The Nerve Of Some People!


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Have you ever wanted to get something off your chest? I thought that this might be a place to complain about someone only no one here on the board. Just random rantings.

Yesterday I went shopping for beads to feed my newest hobby. I found that the local craft store was having some of the beads 75% off on clearance so I decided to visit three stores in the chain. I started with the one closest to my house and bought a bag full in beads and jewelry making supplies. I then went to the next one in the chain and placed all of them on the counter by colors as I had already sorted them out. The lady checking me out asked if I would like them in small separate bags and I said yes that would be very nice and she pulled out baggy sized bags. I spent a bit more money there. Next I went to the third one on my journey and found about the same amount of treasure there. I walked up to the cashier who looked put out already to be helping me lol. I politely asked her if she was open and she said "yea". I asked her if they could be bagged by colors and she said "huh"? I asked about the small bags and she took the box and pushed them at me lol. She began ringing the stuff up and then pushed them to me for me to bag lol. When something didn't ring up at the right price I told her and she shifted her weight to the other foot all put out. She punched in the numbers and I guess it adjusted it... I had this all organized and at the end I had something that wasn't on sale but I had a 40% off coupon and I told her about it. She looked at me and said, "What are you trying to pull now"? I really wanted to say "Oh nothing, just trying to help you with YOUR JOB" No, I didn't say that but I wanted to I said "The way you say that you would have thought I was committing a crime". At the end of my long order she chastised me for using all of the tape in her receipt machine and said, "There, that ot to keep you occupied for the rest of the afternoon"

Gosh! I can't believe the nerve of some people!!!

I think I might do it again today lol:lol:

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You are preaching to the choir

I am an avid coupon user..

I have unfortunately had to deal with much worse customer service.. I have actually been accused of stealing when I have used particular coupons matched with a sale.

I would make a point to call her manager..

tell them you enjoy shopping at their stores, but your day was tarnished by a grumpy cashier who made you feel unwelcomed

all you ask is for them to find out why said cashier was rude to the customers..

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I have been in sales for 30 years. Always a smile and a cheerful voice. Poor sales persons get me to call or write the manager.

I always address a clerk by their name if they have a name tag. Ask for waiters name if waiting on me so I can call them by their name, etc.

If they don't like human contact then get a job as a dog catcher or someone who picks up garbage along the road.

Ben Raines

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The only way we can ensure good service if we first talk to the individual about how we're disappointed in their poor service, and then secondly to pass it on to management, so that they can take action.

You hurt the store when you do nothing. That one bad employee could chase away good customers, causing the store to suffer (and also all the employees that work there). Perhaps the individual was having a bad day. If so, the person still needs to manage customers in a better way.

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The same thing happens to me when I buy scrapbook paper. It's pretty expensive .59 ea.

so I usually wait for the sales 6 for .99 cents, and I buy a lot. When I go to the clerk they usually give me a weird look because they have to ring "each" piece separate.

I often offer to help and they change their attitude towards me. I agree that when they are rude you should talk to the management and make them aware of the clerks behavior.

Or on your way out you could tell her,

I'll be back tomorrow for more..:D

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Last week I went late night shopping with my daughter at our local Tesco store. They only had 2 checkouts open when I came to ring my items thru, the 2 open checkouts were for 10 or less items so didn't have room for me to place all my purchases onto the counter top. I was already frazzled and felt even more so when the checkout operator tried to help me by just counting how many of each item I had (I had multiples of most items) and ring them thru once...I just didn't have enough room to pack the items away as she was moving onto counting how many I had of another item..then we had the price query..I bought 2 items for £3 which were £1.94 each if purchased separately..they were exactly the same items but one had new packaging on it..the checkout operator insisted that they were different products and wouldn't put the correct price into the till..I ended up marching off to the shelf where those items were stored, and plucked off the special offer price tag to show her, I took along another packet which matched one of the ones I'd already purchased, in case she still insisted they were different products but she still had to consult with a supervisor to get the items thru the till at the special offer price.

Eventually we managed to sort out all the items in my trolley, and my daughter said not to bother packing them, just to grab a bunch of carrier bags and do the packing when we got thru the till...I was soo ready to just shout at the poor checkout operator!! Apparently she'd had a problem putting items thru at a special price before when my daughter had shopped there, so it wasn't just down to my frazzled attitude that the problem arose..I did feel sorry for the checkout operator tho, Tesco should leave the ordinary checkout tills open as well as the smaller ones, apparently they close the other checkouts 2 hours before the store closes..I wonder how many other frazzled customers they have as a result of this?

