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Everything posted by anatess2

  1. This is the same as... if it were possible to build the wall, it would be done already. Trump's election may or may not change anything in that regard. His knowledge of finance is commendable and extensive and is a great asset for the FBI.
  2. No... they don't understand basic good manners and right conduct. I took myself out of Mommy groups and even the Disney group because of it.
  3. You can pretty much say this about any top-tier candidate's supporters. Take your pick... Obama supporters, Hillary supporters, Bernie supporters, Cruz supporters... does Kasich have supporters (just kidding!)?. Especially if you're engaging them on social media. Social media is just the garbage dump of drive-by commenters. But yes, Trump and Bernie have larger social media presence, so they're louder there.
  4. Here you go... Fresh off the press. 1.) PAC puts Melania's GQ nude photo on a negative ad. ... okay, I know Mormons go ape over nude photos. But it is hard fact that a majority of Americans - especially women - don't worry about this stuff. 2.) Trump threatens to dump a Heidi-related bomb into the ring. ... yes, Cruz is not related to the PAC - but unlike the GOP immediately distancing themselves from the attack on Cruz' children, Cruz was silent about the Melania ad, so I can see the logic of tying this to Cruz. Trump goes farther (ugh, this guy needs to get his tweeter account handed over to Pierson's team) and puts a side-by-side photo of Melania and Heidi... He doesn't say it directly.... but it's Trump... it's his M.O. - he drops a one-liner and leaves you to figure out what he means by it. So, the direct implication is that Melania looks happy, Heidi looks angry. The indirect implication is - Melania smokes Heidi in the looks department. The impression is calculated. Of course it is. 3.) Cruz defends Heidi ... even goes Trumpism by name-calling Trump a sniveling coward. Par for the course. Brilliant move. The Real Men comment will get a lot of mileage well into the general elections. This is how it's done folks! 4.) Trump drops the bomb. ... via National Enquirer. Not sure if this is all of it, but it's a pretty significant blast. So, I'm looking at this and here's my conclusions: A Trump Presidency will leave you alone until you attack. When you do, not only is he willing to hit below the belt, he will pull your pants off. I'm almost wanting him to win just to see how he deals with Hillary. Now, you might think... pants off? He's going to nuke Iran! Okay, nuking Iran is not a one-person decision folks. It's not that easy to push that red button. But... pushing that button will always be on the table of options with Trump. Same with going to war - that needs Congress approval. Is this a better deal than Hillary? Hillary will first check if it is good for her legacy or her pocketbook to push that button... even if it's the last national security option available. Or... he's going to do unconstitutional stuff! He's going to do illegal stuff! That's more possible - He plays within legal bounds but he will push those bounds. Lots of examples... Mar-a-lago flagpole brouhaha... the flagpole he put in was too tall. Many estates around the area also had too tall flagpoles, so he decided to put one on knowing it's against ordinances. He got fined by Palm Beach, he sued them for discrimination. They settled by him lowering the flagpole and everyone else lowering the flagpole and him having to give money to veterans. But... instead of just getting a shorter flagpole, he raised the ground and then put the shorter flagpole on it. Now it's legal but the size of Mar-a-lago still didn't dwarf his flag. Same thing for the helicopter rides at Iowa State Fair. State fair says he can't give helicopter rides to kids in the fair so he rents the lot across from the fair entrance and gave helicopter rides. Is this a better deal than Hillary? Uhm... Email Server. Clinton Foundation. Need I say more? But, but... Trump is dirty! He'll soil the White House! Nude photos of a First Lady! And he'll expose other people's dirt too! No defense there. Is this better than Hillary? Which one would you rather have - GQ nude photo of Melania or the trail of irreparably smeared women after Hillary was done with them.
  5. Yes, most of the money has been spent paying debts. But money doesn't just disappear into the ether. Oil income will not stop... and shouldn't. You don't want civilian Iranians to starve. But the friends who will take that cash... can be tracked.
  6. That's half a vote for Hillary. But it's better than a full vote. Just a note: You got Obama for 8 because evangelicals thought the same of Romney.
  7. The money flows. Iran spending the money on Iranian economy - fine... especially if they buy Airbuses with it. Iran spending the money to fund Hezbollah weaponry... not fine. That money trail can be tracked and can be stopped.
