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Everything posted by Carborendum

  1. Whatever makes you sleep an night. If we did live in a truly free economy, that would be true. But we don't. We live in an economy where the biggest bank in America is being threatened by Congress because they are resisting elements of the ESG agenda.
  2. There is a fine line here that needs to be highlighted: If a business (like the NBA) realizes that they are losing money because fans are refusing to come to the games because one player did something stupid, then the business can look at the income, salary, and consumer activity and say,"Hey, look. You're making us look bad. Can you tone it down?" And if he doesn't, then they make a financial decision. An economic decision. A business decision. That's quite different than a business saying,"I don't like what he said when speaking his own mind on his own time. Let's fire him."
  3. Well, Musk just announced that he was actually TRYING to appease the left by agreeing to "some" moderation and censorship that he would not have been willing to do on his own. But even with some concessions, a whole bunch of sponsors have just said they are leaving the platform. This was enough to take Twitter from a profit-making company to one that loses $4Million/day. Big corporations are all in bed with conservatives, are they? Among those who left: General Motors, General Mills, Pfizer, and Volkswagen I don't know about Volkswagen. But the others are companies that depend heavily on government subsidies (or other funding that amounts to the same).
  4. These are funny. There are four episodes. But E1 & E4 talk about guns.
  5. Here is where I'd say, YES. It is oppression.
  6. I believe there is room to allow it. Let me explain why I felt justified in using the term in this instance. And you can correct me if my assumptions are incorrect. Usually, SWAT is only called in when there is serious threat of highly deadly resistance at the subject location, and it is usually for a grievous offense. Correct? Whether it was a fraudulent call from some anonymous source, or an appointed government official, I see it as the intentionally highly overpowered use of (if you'll forgive this) the "jack-booted thug" tactics by some overzealous individual whose worst crime appeared to equate to spitting on the sidewalk. And both are politically motivated.
  7. My wife and I had previously decided that we're not going to give any more money to Disney. So, we refused to get a subscription. But a friend has allowed us to share his Disney+ account. I thought it might be an advantage since we can now see the remaining Marvel movies that we hadn't seen yet. And that was about the only thing I was missing. But... Once we started watching them, I realized that they weren't really worth watching. The highlights eventually find their way to Youtube. And those are really the only parts worth watching. Everything else has gotten boring. And the one movie I wanted to watch isn't on there. So, I started browsing through other offerings on Disney+. Maybe it is just personal taste, but NONE of it looked like anything I wanted to watch. My son recently mentioned how the recent live action Cinderella (the Branagh version) was about the only live-action remake of classic animated films that people actually liked* (I posit that it is because it is not woke). But that was the one movie that is not available. Well, one problem with that mentality is that Beauty and the Beast was even more popular. But it is available. I still have access. But I haven't used it in over a month. *From a budget of less than $100million, it had a worldwide box office gross of over $500million. It enjoys a 6.5 rating on IMDB, and an 83%/78% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
  8. Religion is the primary factor preventing the entire nation from falling victim to the woke mentality. Activism is very public. But religion is mostly private. We have networks. We have organizations. We have meetings. But for the most part people have no idea what our religious positions are. It used to be the same with politics. Our politics were private. And it was considered polite to avoid discussing politics at work or in social circumstances. Why? We didn't want the drama that unfolds. Today, we have an entire culture whose primary M.O. is to shove their politics/religion down our throats. And yet they cry about Dobbs shoving religion down their throats. make no mistake. Abortion is now (effectively) a religious rite, or fast becoming one. And that is the only issue that they are now parading out there as the primary reason to vote Democrat. Is anyone else tired of seeing (or at least rolling their eyes when seeing)women dressed in red robes with funky white hats? Point being that the left seems to think that because they are visible in their protest, they're winning. The private religious people of the land (which includes quite a wave of formerly Democratic voters who are going to switch because of religious conviction over the Trans issue) will show what private observance of faith can do to help a country survive spiritually. 2% Salt.
