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Everything posted by drjme

  1. You know you can spend a small amount and have your own wind/solar power generators. Don't need to wait for a corporation to become eco friendly and you can be self sufficient powerwise. and you don't have to pay a power bill. check out a grid tie system and then the power companies pay YOU!!!!
  2. Hey JC, I'm a gamer, I'll have to dl your mod and give it a go. BF series has been great. with BF2 and being the best (better than 2142 imho). I see bad company isn't coming out on PC, but they've got 5 BF's in the works apparently. like to see what they've got coming up........
  3. Individually as true Christians we can discern that Homosexuality is against Gods Laws, the difference with having the prophet is that we can be assured that the Church -as an institution- will uphold this because the prophet speaks and directs it overall. I'm sure many in those Churches that are giving in to 'popular' interpretations, with regards to homosexuality, are not happy with it. You would be suprised that approximately 10% of Christians read the bible, the rest rely on their leaders interpretations. How disastrous could this be if they follow a leader that says it's fine! For those who are LDS that may wander and be unsure on the topic, a declaration by the first presidency puts all issues to rest. For the rest that read the bible, it just confirms what they already know.
  4. hmmm. It would imply here that you think we don't read the bible, that we just believe without any study? that we just pray and recieve a feeling? I'm sure you didn't mean that :) like I said you have to do the work or study to recieve an answer. the analogy is not accurate. I'm sure you are not saying that because I don't believe what you do, means that I don't read the bible. The problem when making a comment like this is that you are coming from a specific viewpoint or religious interpretation. Of course it make sense to do that. but what is the 'other Gospel'? 'your' interpretation or 'mine'? How would you know? study, pray and evaluate.it comes across that you assume that I haven't taken the time to analyse my beliefs, to compare and evaluate. I have, Honest. :) Trialing your faith is requested of you, breaking the commandments is not. Seeking truth is a responsibility.You are not asking God if you can break his Law by searching for truth. this analogy is inaccurate too. It assumes that what you are investigating is already wrong, and that you are asking God to confirm truth in something that is false. in relation to investgating the gospel it would show that that person would either know completely and utterly that it is against the word of God, or they are investigating with a preconcieved outcome already decided. Sorry it was rhetorical. Don't worry. I believe the Bible is the word of God. There was another thread on here I think started by snow or traveller with regards to Jericho. I could find it but if someone would like to post the link to it........ :). I was more trying to push the point that if major events of the bible were scientifically refuted, would you still have faith in Christ? If a testimony was determined on the 'evidences' of the bible and those 'evidences' were refuted, would the testimony still stand? would the faith of that believer endure? this is what I mean, that there is a higher realization of truth that does not come from our own understanding, that see's us through the storms. Were it not so we would get 'tossed to and fro on every wind of doctrine'. This would also apply to the BOM as well. Ha, I like you, You're funny completely agree there 'As you read the bible'.......see, we just read interpret it differently. I'm more inclined to follow the example that Jesus himself showed us. The main issue with your argument is, at what point does the grace save? you may say at the change of heart is the acceptance of grace. we may say otherwise. There is a point that we must choose to accept Christs offer. For us it is at baptism that the covenant or committment is made. We exercise our agency to be saved. If we did not, we would have no choice in the matter, and that was the plan of the adversary. Yes Grace saves and we cannot save ourselves, but we can choose to accept or reject.
