Batman movie

Dr T

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I loved Batman Begins, but I have to say that The Dark Knight outshines it in every way (something so rare in sequals nowdays). It is a very dark movie, but that should be expected from Batman.

There aren't many movies that I see on the big screen, and even fewer movies that I don't regret wasting $30 on afterwards (tickets and snacks for me and my wife). This movie however, I think I'll see twice on the big screen.

I was very impressed with the entire story. I loved the magic trick, too, lol. The first few minutes of seeing the Joker, I knew it was Heath, but thereafter I got lost in his character that I completely forgot it was him. All I saw was the Joker. No Heath. He did such an excellent job and now if we see the Joker return, who will fill in Heath's shoes? Someone will have to be that good!

Definitely two thumbs up.

They can't do the Joker again in the next Batman. It would be a horrible disgrace to Ledger's performance in this one and a disaster. As much as I would love to see more of the Joker character protrayed by this movie, I can't imagine any other actor doing it justice.

Edited by DigitalShadow
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Yes but the Joker was already portrayed in a Batman movie so technically it IS a remake. Batman Begins was a prequel to the original Batman movie that was made in 1989.

It has very little in common in terms of plot with any other Batman movie, other than it having a character called Joker in it. Starting with Batman Begins, they are telling a completely different storyline, so I don't consider it a remake.

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Absolutely fabulous movie.


The imagery in this movie was top notch. This is a movie about duality. We would expect Batman and Joker to be the light & dark but it was actually Batman and Harvey Dent.

Consider that Harvey Dent was seen as "The White Knight." Idealism at its finest. Idealism at its most effective. He was bringing down the bad guys virtually en masse and succeeding. He doesn't want to be a symbol, he just wants to get the job done. He is, however, contrasted with:

Batman. The Dark Knight. Idealism gone. He IS a symbol and on some level and deliberately. Batman is the one bringing bad guys to justice outside the law.

They are two sides of the same coin. (Yet another symbol!)

And yet they become ambiguous, borrowing traits from one another. When Harvey is tempted to kill Joker's minion after Gordon is believed to be dead, it's Batman who comes and stops him, saving the criminal's life and Harvey's soul. Later, when he has the chance to kill Joker in the street, he veers off at the last moment, crashing his bike and nearly losing everything.

It's Batman who successfully withstands the Joker's attempt to corrupt him, while Harvey fails and descends into darkness.

And did you notice at the end, after he and Dent fall from the platform, they're laying on the ground, side by side. The White Knight and the Dark Knight. Harvey has fallen, and Batman rises up, taking on Harvey's sins so that he can be remembered as the White Knight still, and Batman flees the police, taking on Harvey Dent's sins but as the Dark Knight.

Other images of duality were the passengers on the two ferry boats. The inmates bore the situation quietly, and then when the warden(?) wanted to press the button but didn't couldn't do it, it was the huge inmate that had the courage to take the detonator and toss it out the window. Nobody, not a soul, complained. Meanwhile on the other boat many people, 2/3 in fact, agitated to blow up the other boat and it was only the fact that the loudmouth couldn't bring himself to hit the button that saved the convicts.

So in a sense, both light and darkness are portrayed as good forces. Where was the villain?


"I am the agent of chaos." Said the Joker. The good guys are trying to impose order. The villain is trying to spread chaos as much as possible. "I'll kill until Batman reveals himself." "If this lawyer isn't dead in 60 minutes I'll blow up a hospital." "Give me my phone call [so I can blow up this building]" Essentially he spreads chaos by using other people to cause it.

Contrast with Twoface, who does his own dirty work and uses a coin to make every decision. He's almost simplistic compared to the chaotic machinations of the Joker.

So in essence, the character of Harvey Dent/Twoface is a contrast to both Batman AND the Joker in his dual incarnations.

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I usually don't comment on things, but this is one topic that had caught my eye. I went with a group of friends to see this opening night. I didn't want to go because I am not into the whole batman thing, but it was better then sitting home with roomates on a friday night. I absolutely loved this movie. It was amazing. There were a few disturbing parts but other then that I think its one that will go down in the books. A lot of my friends thought is was amazing only because of the fact it was Heath Ledgers last film, He was amazing in it regardless of it being his last, whoever plays the next Joker has big shoes to fill.

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pam, that is one of those situations where you go "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? (The obvious answer is they were NOT thinking.) Part of his punishment should be being locked, mid-day, in a car in the middle of an asphalt lot till he passes out. Might give him an inkling of what his toddler felt. He must have thought it being night, that it would not be hot; that it would be O:K:? But I can only imagine the child's fear; both of the dark and of being alone. Soooo sad. And for something so meaningless as a movie! Go figure. :eek:

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Dark Knight is breaking box office records is what the news said.

I bet you they do a movie with the Penguin and Catwoman next...

That's right!

It's the highest grossing opening day AND 3 day weekend movie EVER.

It's the only movie that had a 9.5 rating on IMDB that I've ever seen, currently sitting at #1 (it'll go down over time, but ever starting at 9.5 is amazing)

Essentially, it's awesome.

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