  9. I had to take some time to think about this. I've had a similar understanding as well. Yet, there was something about the way the prophet has been speaking about "surviving" in the coming years/days. I'm still wondering if I really understand. But here are my thoughts at present. Maybe I'll come across something as I ramble. I've been mulling over how much of our lives are really a result of how we "react" to what happens to us rather than what conditions caused us to react in the way we did. The primary observation that really has me wondering is comparing my younger sister to my younger daughter. Being highly acquainted with each of them, I am in a very good place to know what their emotional/intellectual/spiritual makeups were like. They are INCREDIBLY similar. But the trials they've both gone through were completely different. Yet, they both turned out to become very similar from a spiritual/faithful/obedience perspective. We may think that we turn out different depending on how tough we had it. In some ways that's true. But it is really interesting to me how two people can go through different life experiences and turn out to be about the same. There is certainly a different dynamic that we need to consider in mortality vs how we will be judged on the final day. But if we talk about how we "can't expect" people to behave well under extreme circumstance, it opens to door to releasing people from personal responsibility. Yes, I absolutely agree that there are extreme circumstances where it is extremely difficult for an average "good person" to resist evil. And we hope that we will never be placed in such a circumstance. But then we come across the idea that the Lord will never test us beyond that which we are able. Able. That is a very interesting concept for this discussion. Do these "extreme circumstances" pop up out of nowhere? Generally, no. I believe the counsel from the Prophet is addressing the situations we have the agency to choose the first domino. If we were not the ones to choose the first or second domino of such an arrangement, then I believe it would be just to place this in a different category. In times past, we can stop it at the second, or third, or... But at some point we can't outrun the falling dominoes. It is a poor strategy to hope we can stop the 9th domino. If we do so, the 10th domino will fall whether we choose it or not. So, we have a chance to stop the progression before it is too late. In past times, the dominoes fell more slowly. In the coming days (we're possibly already there) the dominos will fall faster. We may not be able to stop the progression. That is why we need the CONSTANT influence of the Holy Ghost. We need to stop the first (or possibly the second) domino from falling ASAP. We can't wait for the 5th or 6th. That 0.35 seconds may begin something that we can't stop. The human mind can't deal with the constant barrage. But the Holy Ghost can step in there when our mortal minds can't. I've rambled enough. I hope there is some pearl in there somewhere.
  10. I guess the real question is where it is justified to draw the line. And I don't have a final answer on that. But I believe that as a starting point we need to remember old school principles. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent We are in charge of our own emotions. Stick and stones... I remember telling my dad that my sister "made me mad." My dad simply responded "No one can MAKE you mad. You are responsible for how you react." I'm surprised how this was considered "common sense" when I was a kid. But today people reject it as a myth. Where is personal responsibility? But at some point, there is a tipping point where "outrage" and "words" can hurt like sticks and stones. Where do we draw the line between "persuasion" (whether gentle or harsh) and "coercion"? A lot of it has to do with how mature and emotionally/spiritually developed someone is. It goes back to the 0.35 seconds that I mentioned elsewhere in the forum. What do we do with that brief moment in time?
  11. I'm not sure why this is 1984. He CHOSE to donate this as a way of apologizing for what he eventually accepted was a bad move. It isn't oppressive when people simply give you a guilt trip until you realize you did something stupid. It is oppressive when they use violent or other "forceful" means to destroy your life if you don't comply. Some have said that no one can cancel you without their permission. That's not so. If you give your permission, then it isn't being cancelled. It is you giving up. If you are being defiant, and people with a lot more power than you (be it legal or illegal) begin to force you to do things or prohibit you from doing things... That isn't about your permission. That said, there are real 1984 stuff going on today. Mike Lindell Alex Jones Oberlin College slander against the bakery. People who are still in prison for protesting at the capital who never had a trial. The journalist who disappeared after an FBI raid Trump being raided The pro-life activist who was SWAT-ed because he set up a table in front of a Planned Parenthood clinic BLM & ANTIFA rioters tearing apart an physically destroying a business because the business refused to bow down to the woke mob. These are signs of 1984 coming to life. And many more... And remember that 1984 wasn't just about "oppression." It was really about government control over our beliefs and thoughts. They controlled the truth.
