Recommend your favorite movies


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I watched the Bourne movies (all three) just recently, and I was thoroughly impressed with the story. I really got into it, I loved the intricacies of the plot and the Jason Bourne character. I'm always very impressed with a movie that showcases the excellence and dedication of the character who does well with his given skill. (In the case of action flicks, kicking some tail.) Its inspiring. I'll most likely buy the books and read those too.

I was looking for another fun action movie, and I came across the movie Paycheck. I watched it, and was unimpressed. I dislike movies that are seemingly written by movie industry executives attempting to appeal to a mass market. Even the lesson it tried to add (knowing the future would destroy the future) seemed artificial and contrived. I suppose if I myself had somehow looked into the future from 30 years ago and saw the movie, i might be impressed with all of the cool sets, special effects, etc. But I'm jaded and spoiled, special effects have ceased to impress me, what I'm really drawn to is depth of characters and a really good story, especially if it inspires me.

I don't totally hate commercialism in movies. I just don't like watching things with little substance.

I thought I'd start a thread here asking what movies others have enjoyed. What are your favorites? What movies do you think are great? (Even praiseworthy, virtuous, lovely, and of good report... I'll seek after it!)

PS. My favorite movie is The Goonies!

Another one I love is La Vita é Bella

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A few of these are rated R, but...

American Beauty ®

Boondock Saints ®


Gross Point Blank ®

Star Wars (4-6)

If you liked Bourne you may like Boondock Saints or Gross Point Blank. Boondock is a gangster movie with a few... harsh scenes. GPB is a movie about a hit man who tries to retire but gets roped into doing a final job in his home town durring his 10 year reunion. It's a comedy.

Then of course Casablanca is a summary of World War I. Beautiful movie, get the extended editions if you can find one, great extra info on it.

Edited by DanielNicolai
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I have these all listed on my profile. No order to them. All PG-13 or PG.

  • Batman Begins
  • Iron Man
  • The Golden Compass
  • Transformers
  • I, Robot
  • Serenity
  • The Chronicles of Riddick
  • ELF
  • Hancock

I love pretty much all of these! I am a total huge fan of Batman Begins and can't wait to see the new one soon.

Uhmmm, some other films that I love...


Enchanted (when my daughter watches it the songs are stuck in my head for the rest of the day! :lol::huh:)

50 First Dates

28 Days Later - weren't too impressed with 28 Weeks Later (Yes, they're R-rated...naughty me!)

The Prestige

The Lord of The Rings Trilogy

All films by M. Night Shamalammamamallalayaia (or whatever his name is...??! lol ok I just looked his name up and it's Shayamalan - I just keep forgetting :rolleyes:)

and lots lots lots of other films!

I have some kind of strange fascination with Zombie films (28 days later, Dawn of the dead, Resident Evil Trilogy and films like that...) and Disaster movies (like Day after Tomorrow, Deep Impact, Independence Day, The Abyss, 12 Monkeys, The Poseidon Adventure, The Towering Inferno, Titanic, Armageddon... etc etc...)

I don't like supernatural horror films like The Ring and The Amityville Horror and The Exorcist and other films like that... They totally freak me out - so I stay far away from them!! (I saw a bit of The Ring a few years back and I still can't even hear others talk about the film without the hairs standing up on my back!:eek:) Although, at the same time I really liked What lies Beneath which was a little bit supernatural... (but I closed my eyes in those bits ^_^)

And I love films you have to think about... and films with a great message... and films with great cinematography... :)

Lots of Teen movies can get on my nerves although I can sit through some and enjoy them to an extent.

I love Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi, Thrillers... especially films from the 80's: The Goonies, Back to the Future, E.T.... did I miss any genre? lol Overall I love watching films/movies. My hubby and I watch on average a new film per week (cheap date night at home lol)

Anyways, sorry this went on for a bit...

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't really have specific favourite films to recommend - just plenty of films that I really like ^_^... (does that even make sense :confused: lol)

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Since you guys have mentioned a ton of my fav new movies, I am going to give you some of my older choices.

Rambo 1 - This movie is not a shoot em up action movie. Most people assume it is. The movie is a Drama about him coming back from Nam and looking for a buddy and gets harrashed by the local sheriff instead. It turns into a battle for survival against this one mans massive ego and is a wonderful movie.

Miracle - 1980 our nation was going through a rough time. We had one of the worst POTUS in the nations history, the world was on the verge of another war with Soviet agression, oil was through the roof, hostages in IRAN, and just all sorts of bad stuff going on. With that back drop, our hocket team was formed about bringing players together into a real TEAM and not just a bunch of all stars thrown together. The result... was a miracle.

Roommates - Its like a chick flick but for guys. The story is about an old man who raises his grandson and then helps guide him through life as an adult. Its one of the few movies that will make me break down and cry every single time I watch it.

Stranger Than Fiction - I hate Will Ferrell, I do not find him funny at all in most movies and shows. That said, he did a great job in this movie which I felt was a really original plot. The movie was just so well done and it all comes together so perfectly, this was one of the best new movies I had seen in a long long time.

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My top movies are sometimes in a state of flux. However, I do have really enjoyed the following:

Dr. Zhivago

Citizen Kane

Lord of the Rings Trilogy


Adventures of Robin Hood (with Errol Flynn)

Animal House


Born in East LA

Nicholas and Alexandra

Passage to India

The Sweet Hereafter

Chariots of Fire

Monty Python and the Meaning of Life

Renaissance Man

Field of Dreams

Schindler's List

The Passion of the Christ


Dr. Strangelove




Golden Compass


Blue Velvet

Silence of the Lambs

The Last Temptation of Christ

El Mariachi

Forrest Gump

Red Sky's at Morn'

Dark City

How the West Was Won


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The movies I really like are:

The Da Vinci Code

Stranger than Fiction

Lars and the Real Girl

Mr. Brooks

For some quirkiness there's:

Cold Comfort Farm

And a good Zombie comedy is:

Shaun of the Dead


You liked Lars and Real girl. Yeah- hoo! I liked it too! Although I must admit being slightly alarmed when that large package arrived. :)

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Well here are some of my favorites:

  • Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
  • Harry Potter Series
  • Star Trek - any of the movies old or new
  • Final Fantasy Advent Children
  • Hunt For Red October or any submarine based flick
  • Pirates Of The Caribbean movies
  • Lethal Weapon Series
  • A Christmas Story
  • Jingle All The Way
  • Braveheart
  • Indiana Jones Trilogy
  • Star Wars
  • Mary Poppins
  • Memphis Belle or any of the WWII based movies
  • Spaceballs
  • Robin Hood Men In Tights
  • Full Metal Jacket
  • Happy Gilmore and most of Adam Sandler's movies
Just a few I guess... Edited by kona0197
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For some quirkiness there's:

Cold Comfort Farm


Cold Comfort Farm is a wonderful movie that would be great for Family Home Evening.

Here are some of my favorite musicals:

West Side Story (the best)

Finnian's Rainbow


Hairspray (I think John Travolta should have won an oscar. The older John Water's version is good too - Ricki Lake was great in that one.)


South Pacific

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