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Guest bren1975

No. Christ is the literal son of God, our Savior and Redeemer. He was the only perfect being to live on the earth. Joseph Smith was a man, with all the imperfections of mortality. Joseph Smith was a prophet, just as Moses, Abraham, Isaiah, etc. We do not worship him, but we honor and revere him. He helped restore the true gospel to the world and was the first prophet in these latter days.

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Guest ceeboo

You have to meet him personally to understand on what I am referring too.

Hi again,

:confused::confused::confused: YOU have met him ( JS )??

You choose not to share ? or you do not want to elaborate ? :confused::confused:

God bless,


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Guest ceeboo

It is time I will.

Carl, all things are possible in this life to achieve the same gifts/talents/status of 'seeing' as any prophet since Adam. It is based on our desire and living the commandments when our focus is the FATHER's will and not ours. I have faith you can achieve the same.

UUMMM thanks ( I think ):confused::confused:



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Well, I guess I would like to know a little about the man. Was he an honest man to his neightbors? Was he trustworthy to his wife and the members of the church? How many wives did he have? What are their names and ages when they married? Were they happy with him? I just want to know a little about him.

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Well, I guess I would like to know a little about the man. Was he an honest man to his neightbors? Was he trustworthy to his wife and the members of the church? How many wives did he have? What are their names and ages when they married? Were they happy with him? I just want to know a little about him.

These questions seem oddly accusatory to me.......:confused:

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One of the things that's a life-long puzzle to me is that my great-great-grandfather loved Joseph Smith but couldn't seem to get along with Brigham Young. So I've got to think that there was something very likable or lovable about Joseph.

(A lot of my ancestors seem to take after me in being a bit curmudgeonly.)

While I am no longer a member, I could tell you a number of stories about Joseph that show him to be a very complicated man, but also a very honest one when it came to people.

One of these stories still puts a lump in my throat.

Brigham, on the other hand, is my least favorite president/prophet, in spite of his vast accomplishments.

On the other hand, Rigdon would have been a disaster. So, I guess Brigham was the better choice, at least in keeping the Church together and functioning.


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Well, I guess I would like to know a little about the man. Was he an honest man to his neightbors? Was he trustworthy to his wife and the members of the church? How many wives did he have? What are their names and ages when they married? Were they happy with him? I just want to know a little about him.

Interesting questions^_^

I think I would like to know what you think you know about Joseph Smith and then go from there. :)

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While I am no longer a member, I could tell you a number of stories about Joseph that show him to be a very complicated man, but also a very honest one when it came to people.

One of these stories still puts a lump in my throat.

Brigham, on the other hand, is my least favorite president/prophet, in spite of his vast accomplishments.

On the other hand, Rigdon would have been a disaster. So, I guess Brigham was the better choice, at least in keeping the Church together and functioning.


Hi Elph...... which story? Please share. BY is not my fav either......:cool:

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Well, I guess I would like to know a little about the man. Was he an honest man to his neightbors? Was he trustworthy to his wife and the members of the church? How many wives did he have? What are their names and ages when they married? Were they happy with him? I just want to know a little about him.

Why would he be otherwise or those who loved him? His status across the veil proves that point.

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I never see any Biblical reference that shows a prophet can never be dishonest. I feel Joseph Smith was an generally honest guy. But if he was not always honest about every matter it does not invalidate his prophetic calling. His suggested untrue denials of being involved in polygamy in Nauvoo would qualify as not being honest with the church or public. He was said to have if the reports are true his polygamy from Emma for a long time. But in regards to his testimony of the Book of Mormon more people trust him there.

I am RLDS, so i am not LDS. Our traditional position was that Joseph Smith was not a polygamist. Although Joseph Smith 3rd suggested his father had been sealed in ceremonies for marriages to living women for eternity only. He felt when President of my church that in Utah some of these women started to misrepresent themselves as being involved with his father. He felt they misrepresented these platonic sealings as allowing for marital relations in the flesh.

We traditionally felt we could prove we felt the testimony of the alleged wives false. And because we were skeptical of alleged children of Joseph Smith via plural wives we saw that as evidence of his innocence. The church today has moved away from mandating the innocent position. We have persons who see him as involved but see no reason to defend him.

Traditional RLDS feel some of the popular documents used to implicate Joseph smith in polygamy might be edited partial forgeries. D.&C. 132 and William Claytons Nauvoo journal are two of the key examples. With individuals like James Whitehead saying the polygamy revelation copy he saw allowed for no mortal polygamy it supported that viewpoint. Most reject such testimony as reliable, so accept those documents.

The list of his plural wives is 33. But i think Joseph Smith 3rd was right that any number of these could be possibly marriages meant for eternity only. It is true with "time and for eternity" wording being used in the ceremoniies none said mariages just for eternity. My response is if there was no honey-moon then eternity was the only time for a relationship to start. Some of the 33 are clear claims of a relationship in the flesh made by a small number of the women themselves.

Some women if they were his earthly wives i doubt they had time to be happy with him. Because earthly polygamy was illegal Joseph Smith could rarely seen them. The women i know of were quite proud of their connection with Joseph Smith. They wrote up testimonies testifying positively of their connection with Joseph Smith. I do not recall anything that might be read as a complaint from any of the wives about him.

The best book on the wives i know of and own is In Sacred Lonliness by Todd Compton. (Signature Books) Though i caution he speculates about marital details way to much. I disagree with some of his logic and doubt Joseph Smith was involved with some of the women he does. In those cases i treat them as marriages for eternity. The book is mostly good, but i do not fall for all his scholarship.

Joseph Smith had a lot of critics. In the 19th century critics and friends of Joseph Smith would gather many affidavits. You can find affidavits that treat him dishonest. And you can find many that bear witness of his honesty. One has to use discernment on the man yourself to decide. I decided his critics, and the negative affidavits were deceptive so sided with Joseph Smith.

Being Community of Christ (formerly the longer named Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) i had to throw in our perspective. LDS feel D.&C. 132 as scripture, so Joseph Smith was not to them wrong for plural marriage.

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