my intro


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Hi, My name is Alison. I'm 50 years old, married 32 years (dated for two years, so known hubby for 34 years). We have four children... three boys and one girl. My oldest died in 1999 at age 21 in a car accident. My younger three are 27, 23-1/2 and 20-1/2. No grandchildren yet, hoping some day my kids will stop playing video games and hanging out and do some serious dating. LOL

I have health issues that have left me disabled and no longer able to work. I miss working.

I was born in the church. Having said that this is a church of converts and even if you're born to LDS parents and baptized at age 8, you still need to be converted and find your own testimony eventually.

I look forward to chatting .... my most favorite thing to do.

:) applepansy

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