  5. how is the abolute truthfulness of the Gospel revealed to you though? It is not the text of the book that convinces you is it? By your own understanding you may deduce that it is PLAUSIBLE, but not absolute truth. 15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? 16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. 17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. Simon walked with Christ, lived with Him, Learnt from Him, Believed in Him, But it was not the understanding of the 'flesh' by which the truth was known, it was by the Father via the Holy Ghost. For us to think it is our own understanding or 'conscious decision' that brings us 'enlightenment', seems to me not in alignment with scripture as a witness from the Holy Ghost. Simon's first hand account, witness of miracles, the ministry of Christ, was not the witness, in Jesus's own words. So how can we be expected to deduce that witness of absolute truth from -forgive my wording, I love the Bible and completely believe it- the second/third/forth hand, translated text from 6000-2000ish years ago, when someone who was actually there is being told the truth was revealed to him not by what he saw and experienced, but by some other power? It is by Heavenly Fathers witness, by what you will call a 'feeling' or a new experience not of our making that the truth is known, No amount of our own understanding or judgment would compare or can be called the same. I think you make a mistake by relying too much on your own understanding, which is even more dangerous. Let’s look at the scholars of the Word in Ancient times, the Pharisees etc. They knew the Law in and out, the prophecies, the scripture, but it counted for nothing, they did not even see the Christ as he stood before them and performed many miracles, fulfilled the prophecies etc. Their reliance on their own understandings and interpretations led them completely off course.Where one prefers to rely on their own understanding and abilities over what is God’s ability to communicate to us, seems to me more of the mistake. In a sense we limit and exclude him by our own choice, by not calling upon his aid and clarification in every matter that we can. What sort of evidence? Biblical evidence? This conversation was had with another 'evangelical' on another thread (unfortunately there are many events of the bible that apparently have no evidence, but can also be found to be possibly unlikely to have happened according to the 'evidence'). What is your evidence? Were you there to witness the things you read about? Can you confirm that everything in the Bible happened literally and exactly as it was written? Can you substantiate all claims made by the bible? Nah, It’s ok. I already have friends who spend their time trying to tell me why my beliefs are wrong and theirs are right and how different mine are to theirs. :) My thoughts…. It depends on how determined a person is, to hold on to what they believe, despite what else they may learn. Is it fear? Is it pride? Natural human tendencies, or barriers, that hold us back from what we can potentially become. Why else are we told to shun such characteristics? Because they slow our growth, our understanding. I am not implying that you have these attributes, I apologise if you thought so. I am just stating a fact that these are characteristics that we all have. But as you said earlier, It could be required that you discard everything that you have already learnt and believe to embrace something new, and Christ asks us to do that in our search for his truth, 'that a man may lay down his life'. How would the Muslim feel converting to Christianity? what life would they have to lay down? family, friends? beliefs? A great deal of faith on their part would be required to step into something so vastly different to what they believe, religiously, culturally, socially and sometimes politically. Now back to topic, you could present something ‘new’ to me. I will evaluate it against: -the source (eg bible/BOM) -try to understand to the best of My understanding -word of the prophets and my beliefs -What I have already received a witness of -take it to God in Prayer and expect an answer. So, don’t get me wrong now, I am not a blind believer born into the church. I don’t just believe what is fed to me. I investigate, open my mind and try my hardest to study with humility. There are many aspects of life and religion I don’t understand. Does that mean that it is false? No, it just means I don’t understand it YET. My beliefs don’t contradict the bible, they just contradict your interpretation of the bible. When we understand a fundamental we can move on from it. I will use the ‘grace argument’ from this thread as an example. You say only grace is required to be saved. Step one evaluate against the source. Many scriptures say grace of Christ saves. But many others say that Baptism is required to enter the kingdom of heaven. So, from my own understanding, I am inclined to believe that both are necessary especially when Jesus submits himself to baptism ‘to fulfil all righteousness’. Words of the prophets ancient and modern say baptism is necessary, not because we are saving ourselves but because we are showing we are making a commitment symbolically, kind of like the ‘handshake that begins an agreement or dealing’. I have already received a witness of the truthfulness of the ordinance of baptism. I have a calm, peaceful -dare I say- feeling about this and so I accept it, but other times it may be an overwhelming presence that you cannot deny. That is the process of evaluation somewhat. and involving God right from the start is the best thing too. that should be on the list twice :)
