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Everything posted by FairChild

  1. Pretty please go to the police. If you have simply deleted the messages from your computer, a person at the PD should be able to pull the pictures back up. Let the PD handle it all. Goodness forbid, if something would happen and the PD went into your computer and found the pictures, you would be held accountable because you did not turn this couple in. Remember, the reason you go to church is for yourself, not for anyone else. I don't agree with what is going on. If the couple keeps harassing you, call the PD and put a restraining order on them. If they continue, use it by calling the PD. It means they they chose to break the order and will go to jail. Their choice. If he was fired, it was because of his choices. No one forced this couple to misbehave. Take care of your self and your family. This is not church policy to cover up for sexually problemed people, rather it is the choices of a few. Sit in the front pew and hold your heads up high. You did the right thing. You did nothing wrong. Don't let the behavior of a few bad apples influence your behavior. Don't quit. I wish you good luck and send you many prayers. by the way, if I did not mention it, I am proud that you helped, you did do a good thing.
  2. So, are you making a plan? Are you goal setting this whole thing out? Make a date on the calendar that you will call her no later than and plan just to talk for say 5 minutes. That's all. If you want to talk more, talk more. Just take a starting step. Baby steps will still get you there, just takes a little longer, that's all. Good luck.
  3. It's summertime and perhaps a picnic in the park would be a wonderful summertime activity for you both. Call no matter what you do. It's a wonderful opprtunity to make a friend and friends are a wonderful gift meant to be enjoyed.
  4. I finally got the directions to a LDS bookstore that I have been trying to find for a long time. Thank you.
  5. FunkyTown, what great advice. When did you get so wise?
  6. What should I do about my friend's boyfriend named Bob. I don't like Bob because he is a jerk.
  7. Did I mention they should not be attached to a respirator or a moraphine drip?
  8. How can I meet wonderful, unmarried, older men?
  9. Now that I am not working so many hours, what should I do with my newly found free time?
  10. I am so happy for you. Please take good care of yourself. All that care will multiply and shine on other people.
  11. Be as mad as you want to be. You have the power to control your feelings. Primary is a great tool that can be used in helping us to teach our children the gospel as well as learn how to socialize. Your first responsibilty is for your child's health and safety. You are a good mom. Don't forget that.
  12. Stay safe and remember that you are so important. Find little ways to nurture yourself. Please let us know what we can do and how you are doing.
  13. As a sister to a brother that abused all of his siblings, please let me give you my perspective. I am 52, he is 51 and the other siblings range in age down to my youngest brother in his twenties. My parents did nothing to stop his abuse nor did they take any steps to get him any of the help he needed. My brother was a bright, handsome child that had tremendous potential. Because of our past history, none of his siblings will have anything to do with him, even though at this point in time, it seems he is a non-abuser. I know you want to keep your family together. It is a most precious trust given to you by our loving Heavenly Father. By allowing your daughter to get the help she so desperately needs, you may actually keep open the pathway to a better long term relationship between your children. As a divorced parent that raised my sons alone, I made all the major decisions. It is beyond scary, it is actually terrifying at times. There is a silver lining if you chose to look for it. You will have a better handle on what your children's needs and even wants are. You will have a loving and close relationship that time will never ever be able to erode. You are not sending your child that needs the most help away to be cared for by others, you are making sure she is in the safest, most prepared home that can help you help raise her. She will have the potential when she is better able to handle it, to have a relationship with her brothers that she is not able to have at this time. You are a good mom. You need to remember that. You also need to be taking care of yourself at this time. It is important that your children see that you value yourself, because they need to find value in others and themselves. I know it is hard, but you are stretching and growing right now and that is not often easy. Take care and let us know what you have decided.
  14. How is your 7 year old doing?
  15. I was reading an article about shyness and it said something I found interesting. It said if you were shy, you were also a person that was very self focused. It said one of the best remedies for shyness was to focus outside of yourself.
  16. Johnny, may I ask if you are male or female?
  17. Welcome. I hope you come into the chatroom. Love to talk to you.
  18. One of the things I was trying to say, if he has the same issues of impatience to a high degree, high impulsivity in school, it may be a much larger problem than just wanting to watch TV. Good luck in finding out what works and how to help him.
  19. I wonder if you have talked to your son's doctor and asked him to do an evaluation for ODD or ADD? It might help you find better ways of working with your child. I am a mom that had a child with both problems. Check out as many possible solutions as possible. If school was in session, I would also suggest talking to his teacher to see if he has the same problems at school.
  20. This is a good safe place for friends that help support, laugh, share, rejoice, teach and just plain old love you. Welcome.
  21. Don't leave your little one alone with him. You are the responsible one, don't chance that your child could be hurt by your father.
  22. I do think you are having some food related issuses. I am a bit concerned about how you are using food. I think you need some help concerning food, the nutrition aspect as well as the emotional portion.
  23. I've done OA, but have just joined TOPS. I think I will like that better, becasue it focuses more on food and nutrition than the OA group I went to. I will let you know how the TOPS group turns out. I think it will help having support from others with the same goal I have. It is not very expensive. Good luck.