LDS apostle's impromptu warning circles the globe


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Once I dreamt that Jupiter left it's orbit and crashed into the Earth. Quite stunning visuals. And it happened when my kids were still young, so ya know it's gonna happen!


I think I read that as well in The Enquirer so I KNOW it's going to happen for sure. :eek::lol:

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Sure it wasn't in the New York Times? I mean the NYT and the National Enquirer are at about the same level. Okay, yeah I know, that's an insult to the National Enquirer.

Then again, the LA Times and the Weekly World that would be a tossup on journalistic integrity.

hahahahaha so true. :lol:

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Hahahaha... The Mormon Rumor Mill is alive and well... Some things never change... :lol::lol::lol:

Are you denying the growth of giant sandworms in the Nevada desert west of Area 51? ;)

Catastrophes have come and gone throughout the ages. Don't think anyone or anything was really deserving of it.

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I just wanted to mention for anyone that might be confused.... these wierd stories are NOT church doctrine nor are they prophesies endorsed by the church.

One does not need to have a prophecy endorsed by the Church.

Acts 2: 17-18

17 And it shall come to pass in the last• days, saith God, I will pour• out of my Spirit• upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy•, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream• dreams:

18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy•:

1 Cor. 14:

1 Follow• after charity, and desire spiritual gifts•, but rather that ye may prophesy.

• • •

5 I would• that ye all spake with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied•: for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying.

22 Wherefore tongues• are for a sign•, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying• serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe.

• • •

24 But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all:

• • •

31 For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted.

• • •

39 Wherefore, brethren, covet• to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues.

Num 11:

26 But there remained two of the men in the camp, the name of the one was Eldad, and the name of the other Medad: and the spirit rested upon them; and they were of them that were written, but went not out unto the tabernacle: and they prophesied in the camp.

27 And there ran a young man, and told Moses, and said, Eldad and Medad do prophesy in the camp.

We are a people that believes in prophecy and visions. Why would we shun those that do it or deny that it can be done?

When it comes to Church matters.. our Prophet is who we turn to for Spiritual guidance. He receives revelation pertaining to the Church.. and its members in general.

Luke 1: 67

67 And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied•, saying,

Acts 21: 9

9 And the same man had four daughters, virgins, which did prophesy•.

Rom. 12: 6

6 Having then gifts differing according to the grace• that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith•;

1 Thes. 5: 20

20 Despise not prophesyings.

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I apologize for the directness of this message but I'm not sure how else to express what I wish to say so here it is anyway...


None of your stories are first-hand accounts, written and distributed by the original author, with the original author's approval for the mass-public distribution on this forum. That to me is a big red flag that something isn't quite right...either the information is not meant for a mass audience (don't cast pearls before swine), or the information presented is not entirely accurate or accurate at all.

The prophesies and direction provided by the church has more than enough good information to represent the ideals regarding revelations of God. The information I trust comes from our prophets and from the scriptures, and my own personal revelation through the Holy Ghost, not from stories on the internet with very limited references or full disclosure of the information. I am a strong believer in personal revelation...but that is what it is, PERSONAL. I have no doubt that the Lord has a hand in helping to prepare those for tough times or current struggles. But revelation meant to direct a mass audience or "help prepare the saints" would most certainly be processed through the proper authorities and preisthood leadership of the church.

I just want to make sure that investigators / browsers of this site do not take your information as general church doctrine.

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I just want to make sure that investigators / browsers of this site do not take your information as general church doctrine.

Oh.. did I introduce doctrine? Listen.. you can take the information any way you want. I just provided 4 different sources to the essentially the same vision. It matters not if it is believed as I have no compensation either way. And I will never know who heeds it.

We are told to search after truth.. and to not be afraid of it. We teach investigators that when new "TRUTH" is placed before them.. what they are suppose to do???

4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask• God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true•; and if ye shall ask with a sincere• heart, with real• intent, having faith• in Christ, he will manifest• the truth• of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

5 And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know• the truth• of all things.

It is not anyones responsibility but your own to discern the information. Put not your trust in the arm of flesh. That is why we are to ask of God. Is that not the same directive we are given concerning the GENERAL AUTHORITIES? To confirm from God if what they tell us is true or not true? Not to follow blindly? To gain a testimony of their words on our own?