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Pushka just reading your post with all the "cool" English jargon for grocery shopping was a definite treat!!

Not to take away from SF's predicament I wanted to share what happened to me today at work. I have a co-worker who has a serious professionalism problem. She started swearing at me today because of something that someone told her I said about her performance. First she is only 19 so I that explains alot but I asked her to be a little more professional and she laid into me again. I guess it is too much to ask her to actually do her job so that I don't have to do it for her.

The clerk you mentioned reminded me of the type of person that my coworker is. She would probably have handled your situation the same way. It is so said that people treat other people so shabbily.

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Thank you Checker :)

Would you care, or anybody else for that matter, to compile a comparison list of English shopping jargon and USA shopping jargon for me? I believe you say cart instead of trolley, but can't think what the others may be...

It freaked me out when I heard that Kool Aid is a drink you have to make yourself with powder, sugar and inconvenient, apparently you don't have cordial in the States?

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Thank you Checker :)

Would you care, or anybody else for that matter, to compile a comparison list of English shopping jargon and USA shopping jargon for me? I believe you say cart instead of trolley, but can't think what the others may be...

It freaked me out when I heard that Kool Aid is a drink you have to make yourself with powder, sugar and inconvenient, apparently you don't have cordial in the States?

I won't particapte in this one.....:D:D
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Would you care, or anybody else for that matter, to compile a comparison list of English shopping jargon and USA shopping jargon for me? I believe you say cart instead of trolley, but can't think what the others may be...

In some areas in the states it's even referred to as a "carriage."

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Last week I went late night shopping with my daughter at our local Tesco store. They only had 2 checkouts open when I came to ring my items thru, the 2 open checkouts were for 10 or less items so didn't have room for me to place all my purchases onto the counter top. I was already frazzled and felt even more so when the checkout operator tried to help me by just counting how many of each item I had (I had multiples of most items) and ring them thru once...I just didn't have enough room to pack the items away as she was moving onto counting how many I had of another item..then we had the price query..I bought 2 items for £3 which were £1.94 each if purchased separately..they were exactly the same items but one had new packaging on it..the checkout operator insisted that they were different products and wouldn't put the correct price into the till..I ended up marching off to the shelf where those items were stored, and plucked off the special offer price tag to show her, I took along another packet which matched one of the ones I'd already purchased, in case she still insisted they were different products but she still had to consult with a supervisor to get the items thru the till at the special offer price.

Eventually we managed to sort out all the items in my trolley, and my daughter said not to bother packing them, just to grab a bunch of carrier bags and do the packing when we got thru the till...I was soo ready to just shout at the poor checkout operator!! Apparently she'd had a problem putting items thru at a special price before when my daughter had shopped there, so it wasn't just down to my frazzled attitude that the problem arose..I did feel sorry for the checkout operator tho, Tesco should leave the ordinary checkout tills open as well as the smaller ones, apparently they close the other checkouts 2 hours before the store closes..I wonder how many other frazzled customers they have as a result of this?

Oh how I don't miss Tescos!!! Not! Everytime I went in there at lunchtime there was only 2 on the checkout and it was hectic!!!

I still say Trolley instead of cart and everyone looks as me like i'm crazy!

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Thank you Checker :)

Would you care, or anybody else for that matter, to compile a comparison list of English shopping jargon and USA shopping jargon for me? I believe you say cart instead of trolley, but can't think what the others may be...

It freaked me out when I heard that Kool Aid is a drink you have to make yourself with powder, sugar and inconvenient, apparently you don't have cordial in the States?

No Ribena or Robinsons here, unless I go on Ft Jackson, then sometimes I get lucky.

Standing in the queue - I'm getting used to saying standing in line

My husband still laughs at me when I make a good old fry up including beans.

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This thread isn't just for my issues with people I am willing to share!:D

Pushka, I have always loved your posts and the way you express yourself. I still wanna visit your part of the world. Wasn't we going to do a house swap?:D:D:D

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How about this for rude...

Things are tight financially for my family right now. So, when I can finally get enough money together to go shopping, I end up getting a FULL cart of stuff.

I only go shopping about once or twice a month, and I have a family of four. Whatever I get has to last.

Why do people look at me funny? Why do people give me dirty looks? Why do people make fun of me?

Is there some silent rule or law that a person cannot buy a full cart of groceries?

One time I actually had somebody (another customer) at Wal-Mart tell me that it was time for me to go home.

Shopping with two kids in a crowded store and worrying about whether I will have enough money to pay for it all is bad enough, but having people make me feel bad for getting enough to last me a couple of weeks or a whole month is just plain wrong.


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