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Everything posted by Blueskye2

  1. California requires proof of age when getting a drivers license. This means a person is producing their birth certificate or passport at the DMV. Your video has been editd to make Obama say something he never said. You can see the edits. The transcript is available here. Both of these are examples of the right seeking to suppress the vote of minorities.
  2. @POTUS has been taken over by Trump. Play by play available there.
  3. Human evolution covers the past millions of years. Modern societies cover the past 1500 years or so. Not even a blip on the evolutionary timeline. Prior to Europe being Christianized the norm was tribal, hunter-gatherers, and farmers, who practiced human sacrifice. Raided other tribes and people, fought wars, etc. Northern Africa in your sense of "evolution", "evolved" sooner than Northern Europe. Highly developed civilizations thousands of years before a Northern European etched a rune into a rock. Your sense of evolution is that of societies and societal structure, not of human evolution. Homo sapiens sapien is Homo sapiens sapien. Race does not define a sub species, because there is no such thing as a sub species for Homo sapiens sapien, and there are no other extant sub species of Homo sapiens.
  4. This is what I was thinking. Also a spiritual aspect. We are fallen.
  5. That was what those particular women were marching for. There's list of reasons and each woman is marching for some or all of them. I had to work this morning, but if I were able to attend, it would be for ending violence against women, equal access to resources (clean water, jobs, etc.), equality in the workplace. This was a global march, not just occurring the USA, and not just about women in the USA. Backroads, marches unite people. It enforces an idea that one is not standing alone. For the future, it encourages funding to organizations that work at improving whatever each woman was marching for. It encourages involvement. Volunteering. Participation. Usually these are "invisible" to the general public. A march is the visible of what is happening behind the scenes.
  6. I feel the same about Trump and the same bewilderment at his election. I also live in Utah. I get the idea that conservatives enjoy watching liberals "suffer", as it were, I mean they are really getting a kick out of posts like yours. I won't be paying attention to anything to do with the inauguration though. I don't wish Trump well, he makes me sick to my stomach, really. I'm going into ignore mode for the next four years. Those who voted for him, can deal with him.
  7. Visit The West Side Tavern and Cold Beer Store -Utah Brewers Cooperative. Because the beer is sold where it's brewed they fall under the same laws as wineries, that is, you can get "heavy beers" to go. They also have a bar with all of their beers on tap, with a view out to the bottling line. They sell Wasatch and Squatters brews. Locals pick up growlers (64 oz) to go. The "Cold Beer Store" is in reference to Utah State liquor stores, the only other place to by higher abv beers, to go. And the state never refrigerate the beers. Ever. Who knows why. Us locals don't try to understand Utah liquor laws because they are not rational and randomly change to ever further irrationality every time the Utah State legislature convenes.
  8. I thought the same for some 25 years or so, then I started to notice that all minds are encumbered, by something or some things. The atheist mind is still a human mind. I also started reading outside of atheist propaganda, and discovered that it was a Catholic, in a Catholic university, who instituted the scientific method and upon presenting it to Catholic colleagues at Catholic universities, it was received and implemented widely. I discovered a lot more than that. Most notably, the West remains highly influenced by Protestant propaganda against Catholics and Catholicism, including Protestant ideas being still entrenched in public education (and politics). This idea of an unecumbered mind is rather Puritan in nature, if you ask me. The pure in thought and method, kind of deal. I also noticed that atheists have a lot to say about god(s) they don't believe in, and have in essence, built false god(s) in which to not believe in. Personally, I found the acceptance of false god(s) to not be very true to the idea of atheism. I'd say this is more prevalent in those who were previously religious, but the ideas of the previously religious are often prominent in atheist propaganda. At any rate, I made the self observation that I wasn't a very good atheist, what with my concept of god(s) and what they are or should be, or are not. Science is great. I love it, I mean, a great love for rational thinking, discovery and all the great things us humans do. I have a fondness for earth sciences, but that human anatomy class I had in college was a lot of fun. However, science is not philosophy, and it is kind of irksome to me that science is viewed as the end all and be all. Scientists are human, makes mistakes, have flawed philosophies, have the flaws of humanity. Vices, greed, pride, inward focused, narcisim, etc. It isn't dogma that should hold science back it is metaphysics, in the sense as to what makes us human and to answer the questions about application of science. As what is possible isn't always in the best interest of humanity.