  8. I still haven't figured out how to split quotes... so this won't be a direct response to your specific points. I'm just going to take the whole thing at its general point. Once again. I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm Huckabee in 2008 (I really really wanted to get that Fair Tax moved forward), Gingrich in 2012, Carson in 2016. But I'm not American. So I only pick the guy that would be good for both the US and the Philippines but can't really do anything about it. But, I'm a VERY ACTIVELY VOCAL anti-NeverTrump campaigner. Cruz, Trump, and Kasich are all flawed candidates. I can debate for or against all 3 of them. They will all appeal to different types of voters. I have no problem with Utah landsliding for Cruz or Florida landsliding for Trump or Ohio squeaking to Kasich. No problem. I don't even have a problem with a contested convention. Any of the 3 will be fine with me, although I have a feeling Cruz/Trump supporters are going to jet if Kasich gets the nod and it will be more difficult to convince them to stay in the tent. What twists my bloomers is when a Republican helps put Hillary in the White House... and that's the NeverTrumpsters. They would rather have Hillary than Trump. And so I find myself having to defend the guy! I had to defend RomneyCare and being Mormon back in 2012 when I was not much of a Romney fan too. But the Romney attacks back in 2012 was not as vicious from the Republican side, so I didn't get involved until the general elections. This is really the very first time that I've seen Republicans cannibalize their own front-runner. Okay, that said. If you're going to analyze Trump, you can't do it from consistent political plans. He's never, in his entire life, been a politician. His entire life experience is dealing with politics from the outside. So, if you want a proven political platform, Trump won't be your guy. He has none. He doesn't know enough about the inside workings of Washington to come up with one that would be solid and he won't have to change when he gets into office and surveys the lay of the land. Forming a policy is not a one-man show. Trump is essentially a one-man show right now. He has no political handlers, he has no political analysts, he has no campaign speech writers (except for the AIPAC speech - his newly minted foreign policy team collaborated on that). He has no meaningful team of advisers (his foreign policy one is just a starter pack). He has a campaign staff - experts at running campaigns, presenting a Vision and Mission statement but no farther. That team is an impressive bunch maximizing their campaign results from a small budget. But they can't run the White House. He can't have detailed plans until he forms his advisory team - the political experts. And if he has to form a team right now, he'll have a very tiny pool of choices - he has first to convince people they won't go to hell if their names get floated as a potential part of his team, let alone pick the best out of them. Having to pull a team off of that scenario is suicidal. That's just a fact. All the other politicians have developed their platform their entire careers. They didn't just start laying it out last July. Carson had the same challenge. Besides his healthcare plan, the rest is really bare bones especially his foreign policy. That's the prism you have to look at when talking about a Carson or Trump candidacy. Now, for a one-man-show having stood on the debate floor against Rubio and Cruz - whose entire careers are spent debating policies and laws day in and day out - and still remain standing is short of miraculous. Especially since, for some reason, Americans think the best debater should be President... uhm... hello, the best debater should be in Congress - that's what Congressmen do day in and day out. Anyway, If you'd rather elect Hillary than a political neophyte, then you'll pick Hillary over Carson too. I can't help you with that other than to say, just observe how he picks his team and see if Hillary would still be better. There's no other defense for that. So, about the team that he has picked from his very meager choices... Half of them agrees with him, the other half were vocal with their criticisms of his foreign policy statement so much so that the spin is Trump is such an idiot that he doesn't even know that half the people in his team are anti-Trumpsters. One of them is an oil/energy expert. None of them have served the foreign policies of the last 2 presidencies. None of them have loyalties to current or previous foreign policies so much so that the spin is Trump shows no respect for existing treaties and alliances (and the establishment, once again, is fit to be tied over this). Yes, I'm skeptical but at the same time I'm impressed. This is a totally new way of doing things. So from this, I can see several premature conclusions: 1.) He will not have an all-Republican cabinet... pros - no echo chamber, cons - challenge for ultra conservatives, 2.) He is serious about that oil... pros - hit them at the heart of their resources regardless of optics, cons - bad optics, 3.) This will not be a continuation of either Bush's or Obama's policies... pros - avoid the failures of both, cons - introduces a measure of unpredictability (I'm still not sure if this is a complete con... unpredictability can also work for us as the enemy can't predict how we are going to respond as well). I don't have high expectations that a detailed plan is coming out soon. This initial group sounds like they're going to be arguing for a while before the plan gets formed. Now, both Rubio and Cruz are career politicians. They've never had to work outside of it. So, just like Carson/Trump would understand political procedures and constitutional law from a theoretical standpoint, Rubio and Cruz would understand political impacts on economic movement from a theoretical standpoint. So, at that level, you have a choice whether it matters to you more that Rubio/Cruz has no private sector experience or it matters to you more that Carson/Trump has no public sector experience. Hillary is an ingrained career politician - she's grown moss in there. So, would you rather have her lifetime-long public sector experience or would you rather have Trump's lifetime-long private sector experience. If you really think public sector experience is a hard requirement and you'd rather have Hillary than no-experience Trump, then I can't help you with that either. But, if you're voting Hillary because Trump is vindictive, cold-blooded, rude, and crass... then there's A WHOLE SLEW OF DEFENSE FOR THAT. I can debate that all day long. Hillary runs circles around Trump in the vindictive, cold-hearted arena. She just has a whole team of political imagery presenters that polishes and brushes and makes her shiny so you don't remember the people that has ended up dead on her doorstep.
