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Posts posted by JojoBag

  1. It looks like Barry Soetoro is barreling ahead with his socialist strategies; one being crashing the welfare system. For those who don't know what it is, the Cloward-Piven strategy is:


    The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven that called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with a national system of "a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty". - Wikipedia




    A 2015 study by the University of California at Berkeley found that states and the federal government spent $152.8 billion a year on food stamps, health insurance, and cash assistance programs, more than half of it going to working families who were having trouble making ends meet.

    - - - – -


    We know that many people receiving welfare have jobs. But what other trends are there among people who get public assistance? To get a better idea of who was actually receiving public assistance in the United States, the U.S. Census Bureau recently took a closer look at participation in six major welfare programs from 2009 to 2012:

    • Medicaid

    • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), better known as food stamps

    • Housing assistance

    • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

    • Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), or cash benefits

    • General Assistance

    The report doesn’t discuss other kinds of support that people might receive, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit, free school lunches, the WIC program, Head Start, energy assistance programs, and Pell Grants. While it doesn’t capture the full spectrum of welfare in the U.S., the results still provide a clearer picture of who is receiving public assistance.



    The percentage of Americans now receiving a federally-funded “means-tested program” now stands at 35.4%. When you add pensions, unemployment, Social Security, and Medicare to the mix, the percentage of Americans relying on government for part or all of their subsistence is 49.5% of the American population.



    Barry's “Work to Welfare” is his latest scam on Americans.



    Essentially, if you lose a job and get one that pays less, Barry wants to pay part of the difference between the old and new job. He's calling it “wage insurance.” As of 2012, he's increased welfare spending by 32%. He is going full speed ahead in destroying this country.

  2. I think verse 2 seems kind of important.


    This verse is no longer applicable as a suggestion, but is now a commandment.



    On 9 September 1851, some eighteen years after it was given, the Patriarch to the Church, John Smith, delivered a talk in general conference on the Word of Wisdom. During his address, President Brigham Young arose and proposed that all Saints formally covenant to abstain from tea, coffee, tobacco, whiskey, and “all things mentioned in the Word of Wisdom” (“Minutes of the General Conference,” Millennial Star, 1 Feb. 1852, p. 35). The motion was accepted unanimously and became binding as a commandment for all Church members thereafter

     - - - - -

    President Heber J. Grant emphasized that the Word of Wisdom was a commandment and warned those who did not obey it that “the day is gone by when the Lord will trifle with the Latter-day Saints. He has said that His Spirit shall not always strive with man.” (Gospel Standards, pp. 55–56.) Although the Lord allowed a time of adjustment for those who were already members of the Church when the Word of Wisdom was given, today it is expected that all Saints adhere to the commandment.

  3. The counsel of those who represent the Lord's will to us is back up enough.



    The only thing I'm passionate about is decrying ridiculous fanatical logic that both defies actual logic and wisdom and goes against the counsel we are given by the leaders of the church.


    As to defending psychiatry as an overall practice...I'm more, "meh".


    As I've said, you have some ideas that are reasonable mixed into all the over-the-topness of it all. There is evil in all the world. Clearly there are evil intentions in psychiatry and medicine -- also in the food industry, the auto industry, the clothing industry, etc., etc. There is evil everywhere. It's simply unreasonable to presume from that a status of absolute no-good-therein.


    The bottom line is this: Anyone who's trying to make such a ludicrous claim that medicine doesn't help when it comes to mental and/or emotional disorders has clearly never known anyone with an extreme disorder both on and off their medicine.


    You may be right that some mental illnesses may be treatable with drugs – if – those illnesses are physiological in nature. I still will say that man made chemicals are not the answer, well, not the answer the overwhelming majority of the time. There are natural remedies for depression that I would take, specifically, St. Johns Wort and DL phenylalanine (DLPA). This herb is recognized throughout Europe, especially Germany, for treating depression as is DLPA.


    However, let's take a closer look at Elder Holand's advice.


    If things continue to be debilitating, seek the advice of reputable people with certified training, professional skills, and good values. Be honest with them about your history and your struggles. Prayerfully and responsibly consider the counsel they give and the solutions they prescribe.



    Note the areas I've highlighted. I fully support cognitive therapy from “reputable people” who have “good values.” We are to prayerfully consider their counsel and what they prescribe.  If what they are telling you is bunk, then find another doctor. This is right in line with Brigham Young's counsel when he said.


    Who is the real doctor? That man who knows by the Spirit of revelation what ails an individual, and by the same Spirit knows what medicine to administer. That is the real doctor, the others are quacks.