  12. Oh, good gravy, no. 🙂 None of us are perfect. And the Lord chooses the best tool for the job which is available at the time. That means using tools that are less than desirable. And that would mean that He will inspire some people for specific purposes because they are the right person for the job. I've been prepping for my lesson this Sunday about Daniel. A detailed look at Ch 2 (his dream about the statue) reveals something that I've never heard mentioned before. "Nebuchadnezzar chose to withhold the dream's details as a test." The plain reading says that he couldn't remember the dream. He only knew that it troubled him. But a careful reading doesn't say that was the reality. It only says Neb said so. What if he lied to all these magicians? What if it was a test? Only if these people actually had power would he listen to their interpretation. Daniel proved he had power from the Lord because he could discern the dream without being told what the dream was. What should have been most startling was that Daniel told him that while his kingdom is powerful now, it would soon be conquered and taken over. Another man in the king's position would normally have beheaded the guy for giving him such bad news. But instead, he gave them honor and power. LESSON: Neb did not want to be surrounded by yes men. He wanted people with actual strength, power, and wisdom to be his advisors. The Lord gave this man this dream. But this same man whom the Lord raised up also wanted to force these men to worship idols. The Lord may judge us at the final judgment for our final destination based on what principles He alone sees fit to apply. I believe that those principles may be different when "choosing the right tool for the job" while here in mortality.
  13. Meh. We'll see. Well, we just heard something that so far doesn't mean much. We have no definitions or any real background. Apparently Twitter employees had "moderation tools" that were shut off... somehow. I wonder why people aren't asking about that. Musk agreed to turn them back on. I have no idea what this means. But people online are getting emotional about it. We don't know exactly what those tools were or what power it gave the moderators or how much it has helped or abused users in the past. So far everyone seems upset by this. But we have virtually zero explanation on what it actually means. I guess that's the 24 hr news cycle at work. We're all getting worked up about something that we have no details on what the issue really is.
  14. Yes, that is true. What made me choose the words I did was not because of general conditions, but because we're about to come up against a period of turmoil that may or may not be the beginnings of the Purge. In such a setting, I believe that (as a rule) people who are doing so begrudgingly are not going to have enough support, time, opportunities, etc. to turn themselves around. So, while in other settings, they may have been able to get back on the wagon, it will become increasingly hard to do so in the coming times. But you know me. Apocalyptic Carb.
  15. I think it may be worth telling that I just came across the actual meaning of "line upon line, precept upon precept." I thought it was "lines of scripture" and "concepts/teaching from the Almighty" respectively. Turns out, no. A line is a string/rope/cable that was used to create a straight line so that construction (for example) could use it as a "Guideline" or "rule" to build a straight wall (for example). Today we might say "That's a line I'm not willing to cross." A precept is a commandment. It is also an ordinance or a covenant. It is also sometimes used to refer to the mouthpiece pronouncing the precept (the prophet). We're not expected to learn it all or even be obedient all at once. But we are expected to learn all we can and become obedient. The word of wisdom was not given originally as constraint or command. But later, it was. I wonder what the difference is between a "guideline" or a "rule". Degree? Possibly. I don't know if it makes much difference. It is the attitude towards them that gives them weight. Are they good principles? Do we obey good principles? Then what does it matter? If we use the word "guideline" as an excuse to simply do whatever we want, then do we care if it is a good principle anyway? If they are good principles, what difference does it make if it is a rule or a guideline? We should follow them. If it is rule does that make us somehow less likely to find excuses or exceptions? Then maybe it is a good thing to call them rules. Who has never considered an exception to the rule in their lives? Rule? Guideline? We use either one to keep us straight. And with a string, it is very easy to give less heed to that line and make a crooked wall. Who cares about a stupid string? It's just a piece of vegetable matter twisted together. Why do we let that insignificant piece of fiber tell us what to do? How easily we forget the magnificent edifice we were meant to build by that guideline.
