, and be merry’ — gouge and grab now, without regard to the consequences. Both violate the spirit of stewardship for which we will stand accountable.” Tips for reducing the amount of pollution you put into the air Tips for reducing the amount of pollution you put into the air | Deseret News This is not just a Utah issue. Drowning in Utah's dirty air: Utah families, top elected officials search for solutions "Utah's dirty air is costing people their health, and in some cases, their lives. It's costing the state millions of dollars, muddying Utah's reputation as a pristine, clean place to raise a family, grow a business." Drowning in Utah's dirty air: Utah families, top elected officials search for solutions | Deseret News
  17. One of the main focuses of comments on this topic was, that the focus shouldn't be on the debate over climate change or global warming. Its on our responsibilities to care for and have stewardship over the earth and what the prophets and leaders have to say on this subject. "The earth and all things on it should be used responsibly to sustain the human family. However, all are stewards — not owners — over this earth and its bounty and will be accountable before God for what they do with His creations. Approaches to the environment must be prudent, realistic, balanced and consistent with the needs of the earth and of current and future generations, rather than pursuing the immediate vindication of personal desires or avowed rights. The state of the human soul and the environment are interconnected, with each affecting and influencing the other." Environmental Stewardship and Conservation
  18. I think it would be difficult to 'square away' in you mind and heart several temple recommend interview questions. Especially this one - "Do you support, affiliate with, or agree with any group or individual whose teachings or practices are contrary to or oppose those accepted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?"
  19. Unfortunately, sometimes people take that tone because something doesn't support their viewpoint (personally or politically). It a nice defense mechanism to divert the attention away for the 'uncomfortable' subject matter or to justify something away.
  20. I truly respect peoples rights to their points of view. I just felt this topic was of value and that the church's published stand on it is sometimes not well discussed. I hope I have not offended anyone with posting some of those quotes, it was not my intent.
  21. Its a beautiful day. I hope you are having a good day as well.:)
  22. First I would like to say good for you and your family. Second, I am not sure how you would like me to response to this. I responded to your comments. You ask things like 'who said I should leave it better than I received it'. I gave you a quote from a prophet. You asked 'earth is hear for us to exploit for all our desires'. I posted quotes from prophets and general authorties that show that that is an incorrect concept. I think you are now looking for a discussion on politics, government and private enterprise. I would not disagree there are many issues in all of these things. But to debate which political, government, private enterprise or research is right or wrong would be a very difficult and opinionated discussion. With no clear answer. That is why I said forget politics, forget political parties, look to what the prophets and church leaders have said. I believe that is where the safety is. I have learned over time that to many people (church members) focus more of their opinions/disucssions on political viewpoints, instead of what Jesus Christ, the prophets and leaders of the church have to say.
  23. Did you read anything that was posted, or read the church's website, or the quotes from the prophets? I don't think anyone said you are not part of the world, or that resources shouldn't be used to sustain your earthly needs, but we have also been taught to respect, protect, conserve and leave it better than how we received it. It doesn't belong to us, we have been given stewardship over it and will be held accountable for that stewarship and useage. "In other words, as stewards over the earth and all life thereon, we are to gratefully make use of that which the Lord has provided, avoid wasting life and resources, and use the bounty of the earth to care for the poor." Elder Marcus B. Nash, 18th Annual Stegner Center Symposium, Friday, April 12, 2013 "The earth and all things on it should be used responsibly to sustain the human family. However, all are stewards — not owners — over this earth and its bounty and will be accountable before God for what they do with His creations. Approaches to the environment must be prudent, realistic, balanced and consistent with the needs of the earth and of current and future generations, rather than pursuing the immediate vindication of personal desires or avowed rights." Environmental Stewardship and Conservation