    JD 15:226



    I have a serious problem with counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists who disregard the role of our spirit, the Holy Spirit, and evil spirits when it comes to mental illnesses. A psychiatrist's idea of treating someone is shovel out the drugs (for which many get a kick-back from big pharma), all of which have very serious and dangerous side effects. Have you ever read the warnings included with them?


    I also have a major problem with LDS counselors who “Mormonize” their secular education. They are enamored by their secular education in psychology, and psychology denies the existence of God, the Savior, the Holy Spirit, and Satan. That is the flawed foundation I was referring to and LDS counselors are taken in by it. They try and use some secular principles that are contradictory to the Gospel. I know because more than one LDS counselor, who lacked any discernment whatsoever, put back my recovery from porn because of a bad diagnosis and advice.


    Here are a couple of interesting quotes from an LDS psychologist, Dr. Genevieve De Hoyos.


    Mormonizing of Secular Models

    Early in my life, I filtered everything I read and heard through my belief in God and the awareness of a plan of salvation. At that time I could look at and explain my reality through these emerging "Mormonized" models, with no sense of dissonance.

    I am sure I still do that. But I can no longer feel totally comfortable doing it. This is because so many of us are Mormonizing any and all models even when these models are based on basic assumptions that are totally inimical to Mormon thinking. When I hear other professionals present their Mormonized versions of Humanism, of Behaviorism, and of the Conflict school, totally ignoring their false theoretical underpinnings, I shudder-I shudder because I strongly suspect that I do the same. I have no problem with the story of the broken mirror which explains the presence of some truth everywhere in the world. However, by now I feel that, as a group of Mormon psychotherapists who believe that the whole truth has been given to us through the gospel, we could do better than simply distorting secular knowledge to make it fit, one way or another into our idea of truth.

    Psychotherapy and the Gospel

    AMCAP JOURNAL I VOL. 17, NO. 1-1991, Pgs. 64-65


    2. "Mormonizing" Secular Models

    In this subgroup, we find a few AMCAP writers who follow a very common practice in order to avoid feelings of dissonance. They have studied a particular model and have found it attractive. By ignoring inimical assumptions, or emphasizing a few specific aspects of the gospel, they integrate this secular model into their religious thinking. Now they are at peace, feeling secure that their work reflects both good secular therapy and gospel thinking.

    Telestial, Terrestrial, and Celestial Therapy: A Mormon Therapeutic Model

    AMCAP JOURNAL/VOL. 12, NO. 2-1986, Pg. 118



    I trust secular education when it comes to the physical sciences, but when it comes to psychology, I take it was a couple pounds of salt. If all secular education is not filtered through the Holy Spirit, then those who trust it will be deceived. They will be , “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

  4.  I just noticed that. Maybe it's wording, but yes, that's very young to be addicted for four years and have no one else notice. 


    I was addicted to morphine for eleven years and my ex and kids never caught on.  My kids were surprised when I finally told them after getting clean.  If no one monitors your medicine intake and you are careful, and you are a very good liar, you can abuse it to your heart's content.  I was all three.

  5. Context matters.  

    If you read the whole quote, you will see that he is not talking about politics . . .  



    Pres. Lee was clearly not talking about people on the left side of the political spectrum, he was talking about people like John Dehlin or Kate Kelly- both of whom found themselves ex-communicated.  Voting for a Democrat is not going to get someone ex-communicated, and it doesn't mean they don't have a testimony.


    Thanks for pointing that out. 


    However, I will bet any amount of jujubes you want to name, that both are liberals.  Just as Elder Andersen said that a person's political beliefs reflect their moral beliefs, I'm also willing to bet that anyone who believes in a "liberal" religion of the type Elder Widtsoe was talking about undoubtedly will have liberal political views, also.

  6. So what? Some flawed science does not equate to all science = flawed.



    Not that I believe in global warming...but... Prove it. It's easy to just say stuff. Regardless, see previous point.



    The rest of what you're saying here is so much garbage, and overwhelmed by logical fallacy.


    As I said in my previous post, there's some ideas that are good within...but the bad conclusions you draw from some good ideas are....


    ...rather than refute it all point by point (it wearies my mind to consider debating such poor logic), let's review Holland instead:



    I will address one statement though: "You cannot treat the spirit by temporal means." This is simply, flatly, plainly wrong. Utterly, entirely, incredibly, woefully wrong. You can too. Not only can we, but we must. It is imperative upon us to do so. (See the Holland quotes again please.) It would be insufficient to use only temporal means, yes. But your statement, as it stands, is wrong.


