Mormon leper


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that would be me! As soon as I heard that we were having chocolate pudding cake for dessert I slid in while you weren't looking! but i'll scoot over and don't have cooties do you?

Did someone say chocolate pudding cake?? Scoot over... And, no, I don't have cooties....

*at least I don't think so*

Silver Girl

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Welcome, welcome!

I wish I knew what to say. Divorce in the Church is a sad thing and we do not know how to deal with it. I'm a new member (sort of) and I have been divorced twice before joining.^_^ I have a couple of nieces (born in the Church) married in the Temple and are now divorced and they struggle with staying active. My sister (a long time member) had a dear friend who still wanted Visiting and Home teachers but wouldn't go to any of the meetings because of how she felt everyone viewed her. A lot of the same things you said in your first post. My advice (for what it's worth) stay strong! Remember to stay active for Heavenly Father and not for the members, if you know what I mean. Now that I shared the bad stories here's a good one. Another niece of mine who was also married in the Temple and divorced is now married to a worthy priesthood holder (who also had been divorced) met on LDS Singles site and fell in love and were married and he also accepted her 4 children and now have 1 together are quite happy and have been married and sealed for about 9 or 10 years. Was it an easy path for her --- not at all, she went through many trials but she stayed strong and would be the first to say that the great Comforter helped her every step of the way.

I don't know how long all of this happened to you but if it's still fairly recent give your ward and you time to adjust. Changes are hard for everyone. They probably don't know what to say -- help them know what to say to you. Let them know how you're feeling about the situation just like you did here. I know you feel like a leper but the best way to get that feeling under control is to pray and know that Heavenly Father has made you clean once more and now it's time to move on and let others know that you are now doing the next part of this mortal life --- which is, enduring to the end.

Sincerely, Candace

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From what I understand according to priesthood guidelines, you were not supposed to lose your recommend. It is against the by-laws. This situation does not call for probation or discipline on your part. If you are the victim of anothers infidelity, no action is to be taken against you. If I were in your position, I would go above your bishop until you got the answers you deserve. You are not a leper. Be strong and stay steadfast in your love for your Father in Heaven and your testimony of the Atonement. May the peace of Jesus Christ allow you to prevail against circumstances that would hold you back.


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From what I understand according to priesthood guidelines, you were not supposed to lose your recommend. It is against the by-laws. This situation does not call for probation or discipline on your part. If you are the victim of anothers infidelity, no action is to be taken against you. If I were in your position, I would go above your bishop until you got the answers you deserve. You are not a leper. Be strong and stay steadfast in your love for your Father in Heaven and your testimony of the Atonement. May the peace of Jesus Christ allow you to prevail against circumstances that would hold you back.


His Bishop never took his reccomend away......he was under the impression he could not use it from an opinion expressed to him from someone in the Temple. The only way he could lose it would be if he were involved in something that would warrant it according to the guidlines..
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His Bishop never took his reccomend away......he was under the impression he could not use it from an opinion expressed to him from someone in the Temple. The only way he could lose it would be if he were involved in something that would warrant it according to the guidlines..

Okay, thank you for helping me understand.


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Temple worker was mistaken. Recommend is fine. Still no calling yet but that is OK. I'm beginning to find a life again in general and feeling pretty good about a few other things that were stessing me, including my bishop. I just needed to give him and the situation time. Youngster may know what he is doing after all. :lol:

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Temple worker was mistaken. Recommend is fine. Still no calling yet but that is OK. I'm beginning to find a life again in general and feeling pretty good about a few other things that were stessing me, including my bishop. I just needed to give him and the situation time. Youngster may know what he is doing after all. :lol:

That's the spirit! Sometimes priesthood leaders drop the ball but we should always avoid the habit of criticizing them. It NEVER helps anything. After all they're mortals like us, too! And besides, this truly is the Lord's church. He has a way of correcting things in His own time that don't go quite right!

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