I threw away my book of mormon (quad) and...

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i thought this was an interesting post. but I had to say something to it. If I was reading terriorsits material and then one day decided to read stuff that discouraged terriorist material and then I threw it out and one day it showed back up does this mean I should really become a terriorist??

It is foolish to put too much emphasis on circumstances like this. The bible warns us about that. Rather examine the evidence and ask God for his leading with his already written word in the bible. Does it line up to it? Does it fit like a glove etc..?

That is my two cents on it. But I bet you were like WOW that is wild!! Things have shown up at my door beyond explanation that i am glad came back into my life.

That's what we've been saying. The difference is plain, as I explained in post #16. If it is good and leads to Christ it is from God. Terrorist material obviously is not good and does not lead to Christ; instead it leads to evil and is therefore of the devil.

Anyone who reads the Book of Mormon can see that it is truly another testament of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, and it contains the word of God. It teaches us to be good and to believe in Christ. So, it is of God, and so is the true Church of Jesus Christ, which teaches it's members to be good, and to believe in Christ. Elizabeth81 has judged correctly, and now recognizes the good of it all by the light of Christ in her.



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Anyone who reads the Book of Mormon can see that it is truly another testament of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, and it contains the word of God. It teaches us to be good and to believe in Christ. So, it is of God, and so is the true Church of Jesus Christ, which teaches it's members to be good, and to believe in Christ. Elizabeth81 has judged correctly, and now recognizes the good of it all by the light of Christ in her.

I remember talking about the Book of Mormon one time in church. If the Book of Mormon were inspired by Satan then the devil surely has switched sides to be with the Lord. As Nephi wrote in II Nephi chapter 3 :

"Wherefore, the fruit of thy loins shall write; and the fruit of the loins of Judah shall write; and that which shall be written by the fruit of thy loins, and also that which shall be written by the fruit of the loins of Judah, shall grow together, unto the confounding of false doctrines and laying down of contentions, and establishing peace among the fruit of thy loins, and bringing them to the knowledge of their fathers in the latter days, and also to the knowledge of my covenants, saith the Lord."

What is written above is a prophesy made by Joseph (Israel's son) that a two records would come forth. One from from the descendants of Judah and one from his children. Both records would "grow together, unto the confounding of false doctrines and laying down of contentions, and establishing peace." This prophecy has been fulfilled with the Bible and Book or Mormon coming forth to the nations of the earth.

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Okay I was reading a lot of "anti" on the internet and went back to my church I knew as a child. One day I threw out my quad in the garbage and 4 months later I got a call from Walmart saying that they found my bible (I had my name in mine)

I went to pick it up and it was my quad!

What do you all think this means?

I would love your thoughts

(I hope this is alright I posted this in general discussion too cuz I would love advice and I don't know if everyone goes there

There is no chance or being lucky. There is a reason and why you receive back your scriptures. As it was Nephi of old who accounted his record and not knowing at first why. Later, it was to replace the lost 116-page manuscript.

Sister, someone does love you and looking out for you beyond the veil.

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Why don't you search the quad, asking the question you are asking us. I promise you that as you do, you'll know the Lord's will and intentions for you. The book holds the answers and when you open it and study it, you open yourself up to impressions from His Spirit--which is His voice. He has much to tell you, I believe.

Let us know what you learn!



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Okay I was reading a lot of "anti" on the internet and went back to my church I knew as a child. One day I threw out my quad in the garbage and 4 months later I got a call from Walmart saying that they found my bible (I had my name in mine)

I went to pick it up and it was my quad!

What do you all think this means?

I would love your thoughts

(I hope this is alright I posted this in general discussion too cuz I would love advice and I don't know if everyone goes there

My Thoughts? I want more of the story...

First, where did you throw it away at? Home, work, a bus stop, dumpster behind Wal-Mart? Where?

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i thought this was an interesting post. but I had to say something to it. If I was reading terriorsits material and then one day decided to read stuff that discouraged terriorist material and then I threw it out and one day it showed back up does this mean I should really become a terriorist??

It is foolish to put too much emphasis on circumstances like this. The bible warns us about that. Rather examine the evidence and ask God for his leading with his already written word in the bible. Does it line up to it? Does it fit like a glove etc..?

That is my two cents on it. But I bet you were like WOW that is wild!! Things have shown up at my door beyond explanation that i am glad came back into my life.

Good point...

I was attending a different Book of Mormon believing church and was considering baptism. When I prayed about it I decided to do the "open your scriptures and read where you land method", well I landed where Alma says to the people (I believe at the Waters of Mormon) "What have ye against being baptized?" Does that prove that that church was right and the LDS church is in apostacy??????????

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Okay I was reading a lot of "anti" on the internet and went back to my church I knew as a child. One day I threw out my quad in the garbage and 4 months later I got a call from Walmart saying that they found my bible (I had my name in mine)

I went to pick it up and it was my quad!

What do you all think this means?

I would love your thoughts

(I hope this is alright I posted this in general discussion too cuz I would love advice and I don't know if everyone goes there

Sounds to me as it would make an excellant movie theme?:)

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elizabeth81 - I for one believe that things happen in ones life for a reason. Most of the time one does not spend suffiecent time to think about those things that seem to influence ones life. Your Quads return happened for a reason. It sounds like you have your answer and the Spirit has now testified to you of the purpose they were returned.

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