    You're good at making generalities, but why not back it up?  If you are so passionate about this, present your proof of the validity of psychiatry.  It is nothing more than a pseudo-science that relies on drugs to treat many imaginary diagnoses.  Psychiatry and big pharma are in bed with each other; it's all about money.  I'm sure there are some sincere doctors out there, but they are sincerely deceived.


    The appropriate response would have been to acknowledge his hypocrisy and in light of THAT, reevaluate his ideology. Instead he chose to run and hide.
    The dishonesty and dissembling from "liberal" Mormons wearies me. While failing to recognize the hypocrisy and contradictions in your ideology may be no sin, willfully ignoring them should be.



    The fact is that liberalism = socialism/communism, which is absolutely contrary to the Gospel.  This is why I agree with Pres. Lee's statement that a liberal in the church "reads by the lamp of their own conceit" and "doesn't have a testimony."  Quite simply, they are deceived.

  8. You can be happily pessimistic. They aren't mutually exclusive.


    You're mistaking my being pragmatic for pessimism.  The fact is, is that the U.S. cannot continue in its course of defying God.  This is Zion and it must and will be held accountable for it's perversions and acceptance of sin.  I see the legalization of homosexual marriage as the last straw, because liberals have taken the single most sacred institution and combined it with the worst perversion in God's eyes.  I look forward to the cleansing of America and the Church because it will mean the end of a nightmare and the beginning of real peace and harmony. 


    The cleansing will begin in the Church starting with those who are deceived and then spread to the rest of America, then the world.  I may even be part of that cleansing.  I hope not and I'm doing everything I can to search out what has been written to keep that from happening.  I sound the alarm as much as I can, but, alas, no one listens.  We are like in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the days of Noah.


    He saw where I was going and immediately did what all "liberal" Mormons do when they find themselves stuck between a rock of their ideology and a hard place of our theology. He said he didn't want to talk about it anymore.  :banghead:


    Liberals do one of three things when the hard rock of truth falls on them. 


    1.  I'm gonna take my marbles and go home.  You don't play nice.  In other words, you aren't accepting my higher moral point of view.


    2.  Shaming and embarrassment; make fun of you by saying things like, "Let's get out our tin foil hats."


    3.  Personal attacks by name calling and labeling:  "racist," "homophobic," "Islamophobic," etc.

  10. Hey I'm new to this forum.  This has probably been asked before, but not by me.


    About 18 months ago I confessed to my wife that I have been viewing pornography on and off for years.  She was understandably angry, hurt, disgusted etc.  She varies between love and kindness towards me or revulsion and anger.  She has discussed me moving out and eventually divorcing many times, at other times she states exactly the opposite.


    I have been to ARP meetings for the past year, sought individual counseling, professional and through my wonderful bishop.  We even went to marriage counseling together. But since this is my fault/problem she feels she doesn't need to be there.


    I have made progress and have been able to overcome temptations that have plagued me for years.


    However, this whole repentance process has had me up and down emotionally.  I have had some serious bouts of depression.  But we have a large family and I don't have time to slow down.


    I feel that my efforts should be enough for her to stop threatening me with divorce.


    I had a serious problem with porn for nearly five decades. When I finally got clean, it was due in no small part to my wife's support. It was and is essential for any person who has this problem. It is a rare person who overcomes this problem on his own. You need a person to be accountable to; someone who is important to you and spurs you on to do better. That person should be your wife.


    At the same time, you've got to remember her feelings of betrayal.  It sounds like you want her to just get over it. She is hurt no matter if she shows it or not and trust will be slow in coming. What I learned and had problems with, was learning to shut up and take it. You caused the problem and now you've got to live with the consequences. Every other woman is a threat to her and she will be suspicious of you every time you are in proximity to one.


    If she is having trust issues, I suspect you are still doing things that are threatening to her. The vast majority of men don't even think twice about looking at other women. If you think this, think again. First off, as a married man, you have no right to look at another woman and admire her beauty. As someone who has a porn problem, it may be seemingly innocent to you, but it is a continuation of your problem. If you watch TV or movies, you will be looking at them, also. Your wife will notice this; she's probably watching you every time you are out together.


    You simply cannot look around at other women in real life or on TV. I stopped watching TV and movies altogether. Looking around is what Elder Hartman Rector, Jr., called “feeding the evil desire.”


