let’s roll

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Everything posted by let’s roll

  1. Well I couldn’t claim I wasn’t an imposing figure if I was rocking that mustache!! 😀
  2. I was in a laundromat when a man robbed a woman after brandishing a weapon. He had her purse in hand when I stepped in front of him, took hold of the purse and said, you don’t want to do this. He let go of the purse and I stood aside. i was in a grocery store parking lot when I saw a woman being robbed at knife point about 30 yards away from me. I started walking towards them and about half way there made eye contact with the robber. I kept walking towards them and when I was about 5 or 6 steps away he turned towards me briefly, knife in hand and then turned and ran. In case you’re curious I’m about 5’9” and not an imposing figure.
  3. Well it’s comforting to know you think I’m only naive, but not a coward. 😀 I say that completely tongue in cheek. I’ve mentioned to you before how much I enjoy your posts and that applies equally to those on this thread.
  4. I’m sorry you don’t believe me. I have two commendations from LAPD, one for each instance.
  5. I’ve thwarted two armed robberies of people I didn’t know without using a weapon or laying a hand on the robber. I’ve never been in a fight. I respect people who choose to own and use guns. I seriously don’t understand why anyone would want to call someone who decides not to own a gun a coward.
  6. Hi Zil. Thanks for your thoughtful post, I always appreciate your wisdom. If you care to respond, I’m interested in your thoughts on the post Vort made just before yours. Best wishes.
  7. Hence the trade off. Maybe I can have the best of both worlds, vote by mail for convenience, but go to my polling place for 30 minutes or so to get my dose of democracy. I certainly don’t need a two hour dose. 😀
  8. Godspeed to you Tyme. i think I’ve voted by mail for the last time. I miss standing in line at the polls and seeing my fellow citizens use their franchise in accordance with their beliefs.
  9. And I think both viewpoints are valid which is why I appreciated NeuroTypical’s response to my first post on this thread stating that the gospel pavilion is big enough for a variety of views on this topic.
  10. I appreciate you being willing to respect my wishes.
  11. A couple of thoughts. My impression is that mass shooting sites seems to have much more to do with a shooter’s background and agenda...students shooters choose schools, hate crime shooters choose sites where they find those they hate...that’s true even when their background involves hard targets, i.e. shootings at military bases. Based on what I know of you from this site, I think you’d be a fine neighbor. If you were my neighbor I’d have no problem with you putting up a sign directed to me. Of course for it to be accurate, it would have to say. “I own several guns and know how to use them. My neighbor owns no guns, but has no issue with me owning mine. Out of respect for his wishes I’ve promised not to use my guns to protect him. But, of course, I can’t say I always keep my promises.” l’d leave it to you as to whether you want to include the last sentence. 😀
  12. Hi Gator, I always enjoy your comments. Just a thought on this and your mass shooter comment. Don’t most mass shooters end up killing themselves or engaging in hopeless shootouts with police (or others) that they know will result in their death. Since that’s the case, I’m not sure anyone being armed changes a mass shooter’s behavior. That said, as I mentioned above, I have no issue with someone who owns a gun.
  13. Btw, I’ve got no issue with the 2nd Amendment or anyone’s decision to own a gun. I wouldn’t want anyone who chooses to do so to think I have any expectation that they would us it to protect me.
  14. My viewpoint is best illustrated by the experience of President Oaks when he and his wife were carjacked/mugged at gunpoint (related in his profile in the latest Ensign). I can’t imagine ever owning, carrying or using a gun and I’ve lived in East LA and NY.
  15. Godspeed and best wishes to you as you work on your marriage. I humbly suggest that your efforts will be more fruitful if approached with a resolve to make your marriage work. It’s far less likely to be fruitful if you dwell on what you perceive to be the shortcomings and seek affirmation from others that those shortcomings justify you ending the marriage.
  16. You’re so fixated on condemnation, you view every situation and comment as an opportunity to try to justify you judgements and find fault. The comment regarding the Good Samaritan was about Jesus teaching about how to love our neighbors, all of them, including those who sin (which is all of them). My invitation to you was to consider the fact that the Savior taught that we don’t love of neighbors by “passing on the other side.” And if you understand the commandment in the scriptures to “judge not” as a commandment to judge, well, see my first comment. Btw, I’ve never said that children in a same sex home suffer no harm. All children in all homes suffer.