  9. London has Fallen. Good movie but the Olympus one was better. Zootopia. It was just ok for me. Watching Superman/Batman later today. I don't expect much out of this movie. I hated the last Superman reboot.
  10. I watched this twice. First time I was hiding behind the blanket for half the movie. Second time I took my kids with me. Kids said it would have been better if they didn't know anything about Cloverfield. They said the "Cloverfield monster" was a bitter disappointment. I thought it was the best part of the film! Okay, so I really loved John Goodman here. And the girl... she as awesome too. Actually all 3 of them were great... all 3 just had the right chemistry!
  11. If Trump would have said this... even as nicely worded as Cruz said it... the internet will be awash with new Trump bigotry upheavals. This is the United States. What exactly is a Muslim Neighborhood in the United States? 50% Muslims in a subdivision? Inner Cities with Muslim residents? 5 Muslims families huddled in an apartment in a 100-unit apartment complex? That comment is widely vacuous. Mosques. That's what you mean. All these radicals are devout Muslims. They go to Mosques. But no... that's too anti-religion sounding. Focus group says so. Hey. I don't mind Cruz. If I was American and he was the nominee, I'd vote for him.
  12. P.S. On Iran... that deal can be reversed. You can invoke the clause that puts sanctions back in place just from the missile tests alone. And if there's anybody who understands how money flows, it's Trump. But yes, he is a political neophyte. One thing that made Schwarzenegger endorse Kasich over Trump is because he said his experience as a political neophyte serving as governor was that there were times when he just didn't know which questions to ask. So, in this sense, he really needs the right people around him. Obama was a political neophyte too - and he surrounded himself with neophytes too. So you see him blundering over and over in his first 4 years. And so yes, this is a big issue. This is where the Republicans need to help him rather than oppose him when it becomes clear that he is the nominee. One thing that's promising... he is consulting with The Heritage Foundation to advise him on Supreme Court nominees. Oh, his foreign policy advisers... did you hear of that? What do you think about it?
  13. But then, that's just one possibility. If you're more inclined to favor the Ron Paul stance in the European/Middle Eastern war, then Trump is more up your alley. He's been saying going to Iraq was terrible and leave Putin to take care of Assad and give Jordan and their coalition free-reign to bomb ISIS. But he did say, he'll take out the oil and build a Syrian safe zone. It will be a beautiful zone. With a great economy. And maybe a wall. Maybe he'll put Trump in big letters on that wall.... Yes, Bush got Americans killed. Obama would rather call it workplace violence than risk having to send troops to get killed. Both Cruz and Trump will fall somewhere in between. One thing Trump doesn't do is flail ineffectually. He could possibly fail, he could possibly succeed. But either way, it won't be flailing ineffectually. That's just not his personality. Cruz and Rubio, on the other hand, have been flailing ineffectually in the Senate their entire terms. Can't win with that establishment. Maybe Trump will succeed where the Republicans have failed. I'm more than willing to give him a chance. A failure of an "R" is better than success of a "D". MUCH MUCH MUCH BETTER. Believe me (Trumpism)! And nobody - neither left nor right - believes Trump is part of American conservatism. Heck, they don't even believe Bush was part of American conservatism.
  14. DUDE.. NATIONAL REVIEW TRIED TO TAKE GINGRICH OUT IN 2012! They'll eat their own babies if it wasn't conservative! There's no denying Trump is not your typical conservative. For that you want Cruz. But interestingly, the National Review, like most conservatives including Cruz, put up Reagan as their conservative superhero. REAGAN. The guy that signed the biggest pro-abortion law in California years before Rowe vs. Wade. Reagan who signed a sweeping amnesty bill while President. THAT Reagan. The mainstream media is Trump's best friend? You must be kidding me. All the negative stuff you've been giving me are all mainstream media spun stories. They've been treating Trump as a circus clown expecting him to implode on his own. Including Fox News. Here's a Rush Limbaugh smackdown of National Review: And here's Gingrich making the case for Trump as the natural ally to conservatism: These guys are talking about the inherent character of Trump as it pertains to the future of the country and you're talking about Trump University. And you're elevating Hillary. And you wonder why I - A FILIPINO - is speaking up for Trump!