  9. Look, I've been here done that. This is how your husband looking at other women and masturbaing to them makes you feel. What did you expect? She isn't wrong, and she is absolutely right in thinking it will happen again, because it will. She's trying to control a situation in which she has no control. Maybe, just maybe, if she can control the situation she can figure out how to stay married, so she is trying, just not how you want her to try. She is going to figure out controlling you is not the answer. You need to lay it out for her. That you are an imperfect man who makes mistakes and who is battling, and you will lose the battle now and then, which doesn't mean you don't love her. That is where she is at, that if you love her, really truly love her, you would have never done this, therefore, you "obviously" don't love her. Maybe you can't and never will ever meet her expectation of what love is, or isn't , but you need to talk out what expectations are realistic and what is going to happen when you fail. Or when she fails at your expectations, as you perceive she is doing now. That doesn't mean we should be doormats. You have to communicate or this downward spiral is going to continue.
  10. There's a fundamental difference in how men and women view porn (most of the time). Men do not view it as cheating, Generally do not view that the other women they are objectifying have anything to do with their wife. Women see it as their husband lusting after another woman and consummating, in a way, that lust with themselves, in their own mind, and in what they are actually doing.
  11. As a convert from atheism to Christianity, my experience is, when I look back on my atheist years I notice what I was unable to notice as an atheist. But I think St. Therese of Lisiex said it how it is: “Just as the sun shines on all the trees and flowers as if each were the only one on earth, so does God care for all souls in a special manner.”
  12. Dude, trust is a two way street. I'd be getting a divorce lawyer if I were you, not to get divorced but to plan for protecting yourself from this woman who is going to take you to the cleaners. I mean, why is she still not divorcing you? What is she doing still living with you? Keep an eye on your bank account and any other assets that you may have.
  13. Is that you Mo-E? (it's me, Mo-E)Is that you Mo-E? (on a UFO)Is that you Mo-E? (it's me, Mo-E)The interdimensional outer space being
  14. I'm not trying to be rude here but this is double speak. Is she worshipped as in worshipping Jesus Christ! Or worshipped as in worshipping the Holy Spirit? Or just worshipping the Father means worshipping her as a sort of side effect? Or she is not worshipped? Is she part of the Godhead, since she is one, or not one in the same way? Is the Father one with several divine beings but they are not all one with each other? Unless I misunderstood, both links provided indicate doctrinal teachings.
  15. They both quote "acknowledge Godhood in her eternal Prototype". Whatever that means Otherwise, the answer is yes? But not worshipped? I.e., henotheism?
  16. Is the LDS concept of a Heavenly Mother, one that she is a divine being?
  17. I go with to the two senses of scripture, the literal and the spiritual. The spiritual being subdivided into the allegorical, moral and anagogical senses. I view Adam and Eve in the Garden, using both senses. Literally, God created everything, with the allegorical, moral and anagogical present in the two tellings of the creation story. Noah's Ark, global flood, Tower of Babel, Jonah in the whale, I view with the spiritual senses. Particularly, salvation history, that is, God working in history towards our salvation, prefigured in many OT stories, literally fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
  18. Depends, on the individual. I have a friend, who every time I talk to her, it is about how she is stressing out She doesn't read the Book of Mormon enough. All the wile telling me she reads it every morning at 6AM! She doesn't do this. She doesn't do that. It is exhausting just to talk to her for 10 minutes. People giving talks and lessons are stressed out that they aren't going to say the right things or not enough or too much. Don't measure the stress level of a whole religion based on those who are, in fact, stressed out. I'm not Mormon, but we have our fair share of stressed out Catholics. Drive, towards holiness is overall good, I think, and it is work. But we aren't doing it alone. We actually can't do it alone. Then there is scrupolsity, which, can affect anyone or everyone from time to time, but if it persists, it is not of God. It is diabolical in nature, and should be guarded against. You need to look for and find the low stress Mormons. I'm pretty sure that they are not mythical creatures. You can help the stressed folk by supporting them, even just a thank you goes a long ways.
