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Everything posted by Silhouette

  1. Look! I broke a nail! My cookie
  2. Hahaha I saw all those movies with my daughter... Went to all the opening nights in our town, and I had no idea! Texted my daughter today to tell her I didn't know the author was Mormon. Daughter texted back with, "Yeah she's a crazy Mormon lady too
  3. I've never heard of it either. The wards I've been in never even mentioned Joseph Smith's birthday at all. In fact, I didn't even know when his birthday was until this thread.
  4. I'm kind of bummed about the Muppets these days. Just saw a new commercial on TV with the Muppets advertising Lipton Tea. Yes, I'm being silly.
  5. I didn't know that the author of the Twilight saga is Mormon. That's so cool!
  6. This is true. It's clear that I need to think about this concept in different terms than I have been. I guess my problem is that I don't like change and new ideas that are different from the way I've always felt things "ought" to be. I must work on changing that to some degree.
  7. LOL well, that definition is a little easier to understand for me.
  8. I guess I just need to wrap my mind around the concept. I guess I'm seeing it as if, say, a Relief Society President in our faith was to become an ordained minister in the Baptist faith or something, and preach a different doctrine than what we know.
  9. Went to Ask Gramps on Facebook to check out the comments about this. I'm glad to see that most are positive. I thought the video was great, personally. Being a convert myself, seeing a missionary doing this would make me a lot more likely to listen to what he had to say. It makes him more "real" and approachable. The missionaries who taught my mother and me, as well as those who continued to come visiting us for years after the original two had left, were always light-hearted and full of fun. They played ping-pong with me, showed us what I called "missionary tricks", and tons of other activities that were wholesome and good-natured. They were our dear friends as well as missionaries. And it was because they weren't afraid to do what this wonderful Elder is doing in this video...identify and connect with people.
  10. I always thought of a chaplain as being an ordained minister, or preacher. I didn't think women held such positions in our faith. I mean, sure women hold teaching positions and leadership positions, but always under the stewardship of the Priesthood. I guess what bothers me is that this isn't a calling, and it seems like a rogue thing to do. They aren't set apart, as far as I can tell, and they must be "fluent" in all faiths. This seems contrary to Gospel teachings to me. I guess it feels to me as if the Church is now ordaining women to be pulpit pounders, like the preachers that other faiths have. I'm sure I'm not expressing myself very well here. I'm a woman who is happy and content with womens' roll in our faith, and this seems to me to be far overstepping the female roll in the Gospel.It seems like a conflict of interest.
  11. The organist in Sacrament meeting keeps hitting sour notes. My cookie.
  12. Has anyone ever heard of this? Am I the only one who had no idea about it??
  13. I read this article just now, and I'm gobsmacked. I had no idea this was happening. When did this start? This is the first I have ever heard of such a thing.
  14. I Googled "Medical missions in the Mormon Church". All kinds of information came up. One link even specified nursing missions.
  15. Just for fun. I collect potholders that have cats on them. My kitchen walls are covered with them. I also collect Eeyores from the Winnie the Pooh series. I identify with Eeyore because he is always so gloomy and depressed LOL.
  16. Since a holodeck has been mentioned, it reminded me that I want one of those, too. LOL
  17. Well, my first hope for the afterlife is that I make it there, assuming we are talking about heaven as the afterlife and not the other way lol. I would like to be able to communicate with all my pets that I've had throughout my life.
  18. I think I may have interpreted what they said wrong. I do remember our first visit to the Church and sitting with them. I believe the missionary's exact words were, "People who aren't members don't usually take the sacrament." We probably didn't take it because we thought it was wrong to do so based on what the missionary said, plus we didn't understand what the sacrament was all about at that time.
  19. I've often wondered if the missionaries we were with at the time knew what they were talking about. I guess their thinking was that since it is a renewal of our baptismal covenants, and we weren't baptized yet, we had nothing to "renew", and therefore no need to partake. Of course this was back in about 1977 or 1978, so perhaps the guidelines regarding it have changed.
  20. When my mother and I were investigating the Church, we sat with the missionaries who were teaching us. They specifically told us not to take the sacrament.
  21. I always thought it was an odd way of saying, "Unless you want to be destroyed yourself, stop trying to destroy the church of God."
  22. The very thought of that is absolutely terrifying. And less than 10 miles from your house? I'd be constantly worried and afraid.
  23. Welcome to the site! Hope you enjoy it here.