  16. I think there may be two considerations which are both valid in their own way. Both of them are obeying the rules only because they are rules. But they have different attitudes about them. The first (which is what I believe you were alluding to -- correct me if I'm wrong) is that if they're only behaving a certain way because they believe in rules. And rules are good. So, thank Heaven we have them to guide us. If we only obey because it is a rule and not because we understand the underlying principle behind them, then that will not be sufficient to survive in the coming tribulations. We need to be in tune. We need guidelines to help us focus. But we need to be the guiding power of the Holy Ghost if we are to survive. Those who depend on the rules alone to guide them may not have enough to survive. The second is that there are those that begrudgingly follow the rules. Now that the rules are gone, then, heck! Forget the principles. We can do whatever we want. This second group was who I was considering the tares. That said, I don't know of too many people who have gotten into trouble by following the rules without necessarily understanding the principles behind them. Adam knew not save the Lord commanded him. But by obeying the rules for a time, he learned what the rules were about. True, we don't want to remain there indefinitely. But if we obey because we have faith that it is a commandment of God, we usually don't remain in ignorance for long. The Lord sees faithful obedience differently than blind obedience. And faith is rewarded.
  17. Regardless of Musk's declared intentions, actually making it work is another matter. The main reason why the "woke" mentality is gaining steam is that corporations are financially afraid of the woke mob. And they, in turn, force forums that they sponsor (Like Twitter) to bend to their will or else they will pull their sponsorship. Lately, it is not just corporations being boycotted (which has only worked a few times in the last decade). It is the actual MOB mentality of rioters who will target corporations with vandalism, looting, and worse. The defund the police movement has been a big factor in making that work. It is unfortunate that so many of the big name companies have either had their corporate boards taken over by the woke mob, or have their brick and mortar stores targeted by the woke mob. They know that conservatives aren't going to vandalize their stores in nearly the same magnitude. So, they bow to the mob in order to stay in business. So, the sponsorships that Musk has to seek out are conservative sources that are not going to get most of their income from brick and mortar stores. He has an uphill battle. I have as much hope as the next guy. But I'm "cautiously" optimistic.
  18. He threw the money-changers out of His own house. It was because they were not using the house for the purpose which it was intended. If the purpose is for this relative to stay "a few days", then that is it. More than "a few days" and they are not using the house for the purpose for which it was intended. Define a few days.
  19. Kinda going along with both of you here. We went over the parable of the stage coach driver getting his wheels close to the cliff. One of my children had never heard it. We repeated it. Then my daughter made an interesting variation of the parable. The area near the cliff is not flat. It gradually curves steeper and steeper. We can then interpose a "fence" where it is still "flat enough" that you can easily recover back to the road. Now that the fence is gone, it is very easy to think, "Oh, yeah! Now we can go a bit farther and we'll still be safe." But the parable of the rip-tide warns us that it may still not be a good idea because there are other forces besides gravity beyond the fence.
  20. The guidlines for youth "For the Strength of Youth" (FSY) has been updated. But really, it is an overhaul. As we went over the changes as a family, we recognized that the overall change was that instead of stating everything as a "rule" or a "Church position," everything was basically a "guideline." The only rule repeated very clearly is that we are to obey the Law of Chastity. When we discussed the change from "rules" to "principles," I commented that this can be both good and bad. I kinda rambled for a bit about why... Then my son summed it all up with one phrase: "We're separating the wheats from the tares."
  21. Interesting. We seem to believe the same thing.
  22. I am not actually on Twitter. I only saw various posts when someone shared a tweet. But I am glad that there will be a widely used platform where people can state their sincere beliefs without being suspended or banned. I am sad that, the price for being able to do so also means that people will also be able to say things that they are NOT sincere about. But that's the price of free speech.
  23. Fox News made the Twitter News when they aired a graphic above the chiron during an unrelated broadcast. The graphic was of the Arizona gubernatorial election results which are almost two weeks away. The excuse is that this was just a test of the technology/template to display the results. The station said "This graphic was never meant to go on air — the numbers were only part of a test." Well, if the results come in anywhere near these numbers we can kiss our republic goodbye. We know all the elections are fixed and there's not a dang thing we can do about it. OTOH, it could very well be just as the station said. It was just a test and it was mistakenly displayed instead of the Fox logo. Strange that it was a local Fox News affiliate that would put up such an image. I just wanted to put this image somewhere public to provide a record.