Temple slideshow


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Here is a slide show of all operating LDS temples around the world.

LDS (Mormon) Temples Around the World Slideshow

The purpose of this thread is just to show the beauty of the temples. Not to debate. Sincere questions are welcome..but again not to debate temple issues.

Edited by pam
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Guest ceeboo

Howdy Pam,

That was WAAAAAAY cool ( thanks ):) those are absolutly gorgious!!!!

What does the # " of operating temple mean ?

Are there pics of the insides of them ?

God bless,


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Operating temples mean..those that have been completed and dedicated to the Lord. Those that are available for use by those that are worthy to enter them.

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Guest ceeboo

Operating temples mean..those that have been completed and dedicated to the Lord. Those that are available for use by those that are worthy to enter them.

So then I probably would not be worhty ???:D

Seriously though, what makes an LDS member worhty to enter them??

Are there pictures of the insides or is that a no-no??


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Recommends should be issued only to those who are worthy and faithful. A sufficient time should elapse after baptism to prove worthiness." - James R. Clark[9]

"One of my concerns is that not enough of our people are making the efforts to get a temple recommend, which becomes a symbol of their worthiness and the righteousness of their desires." "Temple worthiness affords a great spiritual protection even for sisters who do not have regular access to the blessings of the temple. In His infinite wisdom, the Lord requires worthy brethren to wear the mantle of the priesthood in order to enter the temple, but He permits the sisters to enter solely by virtue of their personal worthiness." -James E. Faust, "What It Means to Be a Daughter of God" "Blessed be the priesthood leader who conscientiously interviews each candidate for priesthood office and receives from that candidate a report of prior honorable service, an affirmation of personal purity and worthiness, and a confirmation of magnified effort and future intent to willingly bear and fulfill the great responsibility of priesthood office." -Ray H. Wood, "Made Like unto the Son of God" Being morally clean Sustaining the Prophet as the only one on earth authorized to exercise all priesthood keys

  • Living according to the standards of the Church
  • Having no unresolved sins
  • Being honest
  • Being an active member in good standing
  • Paying a full tithe
  • Having a righteous relationship within the family
  • Sustaining local and general Church leaders
  • Keeping the Word of Wisdom
  • Having no apostate affiliations
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Thank you very much Pam...Let me know if my idea becomes a reality. I know jus tthe thought of myself once again being able to enter the temple makes me very happy. One step at a time. It does give me something to look forward to.

Absolutely Michael. I've been a member all my life and have never been inside a temple except during open houses. One my goals for the next year.

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These are so beautiful!!! I've seen (from the outside) alot of the Utah Temples, and I toured the Idaho Falls Temple during the Open House. Amazing feeling inside and out!

I'd love to visit the San Diego Temple and the Hawaii Temple. I wonder if anyone has ever visited every Temple in the world?

Have you ever heard the song "The Power of Heaven"? It's about the feeling you get from the Temple. One of my most favorite songs!

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Guest ceeboo

Thanks Pam,



I am sure many LDS are EXTREMLY PROUD, and IMHO should be:)

kinda makes me want to be LDS.

Thanks again for sharing, gotta go night night, golf at 5 am YEAAAAAAA:):):)

God bless,


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Being from San Diego originally, I had the pleasure of touring it during open house. Personally, I think it is THE most beautiful temple. At least outside.

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Thanks Pam,



I am sure many LDS are EXTREMLY PROUD, and IMHO should be:)

kinda makes me want to be LDS.

Thanks again for sharing, gotta go night night, golf at 5 am YEAAAAAAA:):):)

God bless,


haha Carl. We could help you with being more than kinda wanting to. Take care and good luck at golf.

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Where was this slideshow when I was in Primary oh so many years ago? I can't even remember the year- it was at least 6 years ago and the theme was: I Love to See the Temple. (2002-I looked it up)

For our year end presentation, I downloaded all of the pictures of the Temples from LDS.ORG- and printed them on transparencies in full color. At the beginning of the presentation, as the Children were singing I Love to See the Temple, I was showing the temple pictures from the overhead projector.

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Thanks pam...what beautiful architecture, all of them. I have had the privilege of attending three of our Temples...the Orlando Temple (for my Endowment)...the Atlanta Temple...and the Salt Lake Temple, which was my first experience with a live Session.

All are breath-taking AND awe inspiring.

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Wow Pam, thanks for the link. I love to take photos of temples - for my own pleasure, I'm sure they're not good enough to share. I wonder if I could ever afford to travel and photograph all of them... I think I already NO the answer to that one...

Thanks again...


Oh I bet they are good enough to share. Want to share any?

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I can't wait until the new Draper, Utah Temple has their Open House! I love to visit the Temple!

I'm at the library today and just got the new book by Truman G. Madsen, "The Temple, Where Heaven Meets Earth"

Me too Bethie. I can see it perfectly from where I work. I've driven up there a few times as well. I for one will be going to the open house when it's ready. Also I can see the Daybreak temple being built from where I work as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was just thinking how nice it would be if some technologically savvy team of LDS digitalizers would take pictures of the Temples from different angles, then put them together in an interactive 3D composite that could be viewed by rotating the Temples on the screen.

Perhaps putting this idea out in cyberspace may one day make it come to fruition. :)

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