  6. Hi there evangelical, Jumpy discussion, but I will try to address this a bit by asking you a few questions. have you read the Book of Mormon? if yes, prior to reading it did you already doubt that it could be more of the word of God, because 'the bible is all the word we need, and God has no need to communicate to man any further'. (which would be you limiting God's ability to give you answer because your mind is already made up) if no, Is your mind already made up that it is false or do you believe God can reveal more to His children? (having faith in Christ and an openmind to lead you and answer your prayers) Beginning with these different states of mind will in most cases affect what answer will be given. But like most evangelicals I know, they say 'you can't trust your feelings, because the heart of man is evil...look it says that in the bible, don't trust your feelings!' So then, How do you differentiate between emotion and feelings, and the Holy Ghost? How does your witness of the truth that Christ lives and that HE is THE way, differentiate from my witness that He is Saviour, Lord and King? Probably not much. Truth in any religion is truth. Christ IS the way. Is God going to deny a witness to that truth, to an honest, open seeking heart because they might go to a different church? I say no. What lead to your conversion? the 'evidences' of the bible? Or a reassuring power that you could not deny, that Christ lives and his Gospel is the way. If you have experienced the power you cannot deny, you can clearly differentiate between 'feelings' and the Holy Ghost. And so you would believe in continuing revelation. If the bible is all there ever was and needs to be, and If He has revealed all to us that we need to know, what good is personal revelation (if you believe in it) and how can you tell what is personal revelation and what is not? I have seen people when they recieve their witness of truth, they cling to it, protect it, and defend their position as if what they had learnt to get their witness is all there really is to it. They have it now, all they need to know and close their mind because probing further for truth will require even more Faith. But as we know the Answer comes AFTER the trial of your faith. I say this because I have Christain friends who will not even look at the BOM. They will not even trial their faith in Christ to recieve their answer. Why not? what happened to that same spirit of enquiry and faith that led them to investigate the Gospel, which they then realised the truthfulness of Christ AFTER they exercised faith to know. Some say they have an uneasy 'feeling' and choose not to read the BOM, others just say no. I will say that God has Never given me an answer through a negative 'feeling'. Who uses feelings of negativity? the adversary is the author of Doubt and confusion, not the Holy Ghost. What better way does the adversary discourage the search for truth, than not even letting the trial of faith begin. And so they believe that 'no answer' = 'no truth' yet not even exercising their responsibilty to act first. so to answer you question: Lets see how our personal testimonies compare:I know that Christ Lives. I know that He suffered and died for me personally, to make it possible to return to my Father in Heaven. I thank my Heavenly father for His Love , His Guidance and His protection and for influencing and affecting my life in more ways than I could know. I know it is the Gospel of Jesus Christ that is the path that leads to eternal life. I know the Church Of Jesus Christ of latterday saints contains the fullness of the Gospel and that much has been revealed, and that God will reveal much more as he sees fit. Probably not much different apart from the last bits.How can I claim this as truth, when all other religions will want to claim theirs as 'the only way'? It is between me and God. the Gospel is learnt line upon line, precept upon precept. My understanding and knowledge is based on truths learnt incrementally by continually trialing my Faith to recieve my answer. Each new 'line' or 'precept' requires another trial of faith. I know I can completely and absolutely trust God to lead me to truth. I can differentiate between feelings and the Holy Ghost because I look for the same 'feelings' as when I recieved my first witness. So what does mormonism offer more than other religions? for me, an understanding and belief that continually grows, and hence a necessity to keep an open mind. A source of growth from the scriptures, personal revelation and a prophet to act as the mouthpeice of God, giving us more information for our benefit as we need it. for me, other beliefs take away the basic building blocks of the Gospel, that understanding cannot be built up because you cannot establish a firm foundation (eg the faith/grace/works 'evangelical' arguments similar to the one in this thread contradicts itself and many, many scriptures, so you get stuck argueing what is a basic gospel principle and you cannot build off it.) And the main thing is.....we have eternity!.......we are only at the beginning! Mormonism recognises this in it's doctrine. modern Christianity in ways, does not.
  7. Healthy questioning I believe is fine. I am a questioner, I cannot do the blind faith deal, sometimes I wish I could, but it's just in my nature to question -not doubt- but just ask questions. GA's have been known occassionally to disagree with each other on various matters, political, spiritual and personal.
