The Word of Wisdom


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Seems to have become somewhat blase' in church circles nowdays. And although Latter-day Saints are still seen as "those people who don't drink or smoke" I [personally believe there is a lot more to it than drinking and smoking. Unfortunately, the last few times I've been in class and there has been discussion concerning the W of W it always seems to digress to the drinking and smoking issue. I know alcohol and tobacco are destructive, I've had family members pass on way to young because of these things.


What does everyone else read in the words of Section 89 that inspires them? The dietary code is interesting, and fortunately for me, Twinkies are made out of grain. I think.


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Early to bed early to rise.

I'm trying to work on that.

But take a look at the standard seminary class. Students have to rise early... Now if they went to bed early, they'd be all the more prepared to take in the blessing which is seminary.

Anyway, that's one I'm trying to work on. I have a hard time sleeping before noon's darker twin, but I really WANT to.

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Guest Xzain

I find the promise of 'great treasures of hidden knowledge' for obeying the WoW extremely inspiring. Indeed, I have found some of those treasures and prize them highly.

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To me I read the W of W with the Saviors words to take upon ourselves his yoke. To me this implies to lead a simple live and not to concern myself with the world of today. There are things I need in this world but there are something’s I don’t need and should not bother with. I think the word of wisdom helps to weed out a lot of confusion as to what is good and what isn’t, especial in today’s day and age where if you do a Google search you will find many pros and cons fort the same thing e.g. red meat consumption. I personally think that the W of W is a warning to keep our minds and body’s clean from anything as the war between good and evil are fought with the mind and words. (Craftiness of speech)

In the old days the folks would settle a dispute with their fist and guns; today we try and outwit each other with our knowledge and we need a sharp mind to defend ourselves against any propaganda, but that’s just me

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Guest Lexish

I'm always surprised, too, how much emphasis drugs and drinking get and how little emphasis the diet and exercise get. I think we would be better off if we followed the dietary part better. Just as many people get incredible health problems from not following a healthy lifestyle in terms of diet and exercise as drugs and drinking. I guess people don't necessarily see something as essential as food as harmful.

All things in moderation, that is what I get when I read the Word of Wisdom.

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What does everyone else read in the words of Section 89 that inspires them? The dietary code is interesting, and fortunately for me, Twinkies are made out of grain. I think.

I think the word "moderation" is what inspires me most. Yes, drugs, drinking, and smoking are bad for us. But what about all the other foods and drinks in our lives that can be bad as well?

Moderation. I eat meat in moderation. Not just because of the WoW, but because I have not ever been a big meat-eater. I do eat chocolate now and then, and I like the occasional handful of chips, but I eat these things in moderation as well.

I have just learned that if I have a problem with self-control with any particular food or drink...then I don't buy it or bring it into my home.

Example: I could easily eat 4 or 5 glazed doughnuts in one sitting. So, I don't allow doughnuts in my house. It does not bother me, but my husband gets sad sometimes about not having doughnuts in the house. LOL LOL

But I have to be honest. There are some things that I truly cannot moderate. Watermelon, pizza, and crablegs.

Every summer I go through the same torturous ritual...I eat a whole watermelon in one sitting. Then I find myself writhing on the floor in pain. My husband no longer has sympathy. Mostly because he knows that as soon as the awful pain subsides, I go back and get more watermelon!!!!!

I just can't seem to use moderation in eating watermelon. Yet, I still bring it into my home every summer. (SIGH)

Seriously, there is a tremendous amount of wisdom in doing all things in moderation...not just the things we eat and drink.


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Here is the web address of D & C Section 89: Doctrine and Covenants 89 read it. Please keep in mind that the Word of Wisdom is not just a dietary set of things that are good for you. If it was then exercise would be there, but it’s not! Guess what else is not there, taking vitamins, I could list more, but I think you get my point.

There is no doubt that there are differences in the Old Testament set of “Words of Wisdom” known as the Moses Code of law, read the first 4-5 books of the Bible. Most of it talks about it. In that code pigs were considered “unclean” with many other meats, but my point is that in the New Testament, after Christ fulfilled the Moses Code, then it was okay for the Apostles to eat a pig. Am I missing something? Are pigs suddenly now clean? Scientists say that if you’re not careful then pork is unsafe to eat.

All I’m saying is that the Word of Wisdom and the Moses Code was mostly about obedience then it was about eating only safe foods.