  17. Since we been invited to teach in the Savior’s way, let me offer two other brief thoughts for your consideration, using the Savior’s teachings. When Jesus responded to a question regarding who the neighbors are that we are to love by telling the story of the Good Samaritan, he contrasted the Samaritan’s willing heart and hands with those who knew the law but “passed on the other side” refusing to interact with one in need. You responded to another poster that you have had no contact or communication with parents or children in same sex households and didn’t need to have any. I’d invite you to consider whether the Savior might view that as “passing on the other side.” A second thought. In interacting with the man who asked how he could obtain eternal life, the scriptures say Jesus “loved him.” Why? Certainly because He knew of his divine heritage, premortal valiance, and willingness to obey the law he’d been taught in his youth. But He also loved him knowing that he wasn’t yet ready to follow Him. And when he demonstrated that weakness, there was no judgment or condemnation. It was not a time for judgment, but for invitations and agency. Godspeed and best wishes to you.
  18. To be frank, the more you explain yourself, the less I agree with you. Lots of faulty logic and bad analogies. Two brief examples. You say the way we keep the 1st Commandment to love God is to keep His other commandments. Taking that statement as true, if you could only obey one of His commandments wouldn’t it necessarily be the 2nd Commandment which Jesus said was”like unto” the 1st, and that ALL other commandments are appertaining to those two. Thus my “highest form” comment. The reference to discipline as showing love for our children is a faulty analogy when referring to the love we are to show to our brothers and sisters. They are not our children, they are His children. He will discipline if necessary, we are to love and forgive.
  19. I guess if I viewed the only purpose of a TR interview to be to gain entry into the temple, I might agree with you. But aren’t all interviews an opportunity to ask ourselves, in a Spirit-rich environment, “what lack I yet” and then act on the promptings we get in response? I think this brother’s experience might be better understood in that light.
  20. A couple of thoughts. You say the SP says he loves the young people. Any reason to doubt that? Wouldn’t the greatest manifestation of that love be to do all in his power to help those young people to come to know their Heavenly Father and the Savior (which by definition is “life eternal”)? Wouldn’t an invitation to youth leaders to have youth activities be Christ centered be a demonstration of that love? Is it possible that in interviewing and counseling with youth the SP has noticed some youth don’t have a strong testimony of God and Jesus Christ? In your interactions with the youth, do you feel that a greater love of God and His Son would help the youth better meet the challenges in their lives? If you see value in Christ centered activities, is you reluctance to have more of them based on uncertainty about how effective those activities have been in achieving their purposes? I’m grateful for your service, and that of the SP, with the youth and wish you both Godspeed in helping them remember their divine heritage and realize their divine potential.
  21. Or at least listen to it while they pick up trash along the freeway. That would redefine cruel and unusual punishment.
  22. Thanks for explaining your point of view. I’d suggest to you that by loving all of God’s children we are demonstrating the highest form of keeping both the 1st and 2nd commandments. I’d also suggest that loving our brothers and sisters involves much more than what, if anything, we say to them. It includes recognizing and valuing their divine heritage, their premortal valiance, their infinite worth: all of which would engender a tenderness of heart toward each one. It also includes forgiveness, both to those who have offended or mistreated us personally and those who engage in activities that offend God. Underpinned with that tenderness and forgiveness and in the context of explaining to them our belief in their divine heritage, premortal vigilance and infinite worth, I agree we can explain God’s plan of happiness to them and invite them to accept His invitation to follow that plan. If that’s what you meant to communicate in your post, I wholeheartedly concur.
  23. So since the Second Commandment requires that each of us love our brothers and sisters who are in these familial relationships you don’t want to call families (parents and children both), where do you find that love for these children of God. I don’t sense much in your post.
  24. Please tell him that you love him and want him to be at his best, so it’s important for him to take care of himself and that includes taking his medication. if he heeded your request to counsel with the Bishop regarding his struggles with pornography and is going with you to marriage counseling, hopefully he will respond positively when you ask him to stay on his medication. Godspeed to both of you.
  25. Btw, I support wholeheartedly your invitation regarding how best to read scripture and listen to prophets, I just think your analogy regarding lawyers is misplaced...except perhaps with respect to prosecutors whose duty to seek truth trumps their duty to advocate for convictions.