And as we can see here.. even when 'GENERAL AUTHORITIES' speak.. their words are not to be transmitted to anyone outside of the listening audience unless.. it is in 'GENERAL' Conference where at that appointed time.. it is right for them to speak to EVERYONE.

Though Elder Packer's warning was not intended for the 'GENERAL MEMBERSHIP' it was still a warning none the less. And it amazes me how flippant people are with the message.


I just shared something with this group. One can dismiss it.. or heed it. I am not trying to convert anyone. I am not writing a book for money or asking you to join a club. I shared 4 visions with you from people who are Latter Day Saints. There is no Doctrine Change here!

We are to search out truth anywhere we can find it!

But if this does come to pass... are you then going to ignore the message you read? Are you still going to "receive" that inoculation? Are you still going to enter the camps? Are you at least thinking about.. just how prepared am I? Maybe do Elder Packer's words take on just a little more meaning? Maybe a little more weight?

If it wakes up just one person... and makes them think... makes them pray.. then that is a good thing.

Yes.. we are all given the right to personal revelation. But how many people out there actually ask for it? :)

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I came across a web site that had this to say:

A revelation given to Joseph Smith:

"For a desolating scourge shall go forth among the inhabitants of the earth, and shall continue to be poured out from time to time, IF THEY REPENT NOT, until the earth is empty, and the inhabitants thereof are consumed away and utterly destroyed by the brightness of my coming. Behold, I tell you these things, EVEN AS I ALSO TOLD THE PEOPLE OF THE DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM; and my word shall be verified at this time as it hath hitherto been verified." (D&C 5:19-20)

Here we are told that we may again fulfill the prophecy of Ezekiel if we "repent not." But we must keep in mind that there is a way out for us, just as there was for the people of Nineveh.

All we have to do to avoid destruction is to "repent." When the word "repent" is used in this day and age one pictures in mind the image of either a bearded fanatic or a zealous born again Christian fundamentalist. Actually, these are some of those in the greatest need for repentance.

"Repent" is translated from the Greek word METANOEO which literally means "to exercise the mind to think differently, or to comprehend differently." If we wish to usher in the New Age we must indeed think and comprehend differently than we do. There must be a paradigm shift for humanity, Most importantly, we must accept responsibility for our own actions, and not wait for God to save us or to set things right, but to get off our butt and put some action behind our words and correct the mess the world is in. If one sees a brother starving to death and say to him: "Have faith and God will provide" and leave him with this word only and then retire home for a meal of plenty -- what effect is produced? The brother is still starving and in addition to that he is angry and bitter to them who preach only.

Many preach of peace and goodwill, but who is doing anything about it? Project Peace and Goodwill is a method of putting words into action. There are many others ways to those who are willing.

Think it through... Most religions are a cop-out designed to put all responsibility on God. To avoid destruction man must "repent" and feel the responsibility on himself and then "act". "My responsibility for the work of God bears down heavily upon my shoulders" is the phrase that passes through the mind of the co-worker with Christ.

The final method that many believe will give them protection from the calamities is to "get away from it all". These people are often called survivalists and have the most logical method of preparation. They realize that a great calamity may be in the making and have enough reason not expect a deliverance through an unsubstantiated unscriptural rapture of those who merely mouth a certain belief. They also have enough common sense to not depend on a miraculous increase in their food supply merely because they are a member of a certain church. They see that they will be in a very dangerous situation even if they have a lot of food, because others will try and steal it from them. They would most likely be killed by rioters before hunger would get them. Thus, their solution is to get a few acres in the middle of nowhere, as Randy Weaver did [at Ruby Ridge, ID, USA], and take the family or maybe cooperate with friends and become as self sufficient as possible. These survivalists also believe in storing up a lot of guns and ammunition so they will be able to kill all intruders seeking their supplies.

This solution has several very serious flaws and among them are:

1. Expense. Not everyone can afford the cost of getting a retreat in a wilderness area. Are the rich the only ones who will survive the day of the Lord?

2. One must still make a living. Most of those who could scrape together enough money to get his few acres would still have to spend a considerable amount of time in the cities among the populace and it may be possible that he may not be able to reach his retreat in a crisis. When and if he does reach it on foot he may have found that others he has confided in reached it before him and have his guns and ammunition. If he decides to live permanently in his retreat he will find the going very difficult and lonely. Even if he likes it, his wife and kids probably will not.