  8. unfortunately, The rest of the world is right. There were no weapons of mass destruction found. none. The war was based on a lie and yet you're troops are still there. I agree with JBS on what your constitution says about war. Do some study on it. These replies that are pro-bu$h are all the typical morbot replies. You try to justify 'the burning of the constitution' while also claiming it is a Divinely inspired Document. Are you serious??????? you're not LDS are you???
  9. I agree with this statement. Although I did not recieve the same strength witness of truth for the bible as I did for the BOM, This does not bother me in the slightest though. It does not affect my belief in the bible as the word of God whatsoever. The two books don't conflict. Here is my experience of how I recieved a witness of Christ, and that the Church is true. I was Inactive for a number of years through my teens, living the wayward life, and I always knew where I was supposed to be and what I was supposed to be doing. My wakeup call came one night out partying, after much drinking I was beaten unconcious by several men and woke up to a needle being pushed through my scalp (getting stitches) in the ER, broken teeth and cut up. That very next day I knew what I was to do. I made the choice to work on Getting back to church, The funny thing is my 're-witness' came by praying very hard, Asking God to touch the heart of my then Girlfriend/now wife, that she may 'see the light' and join the church. As I said this a voice clearly spoke to me reassuringly "Work on yourself first" as soon as this was said, I was overwhelmed by the most intense love, comfort and peace inside of me that I have not experienced before or since. not just some warm fuzzy happy feeling, but an experience too hard to describe. I started living my life in accordance with the Gospel Standards and soon after began being bombarded with horrible and tempting dreams, visions, and nightmares that recurred frequently (this was the week building up to returning to church), culminating in an experience that was another confirmation I was moving in the right direction (but from the 'otherside'). I woke in the middle of the night to feel a weight pressing over my entire body, I instantly knew what was going to happen even though I had never experienced this before. The weight became intense and then suddenly I was seized by an unseen force that I could not move ,think or even breathe. I instantly started praying in my head as hard as I could, and as I did I was overwhelmed by feelings that can only be described as tragedy, sadness and despair. these feelings were paralyzing that I could not vocalize my prayers. Grotesque images that I would rather not say, filled my head and vision. I just kept praying to Christ as hard as I could. As soon as I could pray out loud and as soon as I said in the name of Jesus Christ, ***** Depart, I was let go and fell into the most peaceful, restful state. Someone didn't want me to change from my old ways, Someone didn't want me to go back to the Church of Jesus Christ of latterday saints, And I believe someone himself appeared to try and stop me. My faith is squarely in Christ, Not in any specific book. I know for sure that both books are the Word of God. The books are there to compare and measure against the feelings we recieve (holy Ghost witnessing), the personal revelation we are given and the words of our leaders. All combining to manifest truth. I grew up in the church I knew it was true, but I did not have my own testimony. I gained a testimony from these experiences (both the good and bad). It does not matter to me what other people say, because as Joseph Smith said: "For I had seen a vision; I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it.” Alot of other Christians have said to me "you can't trust your feelings" etc. In relation to my beliefs and these experiences. My beliefs will never be justified to them, because a book, whether the bible or the Book of Mormon will never convert someone completely and absolutely to Christ, It is the feelings and witness you recieve that lets you know for a complete surety what is true and what is not. And so if you rely on objective biblical 'evidence' solely to justify your faith then IMHO you close your mind to further possible witnesses of truth by your own choice, because you are not willing to consider anything that is 'outside the bible' or 'feelings' you may recieve. I have recieved a witness of the BOM that I recognized as similar to the burning feeling after hearing the voice though not as intense, and I haven't really felt the need to pray about the bible because they are both testaments of Christ. IMHO people who say, 'you can't rely on your feelings and experiences' have never felt them before, otherwise they would not try do deny me of mine.
