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Am I the only one, who at times, gets struck with bouts of unaccounted for fear? I don't mean panic attacks. But irrational fears that can include any number of things. I have an excellent job for instance, and have always been treated well by my employers, but once in awhile I have the fear that I am inadequate and will be released.

In college I read an article on Lou Gehrig and for a month afterward was scared to death I had ALS. To this day if I drop my keys, or trip on the carpet I think "Oh my gosh!"

Goofy stuff.


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I hate it when people talk about head lice. My head sometimes starts itching for no reason AND I'M BALD.

I was on a field trip with a bus load of kids once when a parent was standing by a student and yelled, "You have lice!" (To the kid...) I scratched my head the whole ride home.


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Schizophrenia runs in my family. I've always been deathly afraid of seeing or hearing things. Sometimes late at night I'm afraid to go to the bathroom just incase. I have absolutely no symptoms what so ever except for the paranoia that it might happen some day. I've seen 1st hand what it can do and its a scary disease.

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when i kill a spider, i get paranoid that all their spider friends will come get me in my sleep.

I found a scary sized spider in my shower about a month ago (after I was already IN the shower with it), and I have not taken a shower since then without first checking the entire shower to make sure that there is no spider in sight. However, I'm afraid that it may have laid eggs in my loofah. But the loofah was only 2 weeks old when the spider showed up, and I really like the color, so I haven't thrown it out.

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my friend was taking a course out of town for work and was staying in a hotel overnight. she has a HUGE fear of spiders and went into the bathroom and saw a spider sitting on the floor. she was so scared, she couldn't even kill it, so she went to the OTHER SIDE of the hotel, to the room our co-worker was staying in, and they went all the way back to my friends room to kill the spider. i asked her "what if you had gone to the hotel alone and didn't know anyone?" she said "i'd call the front desk!!!!"

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If there's a spider in the shower I just step aside, turn the hotwater onto super hot and wash it down the drain. The shower is roomy enough to do that. Although sometimes there are the big hairy ones that run fast and won't fit down a plughole *they sometimes bite, but rarely* and that's kind of like a full fledged mission. I've never been all that good at dustpanning them outside (I try not to use toxic sprays or kill spiders that are relatively harmless...I kill redbacks, allow the cats to play with daddy long legs and de-leg them and remove the others to the garden where they can do their job).

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Sounds like you may have a phobia. Phobias are big fears that we cannot explain logically, just as with panic attacks (which I have had).

There are treatments for fears/phobias and panic attacks. I'd suggest discussing this with your bishop or Family Services group to have them recommend a decent therapist.

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If there's a spider in the shower I just step aside, turn the hotwater onto super hot and wash it down the drain. The shower is roomy enough to do that.

My shower, unfortunately isn't roomy enough for that, and this spider wouldn't have fit anyway.

Sounds like you may have a phobia. Phobias are big fears that we cannot explain logically, just as with panic attacks (which I have had).

There are treatments for fears/phobias and panic attacks. I'd suggest discussing this with your bishop or Family Services group to have them recommend a decent therapist.

I would, but I'm afraid of my bishop. :D

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