I read in another post that the whole eating meat only in winter as stated in verses 12-13 was that there was little to no refrigeration technology back then, so it would make sense to wait until a cold time of the year to eat it. Now that refrigeration technology is at the point that we don’t need to wait. We can just put meat in the refrigerator, or even the freezer.

As most of the posts have stated, be moderate in all things”, or more precisely, as I would say, be moderate in all GOOD things, and sparingly in the “junk foods” (like once in a blue moon). Today, more than any other generation, we have food at every corner. There’s McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s, etc… all this food, mostly bad food, that is fast and easy to make. It’s hard to point fingers since those places wouldn’t be open if people wouldn’t go there.

My final point is to be careful of what you eat, and talk to a doctor!!! You need to talk to a doctor before you do anything, since you might do more harm than good, to your body.

P.S. Since there are a lot of “not’s” in social drinks and foods, like coffee, alcohol, and even tea, then you should let the person that asks “would you like a drink?” then you can say “No” but then say what you CAN drink, like lemonade or anything else. I would also suggest that you do the same even for LDS families, since, even among us, there is differences of opinion of what is, and what is not a part of WoW. So keep that in mind.

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I think the word "moderation" is what inspires me most. Yes, drugs, drinking, and smoking are bad for us. But what about all the other foods and drinks in our lives that can be bad as well?

Moderation. I eat meat in moderation. Not just because of the WoW, but because I have not ever been a big meat-eater. I do eat chocolate now and then, and I like the occasional handful of chips, but I eat these things in moderation as well.

I have just learned that if I have a problem with self-control with any particular food or drink...then I don't buy it or bring it into my home.

Example: I could easily eat 4 or 5 glazed doughnuts in one sitting. So, I don't allow doughnuts in my house. It does not bother me, but my husband gets sad sometimes about not having doughnuts in the house. LOL LOL

But I have to be honest. There are some things that I truly cannot moderate. Watermelon, pizza, and crablegs.

Every summer I go through the same torturous ritual...I eat a whole watermelon in one sitting. Then I find myself writhing on the floor in pain. My husband no longer has sympathy. Mostly because he knows that as soon as the awful pain subsides, I go back and get more watermelon!!!!!

I just can't seem to use moderation in eating watermelon. Yet, I still bring it into my home every summer. (SIGH)

Seriously, there is a tremendous amount of wisdom in doing all things in moderation...not just the things we eat and drink.


TG....repeat after me...I hate watermelon...I hate watermelon...I hate watermelon. :lol:

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Pam, you won't believe this, husband and I made a raised bed a few months ago. Well, we have had the cross-ties laid out in a rectangle for over a year, but we had just not gotten around to filling it yet with compost or dirt. Well, a couple of months ago we finally filled it with some REALLY good compost.

Anyway, being tight on funds and short on time...we have not yet planted any seeds or veggies.

I was outside watering one day, and I wondered why Heavenly Father couldn't just let some good seed blow into the raised bed so that we could have something growing.

Guess what? Yesterday I went out there to pull some weeds that I saw growing in the raised bed. I actually found 3 healthy plants growing among the few weeds.

Guess what the plants were????

Watermelon vines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have three beautiful watermelon plants growing in my raised bed. How awesome is that? LOL LOL

I also have some blackberry bushes growing at one end, but that is not blackberry bushes grow EVERYWHERE in our yard, along the ditches, etc. They are as prevalent (and pesky) as mosquitoes here in southern Georgia!!! LOL LOL


There are some things that never need to be done in moderation:

* expressing gratitude

* service

* giving love

* offering a kind word

* mourning with those that mourn

* comforting those in need

* following the Spirit

* thinking of our Savior's sacrifice and love

* talking to our Heavenly Father in prayer

That is just a few...I am sure that there are MANY MANY more.

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As to Ray Hale's comment that there is nothing in the Word of Wisdom about exercise: "Thou shalt run and not be weary, thou shalt walk and not faint." (Vs. 20.) I realize in the context, that could be interpreted as part of the promised blessings from vs. 19, the finding of treasures of knowledge, and it certainly can be interpreted in that manner, but I've heard it interpreted as a commandment to exercise, and I try to apply it thusly. (I walk 2 miles 4-5 days a week; that's about all this old body is good for.) Well that, and my granddaughter runs me around the yard or pool when she visits.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest DeborahC

18 And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones;

19 And shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures;

20 And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint.

21 And I, the Lord, give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them. Amen.

The promises are what is inspiring to me! If we follow the Word of Wisdom, we will live healthy, long lives. Our brains will function correctly and we will find wisdom. We will be strong.