  10. It was in genesis I think. the firmament in the heavens... Gen. 1: 6-8, 14-15, 17, 20 6 ¶ And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. Moses 2: 6-8, 14-15, 17, 20 6 And again, I, God, said: Let there be a firmament in the midst of the water, and it was so, even as I spake; and I said: Let it divide the waters from the waters; and it was done; 7 And I, God, made the firmament and divided the waters, yea, the great waters under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament, and it was so even as I spake. Firmament = expanse according to the references. God named the expanse heaven. so one could conclude there was water(not clouds, an actual layer of water) in the atmosphere. this has been used to possibly explain giants and longevity of life. supposedly because of the difference in pressure, things could grow a lot larger. I have heard, though not investigated, that scientist have grown things in a similar pressure and the result was that the things grew oversize etc.
  11. People like to compete with the negative aspects of their lives. How many times in conversation do people go, "oh you think that is bad, wait till you hear what happened to me......." or "you think you have it bad, I have it bad......" It's not about not loving people, it is about dealing with people and helping them to become grateful people and focus on the positive. Usually if I am party to a negative 'wait until you hear what happened to me' conversation, I let a couple of people have their turn. I will then tell my story, which is made up of course, blown completely out of proportion, exaggerated and ridiculous, that people get the kind of look like 'are you serious?' I then will usually laugh and it snaps them completely out of their negative pattern. It's so much easier to focus on the negative more than the positive, because it requires effort to consciously reverse our routine thoughts. You can help by just being you (if you are positive, happy, uplifting) because it rubs off on people after a while (just make sure though that their negativity doesn't rub off on you ). And people begin to notice and ask 'why are you so happy/optimistic/grateful' because it is what everyone really wants after all. I believe it all starts with gratitude. How can we expect more from life if we are not grateful for where and what we are and have?
  12. I have a friend that does that. 'lets study together (so I can correct you and your erroneous translation and interpretation)'. The thing is LDS in general do 'go very deep into scriptures'. I'm sure you don't have sinister intentions though:D I'm in
  13. What exactly do you want to know???
  14. What Daniel prophecies are you refering to specifically? Many of his prophecies have already been fulfilled. real Id >>> nothing new, it is already common in a lot of other countries. DNA testing on all babies signed by president bush >>>> it's not DNA testing, It's DNA recording of infants upon birth without parents consent? Yes America is turning fascist. Somark tech..cashless society.. >>>> Cashless society, It is credit and debt thats the worry, the creation of money out of thin air by the fed(a private bank) and loaned to the Government at interest, process repeats over and over, creating an endless cycle of increasing debt. Since the financial system has not been based on things of value (eg Gold, silver) it has been rotten for a long time already. increase in wars, earthquakes.. >>>> we ain't see nothing yet merging of reglions..ie tony blair faith- based movement.. >>>> Watch out for the new age movement/'pop' spiritual belief and also 'fundamentalist Christianity'. The rift being created between Islam and 'the west' is being created by those very news sources (and TPTB) that you quoted and watch. A lot of 'modern Christian' groups now teach others to fear Islam and that they are evil people using these hyped sensationalized news sources as 'gospel', not differentiating between the extremists and the general population. temple rebuilt in Israel.. >>>>........ LDS beliefs differentiate from what a lot of Christian groups believe when it comes to these things. Gordon B. Hinckley paraphrased: 'the Book of Mormon reads like the morning newspaper.' When the BOM is read (as a historical account) you can see why. it's happenings are mirrored in todays events. There is another thread on here titled 'ether 8'. I may, and others will, suggest you read it (LDS org. Scriptures or better to read the whole book of ether, or just the whole BOM ) As some LDS views to the causes of the current world/American state of affairs is very different to mainstream views. read some Writings from Ezra taft Benson as he was probably the most outspoken of them all on this topic.
  15. Exotic rice levels in NZ ( basmati etc especially enjoyed by those of Indian and Asian nationalities) are VERY low. this hasn't been from media hype here as it was only a small article in the middle of the newspaper and a lot of NZers do not eat a lot of rice. Levels are very low. UN posted an article recently, stating they have approximately 8 weeks wheat storage. Our prophets have said for 70 years to prepare for hard times, hence the aim to have a years food supply.
