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My husband Robb and I were baptized 2.5 years ago and we LOVE IT! Since that time I've served as the RS Pianist, the RS Education Counselor and I've just been called to be the Cub Master. After so many years of searching we've found our place. :D

I was first exposed to the Church when I was 18 years old with a pamphlet on Joseph Smith - I made it as far as polygamy and said "that's not for me". Five years ago I began working with a lady who is LDS - in watching, learning and listening - I realized she had something I wanted in my life. A surprise came in the mail - a copy of the Book of Mormon - my husband and I opened it - found that they had taken the time to put in a picture of themselves and write to us in the front. We kept flipping and found the picture of Jesus speaking to the folks in South America. My husband and I looked at one another and said -finally someone said that out loud. We'd always wondered why Jesus would only go to one very small geographic location in our great big world. A few weeks later - two scrubbed shiny faces showed up on our door step wearing dark suits, white shirts and dark ties - Elders Kay and Johnson - we called them J and K - from the Men in Black Movie. The rest is history!

Our family was sealed together for time and eternity in June of 2007. A great relief to know that we will always be together.

I am honored to be here with you and so happy to have found my place.

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My husband Robb and I were baptized 2.5 years ago and we LOVE IT! Since that time I've served as the RS Pianist, the RS Education Counselor and I've just been called to be the Cub Master. After so many years of searching we've found our place. :D

I was first exposed to the Church when I was 18 years old with a pamphlet on Joseph Smith - I made it as far as polygamy and said "that's not for me". Five years ago I began working with a lady who is LDS - in watching, learning and listening - I realized she had something I wanted in my life. A surprise came in the mail - a copy of the Book of Mormon - my husband and I opened it - found that they had taken the time to put in a picture of themselves and write to us in the front. We kept flipping and found the picture of Jesus speaking to the folks in South America. My husband and I looked at one another and said -finally someone said that out loud. We'd always wondered why Jesus would only go to one very small geographic location in our great big world. A few weeks later - two scrubbed shiny faces showed up on our door step wearing dark suits, white shirts and dark ties - Elders Kay and Johnson - we called them J and K - from the Men in Black Movie. The rest is history!

Our family was sealed together for time and eternity in June of 2007. A great relief to know that we will always be together.

I am honored to be here with you and so happy to have found my place.

Welcome to the site! I hope that you enjoy it here!:)

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