    When he stops feeding the evil desire, it dies. But of course, what usually happens is that we feed the evil desire just enough to keep it alive and so we keep ourselves in constant turmoil.

    Hartman Rector, Jr.

    CR, April 1970, Pg. 139



    The other problem that every addict I've ever talked to has, is that they think that they have a distorted idea of what constitutes immodesty. Immodesty is this: if clothing is tight in any way, shape, or form; has a neck line that is too low at all; does not cover the knee when sitting down; or in any way calls attention to the body, it is immodest. Learn what is and isn't modest.

  11. Because professional knowledge is typically collective. The person who overcame's knowledge is typically individual, biased, closed minded, and shallow.


    Back 500 years or so ago, the collective knowledge of science said that the earth was flat.  That "knowledge" was based on a flawed science.  Many scientists are now on the global warming band wagon.  That, too, is based on flawed science.  Psychiatry and most counseling is based on secular knowledge that often denies the existence of God and most definitely denies the existence of the Devil, and the influence of evil spirits.  The founder of modern psychiatry, Sigmund Fraud, was obsessed with sex.  He founded the International Psychoanalytical Association.  It's first president was Carl Jung, an atheist and the secretary, Otto Rank, wrote books analyzing incest. 


    If the foundations and laws of a "science" are promulgated by corrupt people who deny the existence of God, then anything subsequently built on that foundation is corrupt.  There may be truth in it, but that does not make it any less corrupt.  It would be similar to what was said by Abraham Lincoln. How many legs would a dog have if you called its tail a leg?  It would still be four because no matter what you called it, a tail will always remain a tail.  And no matter what you say about psychiatry, it is founded on secular principles.


    Psychiatry has created dozens and dozens of new "illnesses" out of thin air, kinda like the Supreme Court creates "rights" out of thin air.  Those illnesses are nothing more than establishing the "authority" of the "doctor" and justifying their existence.  So-called "mental illnesses" are nothing more than illnesses of the spirit.  Joseph Smith taught that our mind is our spirit, the directing force of our body.  Since there is absolutely not one single test that can measure the amount of neurotransmitters in the body, that means that science is actually guessing as to what is wrong in the brain. 


    What science is missing is the role of the spirit in mental illnesses.  You cannot treat the spirit by temporal means.  It can only be treated with spiritual medicine.  I'm not saying that all mental illnesses do not have a physical component.  There are cases where tests show physiological problems, but for the most part mental illnesses are spiritually based. 


    Being enamored and trusting in secular education is a good way to mess up your eternal salvation in a confident manner.

  12.  Lol. I have respect for you even though our world outlooks are different. That's what makes the world go around. We're still brothers in faith. 


    And they (our world views) aren't really that different. I choose to be happy and optimistic. It requires effort. I think pessimism and sadness are easy in todays world. 


    In fact, becoming LDS has changed me from angst ridden, pessimistic, mopey and sad to quite happy and optimistic. I used to be quite goth and "Oh, life is so miserable, Everything is bad. We are all doomed". Not so anymore. It's amazing.


    I can see why you'd think I'm so pessimistic, but actually I'm happier than I've ever been in my life.  I have great optimism about the future, but I see what is coming.  I see prophecy being fulfilled right before my eyes.  According to Joseph Smith, the Seventh Seal was opened at the beginning of this millennium.  Then there is the passage of scripture that talks about there being silence in the heavens for the space of half an hour immediately after the opening of that seal.  According to a few GA's I've read, that silence is on God's time and it would last for 22.8 years.  That time is fast approaching.  Once the silence is ended the angels of destruction are loosed.  Leading up to that time will be other calamities, wars, etc.


    There are also the statements from many other GA's that the judgments of God against this nation and especially against the deceived members of the Church would be fulfilled rapidly.  There are the statements and prophecies that predict the U.S. will be invaded by a foreign power prior to the Second Coming and that it will be a hotly contested war.  The Constitution must hang by a thread and that means that many of the things I've "predicted" (not my predictions) must happen in one form or another.  Naturally I don't know when or if all will happen, but I'm confident some of them will.



    How is such a thing even possible? What are we to take from this situation? We may conclude that such people are ignorant, or that they are deceived, or that they have been foolish to have bought into the lies they have been fed. But we cannot reasonably conclude that they love evil.


    The Church teaches that there is no excuse for being deceived.  We have the guidance of the prophet and all the writings of every church leader before, as well as the scriptures.  If that is not good enough to not be deceived then we face the consequences. 



