Are Mormons ready for film?


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From Robert Kirby of the Salt Lake Tribune:

Mormons would like to be seen as a world religion, but are we ready to see our own stereotypes in mainstream film? Forget the spoofs. Are we even ready for the serious close-up?

Could there ever be an LDS version of "The Exorcist?"

Considering our reaction over Kirby Heyborne's appearance in a Miller Lite commercial, I'm guessing not. The rest of the world didn't even know there was a Mormon in the commercial and we still got snotty about it.

I think it would be interesting if Marlon Brando had played Brigham Young. He's the closest thing we've ever had to a Godfather. On the other hand, it would also be cool if Jack Black took a shot at the character.

There's plenty of film fodder in the Mormon missionary experience. Put two spoiled Provo-raised knuckleheads together in a stone-age part of the world and you've got a possible TV series. Hollywood's certainly produced worse pilots.

I'd watch a movie about a Relief Society President who was also a former Playboy bunny, a vampire, or even contract hitter for the CIA.

Unfortunately, when it comes to Hollywood, most Mormons insist on being portrayed the way we see ourselves rather than the way others see us, or, more to the point, the way we really are. We may want the world to see us as regular people, their brothers and sisters even, but it's tough to be considered normal when our addiction to airbrushing is so apparent.

Kirby: As Mormons, are we ready for a serious close-up? - Salt Lake Tribune

BTW, I think Kirby borrowed my Jack Black as Brigham Young idea.


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I would love to see a movie based on some aspect of being a Mormon. Just dont want it to be about Palygamy.(sp) Sorry, but thats just boring. I would like to see a movie about modern LDS. I dont mind if we come off looking bad or even funny. Ive met a load of missionaries that are pretty funny.

What i would like to see, is a movie about a couple Utah Missionaries being sent to somewhere real. Having to deal with stuff that they were shielded from, growing up. I'd like to see them dealing with it, overcoming the struggles of missionary life. But i would also like to see some of the myths about missionaries, that church members have, dealt with too. Maybe they could include the Ether Bunny thing as part of it and how other missionaries dealt with it. Even how the church dealt with it.

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What i would like to see, is a movie about a couple Utah Missionaries being sent to somewhere real. Having to deal with stuff that they were shielded from, growing up. I'd like to see them dealing with it, overcoming the struggles of missionary life.

Ever seen "Other Side of Heaven"? The missionary is from Idaho, but close enough. :lol:

And what's the Ether Bunny?? :confused:

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Ever seen "Other Side of Heaven"? The missionary is from Idaho, but close enough. :lol:

And what's the Ether Bunny?? :confused:

Ive not seen that, but im sure my Mother in law will know about it and could get me a copy.

The ether bunnies were a couple of missionaries. I will try to keep the story clean. Im not sure if it really happened or if its just a story to scare new missionaries.

A missionary was having bleeding and pain from what he sits on and went to a doctor about it. after being looked at, the doctor asked if he had ever been sexual in that area. He being a missionary said of course not, the very idea was unthinkable. The doctor insisted that the injuries could not be explained any other way. So with this information, he started to think, he knew that he had never let anyone do that to him, so suspected that something else was going on. That night he pretended to be sleeping. After a while his companion slipped into his bed and was rather excited, then put a cloth over his mouth and nose. At this point he knew he was right and informed the right people. The other missionary was sent home and was dealt with. He on the other hand, continued his mission and had no more problems with his seat. This had been going on for the whole time they were together and no one knows if this guy had done this with other companions. Please note. Im not saying this happened, just that this is the story one of the missionaries told me. I then mentioned it to another few missionaries and they knew the story too.

I think, if it did happen, it may have been in Britain.

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Let's see, we do have Big Love -- although the Mormons are generally presented as intolerant or dumb while the main character's family is family values personified.

Then there was Starship Troopers where Ft. Joe Smith was desroyed by the alien bugs and the incursions by Mormon radicals into alien territory started the war between earth and the bugs.

I would love to see a Mormon vampire film -- no, just because Buffy the Vampire Slayer had a couple of Mormons in the cast that didn't make it a Mormon vampire movie. Then the makers of Dexter could have some fun if they got the main good guy -- a seriel killer -- to convert to the Church.

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Then there was Starship Troopers where Ft. Joe Smith was destroyed by the alien bugs and the incursions by Mormon radicals into alien territory started the war between earth and the bugs.

The bugs apparently reacted badly to missionary efforts. :lol:

I would love to see a Mormon vampire film --

There was a film made back in 1960s called Brides of Dracula. These young ladies were proselytized by you know who. :eek:

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I know of a movie current being done that depicts a typical “Mormon” family and what it is like to grow up in a typical Mormon family and Mormon community. The script is quite interesting and many that have seen the script think this is not about Mormons but typical of any religion and any religious community. (The intent of the author)

I am sorry, but since I was asked to consult on the script and film I am not at liberty to say much more about the movie until after it comes out and is distributed. I am just doing all I can to keep it from being rated “R”. :mad:

The Traveler

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