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I have been to those sites. They were very helpfull with telling me beliefs and what not. But I am looking for something that has a church history type deal. Like info about Joseph Smith. I was told he was the reason the church was created?

These sites might then be helpful.

Joseph Smith - Home

LDS Church History -

Joseph Smith claimed that God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him in answer to his prayer. They called him as a prophet, like Noah or Moses, and since then there have been prophets and apostles on the earth again like in ancient times. Here is an quote from the Joseph Smith site above about what we call The First Vision.

"On a spring day in 1820 14-year-old Joseph Smith sought solitude in a grove of trees and prayed to know which church was true. God the Father and Jesus Christ, "two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description," appeared and spoke with him.1

Wondering which of the many churches to join, Joseph had followed the counsel in the Bible's book of James: "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God." The Lord told Joseph "that all the religious denominations were believing in incorrect doctrines" and that he was to await further instructions from on high.2 "In a state of calmness and peace indescribable," Joseph left that sacred grove knowing the reality of our Father in Heaven and His resurrected Son, Jesus Christ.3

Joseph Smith's first vision stands today as the greatest event in world history since the birth, ministry, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. After centuries of darkness, the Lord opened the heavens to reveal His word and restore His Church through His chosen prophet." (Joseph Smith - The First Vision)

And here is a video depicting his story. It is really well made. - The Restoration of Truth video



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Here's a little trick I employ when someone assumes for me something they should not:

I say, "thank you - no"

Granted, it's short, but it works.

I know a fellow who borrowed his technique. Well known guy in our area. Never even gave you credit, either. Rabbi Daniel Lappin (Towards Tradition founder...unites Christians and Jews for moral causes) has an audience that is mostly Christian. Yet, he is an Orthodox Rabbi (non-Messianic). Occasionally, well meaning Christians will attempt to introduce him to Jesus. He responds, "No, thank you." Works every time, he says.

Maybe he owes you a few bucks, Snow? :D

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If you put yourself in your friend's perspective. She 'knows' the church is true and she feels it has made he life better. She wants to be good and share her joy with other people.

Trust me, she probably isn't doing it to annoy you, although you should confront her about not asking for your permission, and tell her that you will ask her to bring the missionaries over when/if you actually are interested.

Other things that may motivate a few mormons to do this, and make us seem quite forceful at times are that the 2nd coming comes when everybody (or nation) in the world has heard the gospel, the more converts we get the bigger the ward gets and you can look good infront of others if you convert a lot of your friends. However, the vast majority of people don't get motivated by this, but I don't know your roommates personality. Younger people don't seem to get motivated by this at all. If anything, a lot of them are shy about doing things like this, so I'll deduce that she genuinely likes you and wants you to share he joy in life. Just tell her you appreciate the gesture, but you're not interested.

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Today when I came in the door from work I checked the messages left on the fridge. My room mates and I leave messages taken for one another on a board. There was a message from one of my room mates that is lds. She made an appointment for the missionaries to come over later this evening to "talk" with me. I have never encountered an lds person until moving in with my room mates, so I am still learning how she does things and am noticing the way she lives her life. I was very angry that she would so something like that without telling me. It seems a constant struggle with her to have her not push her religion on me. I am an open person but pushing it on me isnt the way to go about it. I was just wondering if anyone had any insight on what to do, or if anyone has been in this situation.


yeah sounds like she is a pushy person just be straight up with your roommate be honest tell her your feelings and make sure you let her know where you stand respect goes both ways

I am sure if you roommate is a true to her belief she will respect you even more :cool:well much harder to do easier to say:)cheers

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