  15. Yes. When you are willing to give away Scalia's Robes because of it IT IS WORTH CLAWING MY WAY TO DEFENDING HIM. If it was just between Cruz and Trump, I wouldn't bother. They have similar policies. AND NO. MORMONGATOR, I LOVE YOU BUT IF YOU CALL ME A TRUMPSTER I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU LISTEN TO BERNIE ALL DAY LONG UNTIL NOVEMBER. Look at your links. NY Times. Perez Hilton. Here. How about you pick Rush Limbaugh!
  16. You think a liberal Supreme Court will only last 4 years? You think the current US policy - the Iran Deal, the Castro deal, ISIS terrorist attacks, etc... will only be in effect for 4 years? All because Trump is a jerk?
  17. He's not going to beat her if NeverTrump persists. Seriously. Why is Cruz getting support from Romney's ilk now? It's not that they like his platform or like him period. If Romney would have endorsed Cruz well before Florida, Cruz could have possibly gotten closer to Trump or even be higher than him! There was never a possibility that Rubio or Kasich could catch up! If Cruz - the hardliner - can smoke Hillary, there's no reason Trump can't... the only reason is really the NeverTrump people. These guys are using left-tactics to shoot the guy down. They need to go away and leave the people to decide.
  18. I don't judge people period. Yes, I judge whether I should leave my kids with certain people, or judge if I should loan them money, or judge if I'll let them fix my car, or if I should vote for them for President... none of that has anything to do with what they spend their money on.
  19. IT IS a Carlton Sheets kind of university. It is NOT an accredited University for higher learning no matter that it has the name University on it. If a person getting the product can't tell the difference between a REAL University and Trump University, then he deserves to lose his money. In any case, the Feds ordered him to change the name of the course to help the people out who don't know what a real university is. It's not Trump University anymore. It's called something else. Can't remember what it is... but it doesn't have University on it anymore.
  20. If one buys a Breitling watch over feeding his family... that's immoral. If one buys a Breitling watch but wouldn't be caught spending a buck for a Relief Society compassionate service project or what-have-you... then you kinda start to question where the person's priorities are. If one buys a Breitling after spending their entire retirement age serving the Church... dude... buy 10 more if it puts a smile on your face.
  21. Kasich is hanging on in the hopes that the Convention delegates would give him the Presidency, or he can use his delegates as bargaining chips for something. He has zero mathematical chance of winning the first Convention vote.
  22. Don't count him out yet! He still has a mathematical possibility of winning. It's going to be hard with the Northeast coming up - New York, New Jersey... they're not Cruz-friendly. But, if he can use the "establishment wing" to his favor instead of his detriment (as has been the case with everybody else before him), he can possibly get there!
  23. Name calling: Which one is more honest - 1.) Romney calls on Trump to release his tax records because he might not be as rich as he says he is (this must be a Mormon thing - Harry Reid pulled this same crap in 2012). 2.) Trump calls Romney a loser. Harassment - Name a specific incident. I can't think of one. Lying - It's an election cycle. Everybody is accusing everybody of lying. Cruz accused Trump of lying about being anti-amnesty. Rubio accused Cruz of lying about being anti-amnesty... Seriously. Accusations of lying in an election cycle is par for the course. And that includes "Lying Ted". Yes, Ted lies too. He just says it better. Slander - Name a specific incident. Cheating - He cheated on Ivana. Marla cheated on him. Trump has his story, Ivana has his story, the news has their story, the tabloids have their story. But whichever story you pick, they all point to the same thing... that marriage was over before Marla showed up. Remember - this was the time that Trump was suffering from all kinds of financial losses... Ivana didn't want to get swept under. She was a businesswoman too. The reason it didn't end up in divorce before then? Trump's father never divorced his wife throughout a lifetime's worth of a bad marriage. Trump thought he can hang on. The reason they got divorced? Trump's friend went out on a shooting spree and killed 14 people. He realized life is too short to spend in agony. No, this doesn't excuse his cheating. He's still a putz for that. By the way, Gen. Petreaus cheated on his wife. I'd vote for him for President. Eminent Doman - Are you talking about the old lady who didn't want to sell her property? You sure you know the story on that? Eminent Domain is a necessary law. You couldn't build a football stadium in an accessible part of town without it, let alone the XL Pipeline... Trump University - You sure you know the story about that too? I saw the political ad on that and even without knowing who Trump is, I can smell BS a mile away. So much so that I'm sure if this was an anti-Romney political ad, there's no way you're going to believe it. The students bought a product. They thought they're gonna become millionaires when they graduate. They sued when they didn't. But yes... you have one undeniable thing. Trump doesn't admit he made a mistake... not verbally. That's his personality - he believes mistakes are weaknesses, so he has to find a way to make his mistakes work in his favor... it's make lemonade out of lemons on steroids. That's just the way he is. Some people like it, some people don't.