You don't realize what a blessing good health is until you're without it.

If you lost every other thing in the world, but retained your health, you'd be rich beyond measure, in my opinion!

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Hope you don't mind me cutting in...

There are some things that never need to be done in moderation:

* expressing gratitude

* service - well... (don't run faster than you have strength)

* giving love

* offering a kind word

* mourning with those that mourn (but don't neglect your other duties)

* comforting those in need (Same as above)

* following the Spirit

* thinking of our Savior's sacrifice and love

* talking to our Heavenly Father in prayer (your point is understood, but there is a time for praying and a time for getting up and going to work)

That is just a few...I am sure that there are MANY MANY more.

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And again, tobacco is not for the body, neither for the belly, and is not good for man, but is an herb for bruises and all sick cattle, to be used with judgment and skill (v 8).

There are many things pertaining to our health that aren't discussed in the Word of Wisdom. I find that one phrase, "with judgment and skill" to be applicable to those things and not just tobacco. I think it involves making informed and intelligent choices about what we consume and apply to our bodies.

Given for a principle with promise, adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints, who are or can be called saints.

Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation— (vv 3-4)

Some things dictated to us in the Word of Wisdom may not be inherently bad, but we still do not do them as a form of solidarity and fellowship with those among us who might be taken advantage of by conspiring men. (See Mosiah 18:8-10)

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18 And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones;

19 And shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures;

20 And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint.

21 And I, the Lord, give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them. Amen.

The promises are what is inspiring to me! If we follow the Word of Wisdom, we will live healthy, long lives. Our brains will function correctly and we will find wisdom. We will be strong.

You don't realize what a blessing good health is until you're without it.

If you lost every other thing in the world, but retained your health, you'd be rich beyond measure, in my opinion!

Have the church leaders ever elaborated on this part of the WoW?

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Have the church leaders ever elaborated on this part of the WoW?

The destroying Angel part? That is interesting. More so when we look at the over all ramifications alcohol produces within the family and community. I heard a doctor on the radio once explaining that for the last 40 years public consiousness has been anti-tobacco, which is good, but he stated that we should have spent 40 years going after alcohol. He said the medical, familial and community impact of alcohol is much greater than tobacco, i.e. auto accidents/deaths, unwanted pregnancies, rape/sexual abuse, spousal/child abuse, can often be related to alcohol consumption. As well as work days lost, medical costs dealing with alcohol related diseases, etc.

I'm not sure that's what you were looking for, but drug and aclohol use can be associated to 90% of court appearances in certain parts of California from what I have been told.

I imagine that if people would give up drinking booze the destroying angel would certainly pass many people by.


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Besides the moderation issue suggested in Section 89, anything we do to put our lives out of balance by overindulging could be viewed as both temporally and at least a bit spiritually detrimental. There are those amongst us who spend too much time on family history work, or spend all of our free time in the temple, and may not have time to go Home and Visiting Teaching.

The Lord wants our lives to be full and harmonious, and be able to partake in all of the gospel, not just touch the parts of it that are the most appealing or the easiest. The Word of Wisdom helps us reach that goal.

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Guest DeborahC

I eat 80% raw fruits, sprouted grains, and vegetables.

The other 20% of my diet is cooked organic meats and the occasional organic pasta, cooked.

I do drink a cup of coffee each morning, mostly becuause I enjoy it.

Otherwise, I drink PERO, juice, water or herbal tea.

As long as I eat this diet and stay away from scents, I feel healthy.

That's all I know.

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I eat 80% raw fruits, sprouted grains, and vegetables.

The other 20% of my diet is cooked organic meats and the occasional organic pasta, cooked.

I do drink a cup of coffee each morning, mostly becuause I enjoy it.

Otherwise, I drink PERO, juice, water or herbal tea...

That all sounds good but what about dairy products? You're never too old for a glass of milk.


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For me.. the WoW was to set us apart from the world. To be in it.. not of it. And because we are suppose to be an "enlighten" people.. the prophet Joseph has said.. I teach them and let them govern themselves.

Makes me wonder if we are "getting it" yet? It seems we have to keep going over the same things over and over and over and over and over again!

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