    With my wife, I've continued reading Elder H. Verlan Andersen's book, The Great and Abominable Church of the Devil, and he teaches some very interesting things regarding your political beliefs and how they reflect your moral values.


    With the fact in mind that government is exclusively an agency of compulsion, we are now prepared to understand the basic moral nature of all government action. Throughout history civilized man has regarded the forcible taking of human life, human liberty, and human property rights as having the greatest possible moral significance. No ethical or moral question has been regarded of greater importance than that of determining when it is proper and when improper to put a person to death, take from him his freedom, and deprive him of the property with which he sustains life and exercises liberty. Since every government enforced law involves these very acts, the decision as to what laws should and should not be passed is the most moral problem we face. Furthermore, the moral responsibility for acts performed in the name of government must rest on some person or persons. The actions of government are the actions of men performed by men at the command of men, and someone is morally accountable to God for every regulation of human conduct by force, and for every forcible taking of human life, liberty, and property. In a nation of self-governing people, that someone is everyone—everyone who approves of the law in question, or because of indifference has failed to oppose it. With the privilege of self-government comes the corresponding responsibility to answer for what that government does, and no member of a free society can avoid his own obligation.

    Of course, if one opposes a law, justice demands that he neither be blamed nor given credit for the evil or good done under that law. Those who sanction it, or fail to take action regarding it, must bear the responsibility because there is no other place to rest it. Some may desire to charge the officers of government—the legislators, judges, and executive—with full responsibility. While these officers must bear their share, which may oft-times be great because of the sensitive positions they occupy, in the final analysis, they are the servants or agents of the people. The power to elect and defeat, to pass judgment on candidates, platforms and issues rests in the hands of the voters.

    One’s moral accountability for his political convictions arises not only from the political control he exercises, but also from the fact that his political beliefs constitute a most intense and accurate expression of his views on morality and justice. Let us observe that this is so.


    A person’s political philosophy is an expression of his moral beliefs because he cannot determine whether he favors or opposes a law without consulting his moral standards. Before he can approve of a law which forbids a certain act he must believe the forbidden act to be wrong or harmful. More importantly, he must determine that the law requires proof of an evil intent before punishment is inflicted. Who would be so lacking in justice and compassion that he would approve of taking a man’s life, liberty, or property for having done a deed with a righteous or an innocent intent? To classify an intent as good or evil demands the use of moral judgment.

    Similarly, before one can approve of a law which commands an act, he must believe the act to be good and a failure to perform it a culpable omission deserving of punishment. There would be an inherent contradiction in commanding the people to perform an act regarded as evil and punishing them for failing to perform it. It is contrary to logic for anyone to espouse a political philosophy which is inconsistent with his moral beliefs. On the other hand that philosophy is a formulation of his moral code.

    A person’s political philosophy not only reflects his moral convictions, but it also represents his most intense feelings regarding good and evil. Those acts which are prohibited by the laws he favors are not only regarded by him as evil, but are also so objectionable to him that he is willing to physically punish anyone who commits them. His feelings are equally intense regarding those acts he thinks he has a moral right to compel others to perform. When a person is so firmly convinced of the correctness of his political code that he is willing to impose it on all other members of society with death, imprisonment, and fine, he has expressed those convictions in the strongest possible manner.


    Suppose one were given unlimited power to use force on his fellow man without fear of retaliation, physical punishment, or condemnation by other members of society. Under such circumstances, the manner in which he treated others would be an accurate index of his moral character. The only thing left to restrain him or to determine the good or evil he would do with that force, would be his conscience. This is substantially the position a person would be in if he were given the power to secretly direct the affairs of government. He would have in his hands the supreme physical force in society and could use it to control others without incurring either physical danger or condemnation.

    In a society of self-governing people, this is essentially the position the voter occupies. While one man acting alone cannot control government, it is most obvious that the laws he favors represent his most uninhibited desires regarding what force he wants used on human beings. Indeed, if enough of his countrymen vote as he does, he will actually use that supreme physical force to accomplish his purposes.

    Our political desires are an extremely accurate index of what we would do if the Lord made us a king, a judge, or a ruler with power to govern others. If we would exercise “control or dominion or compulsion,” unrighteously, then our support of laws which regiment and control the business and private affairs of our neighbors and deprive them of their stewardships would clearly indicate this. If we would steal, except for the fear of being punished or exposed, then our approval of laws which forcibly take property from its rightful owner and give it to those to whom it does not belong would demonstrate this trait. If we would commit extortion except for fear of being caught, then our support of licensing laws which forcibly deny people freedom to enter legitimate business and patronize whom they please will reflect this criminal tendency. We must expect the Lord to use our political beliefs as a measure of our moral or immoral character.