  19. Of course, the emotional response. Can't you see I'm in pain, and If you can't I'm gonna make the whole country hurt so you "get it". Some people never grow up and take responsibility for themselves No one explains ever, "we're hurting". Is there a roof over your head, food on your table, more than the clothes on your back to your name? If not then what hurt? You didn't get what you want in the last election? You think the guy who mows lawns next door has stolen your job? Were you thinking of becoming a day laborer and all the positions were filled? Yes, I think there are people who are really and truly hurting in this country, but I haven't seen it in the Trump crowd. I see people angry because people same sex couples can get married, and angry at those uppity name-the-group-you-don't-like. Millennials, African Americans, immigrants, refugees. Cuz it hurts so bad to see everyone being supported but me, while I stick up for no one but my own race. The new special snowflakes.
  20. Thus the world has turned for millennia. I do what I can but I am not naive. Trump is the same as, and all the same as will follow, and what is removed is replaced with the same or similar. It's been that way for longer than 24 years or whatever. I don't put my hope in men (or women). I work to the best of my ability, not perfectly of course, to align myself to people of good will and put my time, treasure and talent where people of good will are working to do the same. There are I'm sure people of good will in government, but have no direct contact with them and they are not here working, among us mere humans. They are ensconced 2000 miles away. I am here, and here is where I focus myself and my resources. Refugees who are settling here, the homeless, the hungry, the seekers after Truth, is where I'm at. Trump has never said anything, at all, ever about assisting the truly disenfranchised of our society and our growing desert of faith where people thirst for God. He only talks of helping those who have something, to have more. Never speaks of giving or serving, always gimme or getting. So, he is not working in the same place I am and the majority of all politicians, are not. Instead they are measuring people in terms of commodities, and people are allowing themselves to be measured as commodities, and revolting for not having a higher commodity value. I don't find that liberating, in the least.
  21. Yes indeed I do believe people can change, and I do understand people make mistakes. All people sin, even admired politicians. The grace of forgiveness and the change it wroughts, are strongly held beliefs of mine. So I'm waiting, for the future to arrive, with hope in faith, love and charity. I keep all leaders in my prayers and they are in the prayers of my Church. Not really a political tactic or strategy, just practicing patience, which is difficult for me, as I am not a patient person and often wonder when God is going to step in. Which often, He already has and I fail to recognize that truth. Then I get the wonderful moments of realization and also realize just how much He has to give. If you're looking for my weakness, to use in your arguments against me, there it is. I am a person of faith. I believe God can use an objectively immoral person to achieve His Good. After all, I a sinner, have experienced His grace. I patiently wait, to see, and also to listen to where He guides me.
  22. Double down and blame everyone else ...hmmm, sounds like every Trump speech ever made. But he's gonna fix that for us. I'm waiting to see if and what the "fixes" are, but I'll be at the protests if he follows through with even half of his retoric.
  23. Keeping it real. I recall when Pres. Obama ran for office in 2007, and that poster of him was popular, the one with HOPE written on it and all my liberal lefty friends and coworkers were acting like the savior of the world had arrived and was elected. I thought they were over baking it, acting rather foolish really, and I like Pres. Obama. I see the same thing now with Trump. I get it, it's just populism. The cult of personality. I think people who are ardent supporters of Trump are over baking it. All hail Donald Trump is me, expressing that I see the same foolishness that I did eight years ago. He's just a man and there is only one a Savior of the world, who is neither republican or democrat.
  24. All hail Donald Trump. Did you know people employed by the Trumps in their hotels are required to stop what they are doing and rise, whenever a Trump family member sashays nearby. You may have elected self-stylized royalty. Yay for us! But seriously, I neither expect good or bad. Just waiting to see. As for the angry mobs, I get why they are protesting, I don't support criminal behavior that some are participating in. Burning the president elect in effigy will gain you a visit from the secret service, as it should. I think people writing or chanting "not my president" are in dire need of an American civics course.