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I'm a convert to this church (I joined at a young age because my parents did) but I honestly don't know if this is the true chruch. I believe in a Supreme Being, a God. I just can't believe that all the sudden we came to be.

Most LDS that I've met and know are generally good people. I see no evil in the church's teachings and practices.

How can I find out if the church is true? I feel good when I read the BOM, is that it? Is that the Spirit of God?

All these converts have these great stories to share but for me, I just get that feel good feeling inside while I read the scriptures and once I start reading the BOM, I get hooked on it.

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You're so rad. I'm glad you're one of the people that didn't walk through life relying on what your parents told you. Definetely good taht you're finding out for yourself. I think it's different for everyone as far as "finding out it's true" and I guess I'll do the lame cliche' "you'll know it when you feel it" line...and I assume you've felt it and if you're still unsure, just pray like there's no tomorrow. The surpreme being you talked about likes to answer your questions :) Good luck!

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Everyone here is going to say "Yes, that's it!" and get all mormon excited. Some will probably even tell you to go write a testimony on this site somewhere.

I'm going to tell you that that is probably the Spirit, but I really don't know. I'm one of thouse "Doubting Thomases" that is never sure about anything. But it doesn't matter what the people here say, it doesn't matter whether they tell you that your feelings are a witness from God or not. What matters is whether the feelings you have are good enough for you.

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You start by saying you believe in a Supreme Being. Perhaps praying directly to Him, and reading what you can about Him would help? Read your BoM, read your Bible, both Old and New Testaments, and keep praying your heart out. Try to discern the character of God. Is He good and all-powerful? Are their parts of Scripture that concern you? If so, can you trust God with the uncertainties? Before you can know which church is true, imho, you need to know if God is true, and if He is the Almighty One you can dedicate your life to. Once you have that with certainty, He'll surely direct you to the church and beliefs he would have you to embrace.

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I have too at times struggled with whether or not the Church is true. You can get all the spiritual feelings you want, but God doesn't just force or let us rely on these alone, though that is part of it.

There are certain doctrines that if you put into practice, you can see for yourself whether they are or God or not. There are things like tithing, or the Word of Wisdom that you can practice you see if what the Lord promises if you obey them actually happen.

For example, the Word of Wisdom says that if you live it, you will run and not be weary, or you will gain great treasures of knowledge, etc. So live it and see if it works.

Or with tithing, live it and see if the windows of heaven are opened to you or not.

If we covenant to do things for God, and do them and God fulfills his part, then you will know it is of God. If you follow the principle and things go sour and things go awry, then possibly it isn't of God.

We have been in financial straights with the job and a flood in the area lately. Our home got flooded, and I lost my job right off the bat. I have had a couple fly by night jobs since then, however, we have continued to pay tithing. For some reason, we have been able to make the mortgage and meet our needs these last 6 months despite the difficulties. Our bills have been met, we haven't had to ask for Church assistance or welfare, and we are still coasting along despite having alot less money.

So find some principle and test it.

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This is a process. It does not happen with a single episode in ones life. Instead it happens daily as we strive to obey Gods commandments, read and ponder the scriptures, repent of our mistakes, and pray for the Holy Ghost to be our constant companion and help us understand his word. In so doing, we gradually replace the natural man within us with a new person desiring to be more like God. This conversion will finally lead us to an overwhelming desire to share the Word of God with others and serve our fellow man.

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Thanks everyone!

It is interesting to me that you quote Enos. Following his words one will begin to realize that as he was brought close to G-d his heart was turned to concern for others.

It is my understanding that faith in G-d is not about you getting your slavation or you having a personal relationship with G-d. In fact it appears to me that the more enlightened one becomes the less it is about them and G-d and the more it is about service and sacrifice for others. Or if you will - having personal relationships with your fellow men.

Now that I have said that - we need you. We need your service. We need your help and your service. The world is starved for saints willing and able to serve with love and kindness worthy of the saints of G-d.

I would recommend that you don't just come and feel good within yourself. I recommend you come and serve with the church of saints bringing the light of Christ to a world lost in the darkness of the last few days before Christ comes again.

BTW - Most likely it will not be what one would call fun or easy.

The Traveler

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I know that I thought that I would change somehow during my mission. I kept hearing all the great mission experiences people had, like finding that one ‘Golden investigator’, or being able to teach with the spirit without realizing it. I can’t say I’ve ever had any of these experiences, not that I know of at least.

I can still remember the first discussion on my mission that I was there as my companion was teaching the discussion on the Plan of Salvation. I was being taught right along with the investigator. I was a victim of compliancy, since people thought that everyone knew everything the lessons at church became, “you were taught this in primary, so I don’t need to tell you this in detail anymore.”

I don’t know about anyone else, but it’s been a long time since I’ve been to primary, and try as I may, I can’t remember anything except some of the Children’s Hymns.

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Alma fasted and prayed many days to know all of these things. I don't know if it all comes in a moment. At least it hasn't for me. It is the woven fabric of many spiritual experiences that has strengthened my security with this church and its message.

Feeling good about the Bofm is certainly part of it. But there is much much more than can come to a person! :)

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When I joined at the age of 16, I wished I could have a First Vision level experience. It was several years before I realized that while those experiences can be very amazing, they do nothing for the person without the Spirit working within. Laman and Lemuel saw an angel, but it did little for them in the short run, and nothing in the long run.

Nephi saw the same angel, and was even more committed to the things he knew were true. He had to seek the Spirit and gain his own testimony. Later, after Lehi had his vision of the Tree of Life, Nephi sought a similar witness, and kept seeking until he received it. Afterward, he saw his brethren arguing over the meaning of Lehi's dream. Nephi asked, "Have ye inquired of the Lord?" They said God didn't tell them anything - because they didn't prepare themselve nor make a huge effort as did Nephi.

For me, the Spirit is a good feeling. Moroni 7 tells us that we can know that something is of God if it encourages us to good works and to believe in Christ. And the Spirit whispers the truthfulness of all things to us. Hold onto those good feelings and allow them to work in you. Alma 32 explains that our testimonies are like a seed. If we plant it in good ground, then nourish it, it will begin to grow. That growth shows us that the seed is a good seed, even though we still are not sure whether it will fully bloom and bear fruit as of yet. But as we continue to nourish it, it will grow until we shall see fruit appear. It will expand our souls, enlighten our minds, burn in our bosoms, and be delicious unto us. If it brings you hope, peace and joy, then it is a good thing; something to embrace and nourish.

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“you were taught this in primary, so I don’t need to tell you this in detail anymore.”

I don’t know about anyone else, but it’s been a long time since I’ve been to primary, and try as I may, I can’t remember anything except some of the Children’s Hymns.

I have experienced many times the "Now, I know you remember the story of....." well, sometimes I do and sometimes I don't...but that is my nudge

to read/study/ask. I don't expect to be taught or told everything I need to know about the Gospel. In fact, I assume that most of the learning I will need to do personally. I think anything we learn in Primary, Sunday School, Relief Society, YM-YM...etc, needs to be augmented with our own reading/pondering/studies/ least, this is what works for me.:)

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