  16. XD I don't know if a priesthood blessing can cure atheism. I apologize sometimes I write things that are not directed at you (they are just general comments), but afterwards I realize it seems that way. this was just a general comment about how willful sinning affects our ability to choose (eg bad addictions) as opposed to our ability to discern when we embrace God. I wasn't referring to you needing an exorcism or that you are possessed.
  17. XD man you seem angry! Yes my queen. You are saying you would require to see God, Christ, a spirit world to believe. that is asking for a sign, that is asking for evidence. but then you are firm in your belief there is No God so what sign would be any good. I already answered your question in a previous post..... and this whole thing has EVERYTHING to do with faith. Of course I am, I'm LDS, you are asking for an LDS perspective on an LDS forum about LDS beliefs. what did you expect?And the Answer to your question? is because people have the agency to choose to believe. The devils know Jesus is the Christ, yet they choose to deny Him and choose to follow the adversary, and so submitting to their outcome. Why? It would seem Gods gift is agency, Satan's goal is lead them captive at his will, to surrender our agency impairing our ability to choose the right. Since we are spiritual beings as well as physical (beware I am about to make an assumption) the spirit may well be impaired on the otherside, suffering the effects of 'captivity', as it's intelligence is continuous with or without the body. Ah yes, how presumptuous of me. All I was saying is that if people really want to know they will find out one way or another if they keep their heart and mind open to possibilities. and you have declared there is no God....repeatedly... And there it is, the one belief that may stop you from finding out if He is real or not. sorry not judging you, just keeping it real. Isn't this all just speculation to you?
  18. *sigh* If you need some sort of evidence learn about the Daniel prophecies, so you can start asking questions like "how the heck could he know the destiny of all those nations?" or "how did he predict the exact year of Jesus Christs birth?" This whole thread sums up as: 'Give me a sign so I can believe' 'No elph you need to have faith, it doesn't work like that' 'faith in what? there is nothing there because I can't see it. how can I have faith in something that is not real?' 'because that's how faith works' 'If I had a sign then I would have faith' There are many things I don't know or understand, but that doesn't mean they are false or not real, I just have faith that one day they will be revealed to me, because if I don't know or understand them, how can I declare them one way or the other? I can't. The thing is you can find out in this life, before you die, If Christ lives. Would a Intense burning in your chest and a voice whispering the truth to you be a sign enough? because it happened to me. you just have to follow Gods process to find truth, not mans. It just depends if you really want to or not. Since the question you ask seems to be rhetorical, seems you don't want to really find out, you're just asking the question for conversations sake?
  19. So you deny any possibility of a God? Closed off your mind and decided completely without any possibility of changing your mind, except upon death? Sorry, I just can't comprehend the mindset of 'because I don't really know, that means it's not true'. It's like thinking 'There NEVER have been ANY other forms of life except humans in this INFINITE universe......uuumm..until I see them with my own eyes' When the reality is we just Don't know yet. So why make a declaration of 'There is No God!' because basically, you just don't know if there is one or not? You have no 'hard evidence' of there NOT being a God, Just as I have no 'hard evidence' of there being one. (I don't know why bold txt is stuck on I'm not trying to emphasize) The scriptures of course and the Witness of the Holy Ghost, But even those who were the most versed in the Law didn't recognize him, And they had dated prophecies for the time of his arrival (Daniel Prophecies) etc. But what caused this closed mindedness of the Pharisees? maybe a decision already made of how he will come, what he will look like and discarding all other possibilities (through pride, tradition etc). What caused that they could not recognize him after having all the Word of God and seeing his mighty miracles, as opposed to John the Baptist who knew who he was the moment he laid eyes on him without having to see any 'evidence' , but a Dove flying down from the sky? He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? 16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. 17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. The ones who Had the right heart and/or were true Followers didn't. Now was it the unbelievers that Honestly decided he was a 'threat and false prophet' based on their faith in Christ? or decided based on their inaccurate and unispired interpretation of scripture and theirPride A lack or absence of humility or teachableness. Pride sets people in opposition to each other and to God. A proud person sets himself above those around him and follows his own will rather than God’s will. Conceit, envy, hardheartedness, and haughtiness are also typical of a proud person. Yeah I was referring to the pharisees etc. who 'knew' the scriptures 'who drew close with their lips, but their hearts were far from me', not just any old person seeing him in the street. Faith generally works opposite to how the human mind works though, Faith leads to confirmation or evidence not the other way around. It's like a friend I have who is a Christian. He seems to require evidence to justify his beliefs(thats how he first got interested). And because of that the endless search to prove the bible correct by finding evidence and trying to explain the things of God with the comprehension of man, to ensure 'hard evidence' to continue with faith. At the expense of contradicting scripture to maintain the evidence. Didn't say it's doctrinal, it just seems logical that if the spirits of men are where they are, they take their intelligence from this world with them, and God and Jesus are not there (otherwise why would the missionaries need to be there) then the spirits of men left to their own devices will continue, as men left to their own devices.
