Testing times


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Thankyou again everyone. I spent all last evening thinking about all everyone had said and then before I settled down for the night prayed to heavenly father about wether I should just tell her what I really think and feel and tell her I can not help in anyway in the abortion department. This morning I feel happy and peaceful again and I know what the Lord wants me to do (or not to do.) If she still wants the abortion after I speak with her, then that is her choice. However I am not going to make it easier for her to have it done, I just can't.

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Best wishes with it all.

As an aside...re Morning Stars post...my friend who had multiple abortions later did confide to me that she had an STD...but since her hubby to be had other partners she was going to let him think he had given it to her. While I did everything to help her out...I don't think I made the right decision in that particular circumstance. I didn't respect myself enough or her enough by my actions and decisions. It is possible to tell someone with love and compassion that abortion is something that goes against your beliefs. There are other ways to show friendship and be a friend. Respecting friendship goes both ways. For me, the lies became one too many...and I think that the friendship was not healthy for either of us.

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I spoke with my friend earlier this morning. I told her what I had to tell her and she was fine with that. She spoke with her husband, told him everything icluding the pregnancy. Things are still rocky for them, but he has told her he will give her another chance. They haven't decided what to do about the baby yet, but I did tell her now he knows, then adoption maybe a better option. She is thinking about it and it is somthing they will have to talk about themselves. For me I will continue to pray for them, and i feel much happier now that she has come clean to her husband.

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Thanks for the update!

Tests will always come; we just need to be aware not to be caught in snares & traps, especially subtle & confusing ones; you learned He hears & answers our prayers; the feelings you feel now after overwhelming darkness (Dark feelings - Fruits of the enemy's spirit) are the "fruits of the Spirit" of God as stated in Galatians 5:22-23

I sincerely hope you learn from this, and continue to press forward on what you're taught, hold on to the truth, the word of God, prayer, fasting, the prophet's teachings,... And armed this way, you'll be able to make the right decision facing any circumstance! If you hearken to God, you'll always make the right decision!

I'm glad to hear of your courage so early on; and to see your courage influence your best friend to do what's right... The Lord works in many different ways to reach out to all of us (Read Alma 24 and what happened to the Lamanites who converted unto the Lord - The Anti-Nephi-Lehies)

This greatly strengthens my testimony, fuels my faith, and hope! Thank you again for sharing it! The truth does set one free!

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I find when I feel torn about something, it is for a reason. Usually because it is something I shouldn't do. I would go talk to your bishop for advice. He is given inspiration for the ward.

You should stand up for yourself, regardless if she is your best friend. Maybe she isn't as good of a friend if she wants to drag you down with her and expects you to lie for her (even lies of omission).

You should continue being a good influence on her, encourage her to do the right thing. She will find someone else to watch her kids, and give her a ride, if that is her decision. She is asking you, because you are easy and convienient. Why make it easy for her to make such a big mistake? You will regret being an enabler. Compassion for someone, isn't enabling them. You don't have to buy alcohol for an alcoholic, or drugs for an addict to help them, and show compassion.

Think of Christ and how he would show love.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow that was cold. People make wrong decisions in their life. They have to face consequences of those actions. But to be called a worthless hag is pretty harsh.

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