The Overpowering Plan Of Salvation


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"The Lord has described his plan of redemption as the Plan of Happiness. … Conversationally, we reference this great design almost too casually at times; we even sketch its rude outlines on chalkboards and paper as if it were the floor plan for an addition to one’s house. However, when we really take time to ponder the Plan, it is breathtaking and overpowering!”

On that note I wanted to add how complex the plan of salvation could really be. This plan was laid out long before our earthly existence. This exact plan of happiness has probably been carried out eternities before we were even spirit children. We can then assume that even the turning points of major historical events, in world history, are pre-designated, and play just as important part in the Lord's Plan as the Reformation, and “Restoration” themselves. For Seers ages before have prophesied of certain events taking place, and all of the Lord’s words have been, and will be, fulfilled. When you can see exactly what I mean it is very exciting and overpowering. The research displayed on the overly large drawing I’ve attached to this post allows us to get a glimpse of that complex plan.

It is but a piece of the overly large, complex, puzzle called the Plan of Salvation. Our Father in Heaven truly is an amazing macro scale planner.

What are you Feelings on the subject?

Angel Palmoni — Light and Truth for more research.

Edited by palmoni
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If prophets such as Moses and Nephi have seen from the beginning of time until the end of times I would agree that there is a pre-designation. I do not agree, you didn't say it, that we can do whatever since it is already predestined to happen. On a large scale I would say the result is known but we can control our own destiny.

Ben Raines

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I disagree! Studying to comprehend how and why everything happens is incredible! Expecially what you can learn! Look at the scroll for instance, go through it scripture by scripture and then go through the Justinian Scroll on the website, and don't tell me you don't get excited! Yes the small and simple things bring understanding and light, but the larger more complex scale is really something to behold! Maybe it's just me but they wrote about the things that they saw! And every single one has happened and history is detailed enough now that we can know what they are and we can understand when other things are going to happen!

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I disagree! Studying to comprehend how and why everything happens is incredible! Expecially what you can learn! Look at the scroll for instance, go through it scripture by scripture and then go through the Justinian Scroll on the website, and don't tell me you don't get excited! Yes the small and simple things bring understanding and light, but the larger more complex scale is really something to behold! Maybe it's just me but they wrote about the things that they saw! And every single one has happened and history is detailed enough now that we can know what they are and we can understand when other things are going to happen!

I thought once I would write a little article explaining the plan of salvation. As I began to outline what I would include I began to think that perhaps I should write a book instead. Then I thought that it would take many volumes to be complete. I was not sure I could undertake such a task.

I thought I would begin at what the scriptures call the beginning. I thought the logical place to start is with the explanation of our Father in Heaven. Maybe that would be book one. As I began gathering all the information I could find on our Father in Heaven – I began to wonder if I could even complete a chapter. Then I came to understand that we know so very little of our Father in Heaven. In fact, any information we have about our Father in Heaven comes to us because of the Mediator, Jesus the Christ.

The plan of salvation for mortal man begins with the covenant of baptism. It is a very simple beginning. It begins with an ordinance performed by G-d’s legal and appointed proxy-agent. The first step to salvation is covenant and that covenant is Baptism according to the example of Jesus.

Talk is cheap – there is no salvation without covenant and obedience to the laws of the covenant.

The Traveler

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Yes ... but on the same playing field you wouldn't be able to recieve those covenants without history going exackly the way that God intended every little detail to occur. Talk is cheap, but true sincere study and desire to learn and accept everything from the beginning, all 20+ volumes, brings what I feel a greater understanding to everything.

Yes you are right obedience is key, it's just easier and ,'cooler feeling', to be obedient when you are on high ground because of the knowlede and understanding that everything gives you.

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It is a marvelous Plan, indeed.

Mosiah 4: 27

27 And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order.

1)For it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength

2)It is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize;

3)all things must be done in order.

I cannot think of a more succinct summation of the Plan of Salvation!

As we learn to take the Savior to be our Guide...we will experience 1, 2 and 3 unfold in our lives, and we will no longer question that there is a God who governeth "all things."

We do not understand what the eternities will have in store for us. But we know everything we need to know to successfully make it through THIS phase of the Plan successfully and return to our Father in Heaven:

1) Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ

2) Repentance

3) Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; (by the proper priesthood authority)

4) Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

2 Ne. 32: 3 3 "Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do."

This is all that is needed! Following that Voice will lead us into "every good thing" that God wishes for us.


I believe that God must obey eternal law. The Plan of Salvation is in harmony with eternal law. It is the natural course of the universe. That which obeys is exalted.


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Ya can only advance so much in the presence of a perfect God, so He sent us to summer camp to learn how to stand on our own two feet, and gave our elder brother the job of washing the mud off before letting us back into the house.

What's so complicated about that?


I actually heard this quote in primary once... It still applies and makes good sense but I feel that since we are all adults here we can put off childish things and be serious. Think of the knowledge you possess as water in a dam... in order to understand and convey doctrine, testimony, it helps if the Spirit has knowledge to draw on. You must have a dam of knowledge in order to have enough pressure to shoot out a perfect stream of understanding and doctrine... Seek to obtain the word... Seek knowledge out of the best books, study learn, grow, that is what we are commanded to do.

Edited by john doe
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