    The Great and Abominable Church of the Devil



    My take on this is that you are responsible for the actions of the person you voted into office, and for the laws you vote for. It the laws or the person voted into office are unjust, you will be held responsible by the Lord. I would think that we should be very careful about investigating the voting record and philosophical/political background before voting for any candidates. I would also think you had be very careful about which political party you associate with. If their political philosophy does not embrace God's laws, you will be held accountable.

  15. It's always wise to follow the council of untrained nuts on the internet instead of seeking the advice of professionals.




    What makes you think that a "professional" is better than someone with experience in actually overcoming the problem? One might say the "untrained nut" takes a "one size fits all" approach, but that is exactly what the "professional" does.  I have years of experience dealing with about 15 different "professionals."  Without exception, including those who were LDS counselors, they all used the same secular theories, the same secular ideas getting the same results: nothing.  Einstein said that the definition of madness was doing the same thing the same way and expecting different results.


    Have you ever watched the DVD's, "Marketing Madness" and "Dead Wrong?"  More than 20 psychiatrists coming from a world conference on psychiatry were asked if psychiatry was a measurable science and whether they had actual scientific measureable proof in regards to chemical imbalances in the brain that legitimized the DSM findings for mental disorders.  Every single "doctor" said that no, there is no way to measure chemical imbalances in the brain.  It is actually based on theory.


    I guess you could call Christ an "untrained nut" also since he never had any formal education, but He is the person we're supposed to turn to.

  16.  See that's why we don't get along Jojo. I'm always telling you to be more realistic and less like Pollyanna. Your optimism is so naive. 


    If you think I'm negative, you should read what Joseph Smith and other early GA's wrote about what will happen to the U.S.  John Taylor's vision is really happy happy, joy joy reading.  That one will really give you warm fuzzies.  One apostle said, "I have seen the end of this nation and it is terrible to behold."

  17. First off, man made chemicals are not the answer.  That answer won't go over well with most people, but I dealt with clinical depression until I turned 54.  I had a double diagnosis of major depression and dysthymia.  For eleven of those years, I was suicidal and became a drug addict.  Over a 15 year span, doctors tried me on 22 different anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, and anti-psychotic drugs; not one of them worked.  For those last eleven years, I had jumping out of bed, running around the room, screaming nightmares.  I had them at least six nights a week, usually 2-3 times each night.  One drug I was given, Seroquel, was an anti-psychotic that was for schizophrenics and was supposed to make me sleep.  It did: 12 hours a day and I had constant nightmares.  That was the doctor's idea of helping me manage my depressive symptoms: sleeping my life away.


    The problem with anti-depressants is that doctors don't really know how they work other than through observation or patient response.  There are absolutely no tests that measure the amount of brain chemicals (too much or too little); not one.  There are theories about how these drugs work to level out the brain chemicals, but that all it is: a theory.  I have no doubt that in some way the neurotransmitters are messed up, but putting toxic man made chemicals in your body is not the answer.


    My first questions would be about your background. I strongly suspect that there is something in your past that is causing you trouble and you have not dealt with it. My second suspicion would be that you may have a current situation in your life that is causing/contributing to your depression. In my case, it was both. It wasn't until I began dealing with my childhood and present situation that I was able to conquer my depression.


    From what you have described, it seems to me that you are using “sin” to medicate yourself. Whatever your sin is seems to give you a lift You seem to be trying to forget or suppress, or run from something that is troubling you. I used drugs to give me that lift. Literally, the only time I felt remotely human was when I was higher than a kite.


    Before I would ever trust drugs, I would try cognitive therapy. However, you have to be careful about that since very few counselors use spiritually based counseling techniques. I saw several LDS counselors over several years and what they did was mingle their secular learning with the teachings of Mormonism. None of them recognized the adversary's role in the causes of depression and were unable to help me. This is something that delayed my recovery for years. Once I did recognize it, I was able to take steps against the adversary and beat my depression.


    The problem with many people is that doctors have become a golden calf. Run to the doctor for everything is their philosophy. Doctors are good if they have the ability to discern what is truly wrong. What many people don't do is turn to the Gospel, to faith, and to Christ. They believe more in doctors and science for curing their ailments. A doctor is good for curing broken bones, doing necessary surgery, or putting in stitches. For what ails your soul, because depression is a disease of the spirit, turn to the Savior.