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Everything posted by susieSA

  1. Daily Gems Individual Worth of Each Son or Daughter --------------------------------------------------- "Only as we accept the Atonement in our lives and strive to live the gospel can we meet the challenges of life and find peace, joy, and happiness. Coming to understand this great gift is an individual pursuit for each child of God. . . . "If we could truly understand the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ, we would realize how precious is one son or daughter of God." Topic: individual worth (M. Russell Ballard, "The Atonement and the Value of One Soul," Ensign, May 2004, 86)
  2. Of course she would never notice your stuff Women are like that you know... hehehehe
  3. Okay, so let me get this straight... You have been banned from laundry.... That would mean that you would at one stage have had to do laundry... Oh man, why am I not that lucky? I wish I could bann my hubby from laundry (just for the fun of it) but that would mean that he would have to do it... I have accepted my fate that that will never happen And as for the gum stain, Yedidyd.. Ban the doggie from the laundry
  4. Daily Gems Earthly Trials --------------------------------------------------- "This earth is not our home. We are away at school, trying to master the lessons of 'the great plan of happiness' so we can return home and know what it means to be there. Over and over the Lord tells us why the plan is worth our sacrifice--and His. Eve called it 'the joy of our redemption' (Moses 5:11). Jacob called it 'that happiness which is prepared for the saints' (2 Nephi 9:43). Of necessity, the plan is full of thorns and tears--His and ours. But because He and we are so totally in this together, our being 'at one' with Him in overcoming all opposition will itself bring us 'incomprehensible joy.' " (Topic: trials, plan of salvation) (Bruce C. Hafen, "The Atonement: All for All," Ensign, May 2004, 98)
  5. Okay so I couldn't stay out of this one One of my favourite subjects to talk about and most of all one of my all time favourite soccer players... He has one heck of a resume as far as awards go... Pelé named Ronaldinho in his 125 Top Living Footballers in March 2004. FIFA World Player of the Year: 2004, 2005 World Soccer Player of the Year: 2004, 2005 European Footballer of the Year: 2005 FIFPro World Player of the Year 2005, 2006 FIFPro World XI: 2005, 2006 Onze d'Or: 2005 UEFA Club Footballer of the Year: 2005-06 FIFA All-Star team: 2002 FIFA World Club Cup Bronze Ball Award: 2006 And the best part is that he is so humble about his talent... Which you can see in the way that he plays Okay... I got a little carried away there I did say that this is one of my fav subject & players :)
  6. I have been thinking about it for the past week.. If I were to go into details I risk offending a few people & I would rather not... I just need a break from this right now... Take care
  7. To all my friends I bid farewell It has been fun
  8. Daily Gems Joseph Smith's Testimony Changes Lives --------------------------------------------------- "In retrospect, over 160 years later, although the events of June 27, 1844, were tragic, we are provided comfort as we realize that Joseph Smith's Martyrdom was not the last chapter in this account. Although those who sought to take his life felt that the Church would collapse without him, his powerful testimony of truth, the teachings he translated, and his declaration of the Savior's message go on today in the hearts of over 12 million members throughout the world, who proclaim him a prophet of God. "The testimony of the Prophet Joseph continues to change lives." Topics: Joseph Smith, testimony, example (Thomas S. Monson, "The Prophet Joseph Smith: Teacher by Example," Ensign, Nov. 2005, 69)
  9. My thought exactly. There... I have changed it... Happy now?
  10. He he... Different time zones... For Acez it is about 3:30pm on Thursday :)
  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ACEZ!!!!!!!</span> <span style="color:#66FFFF">Hope you have a great day
  12. Check it out A great way to find old friends :) And make new ones... And best of all... It's FREE
  13. This would make me not angry.... This would make me furious.... I have just got back from a holiday to SA & if I were to find out that someone like this man was on the same flight as us.... Man, I don't even want to tell you what I would do... How can they call him intelegent.... Clearly he is not... What does he think gives him the right to do that... To put so many other people at risk for his own stupidity... What about the children on the same flights as him?
  14. susieSA


    HA HA HA HA!!!! That is excellent Emma... Thanks for sharing
  15. Gems on the Family Successful Parenting --------------------------------------------------- "Who are good parents? They are those who have lovingly, prayerfully, and earnestly tried to teach their children by example and precept 'to pray, and to walk uprightly before the Lord' (D&C 68:28). This is true even though some of their children are disobedient or worldly. Children come into this world with their own distinct spirits and personality traits. Some children 'would challenge any set of parents under any set of circumstances. . . . Perhaps there are others who would bless the lives of, and be a joy to, almost any father or mother' (Howard W. Hunter, "Parents' Concern for Children," Ensign, Nov. 1983, 65). Successful parents are those who have sacrificed and struggled to do the best they can in their own family circumstances." Topics: parenthood, teaching (James E. Faust, "Dear Are the Sheep That Have Wandered," Ensign, May 2003, 61)
  16. Not sure if there will be any sort of response to this topic but I thought I would just throw it out there :) So, who do you admire? There are a few members on this site who I admire (some of them know who they are )
  17. I think it is suposed to be a leaf or something like that Got bored with my previous one :)