3. Danger. If he were fortunate enough to make it to the retreat he is still not safe. Literally millions, if starving, would "head for the hills" with guns and fishing poles hoping to survive. When they discover you have food you'd never get any rest and would find that the homestead could only be defended so long before some starving maniac pounces unawares.

4. Selfishness and separateness. These survivalists are preparing with an "every man for himself" attitude and have no thought of working toward something that will also save his brother. Ironically, most of them are fundamental Bible believers.

5. Consequences. If the survivalists were the only ones to live through a holocaust then it wouldn't be long before mankind would be reduced to tribal living on a similar level to the lowly African natives, or the Indians in Peru. It may take a thousand years or more to get back to where we are today. Surely there must be a better solution.

Ezekiel reveals that one will have to be much more than a survivalist if he wants to live through the day of the Lord we may be approaching:

13 "Son of man, when the land sinneth against me by trespassing grievously, then will I stretch out my hand upon it, and will break the staff of the bread thereof, and will send famine upon it, and will cut off man and beast from it (no animals to hunt).

14 "Though these three men, Noah, Daniel and Job were in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their righteousness, saith the Lord God.

15 "If I cause noisome beasts to pass through the land, and they spoil it, so that it be desolate, that no man may pass through because of the beasts:

16 "Though these three men were in it, as I live, saith the Lord God, THEY SHALL DELIVER NEITHER SONS NOR DAUGHTERS: THEY ONLY SHALL BE DELIVERED but the land shall be desolate."

(Ezekiel 14:13-16)

For those who want to know how much faith they must have if they are to survive in the midst of great tribulation we have the answer here. One must have the equivalent faith and righteousness of a Noah, Daniel, or Job, and even at that he would not be able to save his family. Many born again Christians I have talked to have the audacity to state they have this much faith, but I'd like to see them stay the night in a den of hungry lions as did Daniel. If they could survive that, then there is the possibility that they could survive the day of calamity. I would venture to guess that most of those boasting of great faith could not survive a good rattlesnake bite, let alone a den of lions. "Everyone shall be salted with fire," said Jesus. Sooner or later each person gets to put his faith to the test to determine whether he is leaning on illusion or reality. Faith untested is no more workable than a glorious business idea that has not been presented to the marketplace of real life.

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Does the phrases "Endure to the End" & "Trust In The Lord" ring a bell?

Personally.. I trust in the Lord to give me the wisdom to make trivial decisions without bothering him with little details. Trust is an attitude like prayer. The scriptures says to 'pray always' but no one literally does this. One can, however, always have a prayerful, as well as trusting, attitude.

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I'm not in favor of anything that's being 'whispered about.' If it's worth talking about, lets talk! That talk though, nothing new. We're already in the middle of unstable times. Do you think having stored food isn't already helping those hit hard by their investments/jobs plummeting? There are always ups and downs, and there will be more, if there's more 'up' to it or 'down' doesn't matter, and it doesn't matter when. We already know what we need to do to feel and be secure. Now to get to it....

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Can someone please explain this to me? I thought that God gave up calamity as a form of punishment. Sunday school taught me that rainbows are a promise from God that he will never flood the earth again or use earthquakes/volcanoes/asteroids/tidal waves/etc. as a way to encourage humility and get us to pray differently.

Is this a hearkening back to the fear of the "end times"?

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Every generation since the Ascension has thought that the end is near, and events have thus been prophesied accordingly. Having said this, those of us presently living have been repeatedly counseled to stay out of debt, grow our own food or at least know how, be prepared for future emergencies, years food supply etc... Some who are wise have listened to this repeated counsel from our leaders and acted up it, some have listened but failed to act upon their counsel, and still others have not listened at all to any counsel, and never will.

I would venture a guess that those who have been listening, trusting, and heeding our leaders counsel and trying to do their very best to follow their counsel in all things will be as ready as one can be, but the remaining ones of us who haven't did much will continue to live our life forward with continueing not doing much, no matter what any current prophetic message is given either by a Church Leader or circulated by email or thru this forum.

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Every generation since the Ascension has thought that the end is near, and events have thus been prophesied accordingly. Having said this, those of us presently living have been repeatedly counseled to stay out of debt, grow our own food or at least know how, be prepared for future emergencies, years food supply etc... Some who are wise have listened to this repeated counsel from our leaders and acted up it, some have listened but failed to act upon their counsel, and still others have not listened at all to any counsel, and never will.