  20. >>>Stupid asterisks keep appearing. help pls?
  21. I think it is different if you have never received a witness of it's truth. If you have studied your little heart out, continue to read and learn about Christ in openness and honesty and with a pure heart, but have never received The response from the Holy Ghost to let you know it is true (Because that is the ONLY way that you can no without any doubt that it is true) will you be condemned for that? I wouldn't think so. People saw Him in person and didn't believe, and they knew the prophecies, and were waiting for Him. They didn't even recognize him standing in front of them in the flesh. We have what we need to draw close to him here and now, You would take your intelligence you now have 'through the veil', why would your thoughts change?I can imagine there being preachers of all different sorts on that side too, all with their own interpretations, still preaching the word of God as they see it. You probably would still have to choose between them on that side as well! The difference I suppose from my perspective is: if you are denying it's true based on receiving no Answer, or if you are still waiting for an answer with an open heart(not denying it, just not knowing yet). Because who knows when it will come. I think if your heart is right, your witness could come on the otherside, just like all the other spirits who can choose to accept or reject it in 'prison'. Because 'hearing' or 'knowing' the Gospel is not what necessarily confirms it's truth, It is that awesome witness from the Holy Ghost IMHO that confirms it's true.
  22. reading the bible 40 times I think you should have picked up how and why Satan tempts people. To some, it is their minds being bombarded with the very thoughts and behaviour's they are trying hard to overcome, for others it is subtly distracting people by giving them ideas about unworthy goals to pursue. And to some, he appears, and tries to strike fear into their hearts to stop them moving in the direction that God wants them to. Imagine someone who has been on the earth since the beginning, with a third of the host of heaven (cast down with him) working with him, and who has seen all the ages of Men, and knows the desires of a carnal heart and how to appeal to it. The process of how it happens is irrelevant, It is like asking: what is the process for receiving a witness by the Holy Ghost? Does the Holy Ghost make a spiritual fire out of wood, and then place it in your chest? Whether it is from him actually whispering to you (the human ear is quite limited as to pitch etc. there is a lot we can't hear). As much as your spirit influences your own body, IMO other spirits may also try to influence it (on a spiritual level) that we cannot detect in the physical. possibly like subliminal messaging may affect our brain without us realizing it is even happening.
  23. Agreed, I personally call it true science (the process of gaining truth). Scientific theories that pass a few generations and then become 'fact' for some reason (eg evolution), are not true science. They are theories. I view the creation as symbolic, or an 'overview' of the process that things were made, but to set in stone that Genesis is exactly how it happened, Is something I can leave open for the time being as it is something we cannot even comprehend or begin to understand, especially since the only account we have is an Inspired ancient man trying to explain his amazing visions the best he can. Not that God can't create the earth in six days, But there are still too many questions left to answer to form solid opinion on the timeline of events etc. IMHO true science is a minute amount of the knowledge of God, given to men.