I would venture a guess that those who have been listening, trusting, and heeding our leaders counsel and trying to do their very best to follow their counsel in all things will be as ready as one can be, but the remaining ones of us who haven't did much will continue to live our life forward with continueing not doing much, no matter what any current prophetic message is given either by a Church Leader or circulated by email or thru this forum.

My response is that preparedness is not mutually exclusive with obedience. It is good to be prepared for natural disasters and to be able to help others in need when bad stuff happens. A food storage and supplies are good ideas whether or not you believe in God or the "end times." In other words, you don't NEED to follow church leadership IN ALL THINGS in order to be prepared for future emergencies, you just need to appreciate the importance of preparedness. There are many people who are not religious that are prepared for such an event.

You are right that there are those that will be lazy and not do much. I believe, however, that this is not due to their failure to follow church doctrine.

I am more afraid that the whole logic that these are the end times and that Jesus is going to return in our lifetimes are dangerous because they discourage conservation. For example, eco-feminists commonly oppose space travel and space colonization because they believe that it would encourage people to believe that the Earth is unnecessary. After all, if we can just get off the rock and go live somewhere else, then it doesn't matter if we trash our planet by pollution and trash.

Likewise, I think the idea that the "end times" are near and that God is going to punish the unworthy with some sort of massive catastrophe lends itself to the notion that the Earth is gonna be destroyed anyway, so what is to stop us from treating it badly while we are here?

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Peter, I agree with the premise that if someone is thinking "The end is near" then they can run up the debt, enjoy mortality now because it is soon over, such as, go skiiing on Sunday, see all the sites, don't visit the sick or needy because there will be lots of time for that later in the millenium. Not true. We are to prepare for his coming but I personally don't care who says it is soon. Last I read no man knows his coming. Prepare but don't live like it is in my lifetime.

Ben Raines

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My response is that preparedness is not mutually exclusive with obedience.

I believe my comments are less about obediance and more about trust, knowledge, acceptance, and wisdom from wise and spiritual church leaders who are trying to counsel us.

It is good to be prepared for natural disasters and to be able to help others in need when bad stuff happens. A food storage and supplies are good ideas whether or not you believe in God or the "end times."


In other words, you don't NEED to follow church leadership IN ALL THINGS in order to be prepared for future emergencies, you just need to appreciate the importance of preparedness.


There are many people who are not religious that are prepared for such an event.

Absolutely but likewise there are many who are not

You are right that there are those that will be lazy and not do much. I believe, however, that this is not due to their failure to follow church doctrine.

I didn't state they were lazy. Only that many won't listen. In other words, they understand the message, they simply choose not to accept suffiecent to act up it. Which is the right they have with the own Agency

I am more afraid that the whole logic that these are the end times and that Jesus is going to return in our lifetimes are dangerous because they discourage conservation. For example, eco-feminists commonly oppose space travel and space colonization because they believe that it would encourage people to believe that the Earth is unnecessary. After all, if we can just get off the rock and go live somewhere else, then it doesn't matter if we trash our planet by pollution and trash.

Likewise, I think the idea that the "end times" are near and that God is going to punish the unworthy with some sort of massive catastrophe lends itself to the notion that the Earth is gonna be destroyed anyway, so what is to stop us from treating it badly while we are here?

While your comments may have validy concerning the end times versus the planet, I have personally never heard anyone I know, take the position that they can trash the earth etc. because the end is near. In fact, we live in the Ozarks which is a beautiful area. We also live on a large lake, however many of the locals continue to throw trash in the lake while fishing, throw trash out the windows while traversing the many roads, and dump their trash in the woods rather than pay a dump fee. Why? The reasons are numerous. One thing that drives me nuts is that most of us that live on the 1100 miles of shoreline and in the woods have septic tanks. When these need to be pumped out it is done by a pumpin truck. The rub becomes that under Missouri Law they can then take this truck load of Septic Sewage and dump it on a hay field etc. as a way of disposing of it, rather than by taking it into a Treatment Plant in a nearby town. Some of the fields are very close ( within a block) to habited areas and are bordered by dry streams. When it rains, these streams carry the run off of the fields directly into the Lake. Why is this allowed? Because it would cost more to haul the spectic sludge to the treatment plant, thus passing this cost onto the residences. Go figure. I have personally brought this to the States attention twice but they cannot do anything because the law allows them to do it. Bottom Line not everyone cares about the enviroment end times or not.

Edited by lilered
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