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Originally posted by Lindy+Nov 29 2005, 07:55 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Jason@Nov 29 2005, 10:45 AM

Wow....Look at all the hypocrits here.   :(

As you beat your chests (or breasts) and state proudly:

I oppose abortion, EXCEPT...

Except?   :blink:

That's like saying:

I oppose adultery, except...

I oppose rape, except...

I oppose murder, except...

Funny thing this abortion issue, for Latter-day Saints, there was a time when there was no "except" to their statement.  Then the "prophets" started offering the "except" clause, and the members followed suit. 

Sad, very sad.

OK Jason.....show me WHERE I said EXCEPT if you please.... my breasts just don't hurt right now for the pounding I was supposed to have given them. ;)

Lindy, If you're opposed no matter what, then consider yourself off the hypocrit list!

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Originally posted by Maureen+Nov 29 2005, 09:51 AM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Lindy@Nov 29 2005, 07:48 AM

.... it's the medication issue that really bothers me....I think that is a very weak argument for your friend to take a stand on to want to destroy a life. But that is just my opinion only.

Here's some info regarding high blood pressure and pregnancy:


Thanks for the info M.....but I hear so many reasons why people try to justify things..... some just don't float with me.

I'm not saying that I never try to justify anything ..... ;)

Oh....and Ben...your say should matter. don't think it doesn't

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I oppose abortion, EXCEPT...

Except?   :blink:

Jason, I'm not sure you are prolife. Are you suggesting that in order to be consistent, we would have to oppose abortion even if the pregnancy would kill the mother, and the child would not survive to term anyway? I prefer black and white to gray, when it comes to morality, but your attempt to push prolifers into an unsustainable position will not succeed.

When it comes to morality, ethics, and what's right: the mother's life (not health) seems to be the only valid "except."

However, what prolifers are fighting for is baby's lives. So, if we can succeed in limiting abortions to cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother's life, we believe we've done well.

That's like saying:

I oppose adultery, except...I oppose rape, except...I oppose murder, except...

There really is no room in your ethical reasoning for guilty or wrong, but with mitigating circumstances, is there? Sometimes people do "wrong," but the circumstances surrounding that cause us to say, "Wow. It wasn't right, but this person's suffered enough."

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Originally posted by prisonchaplain@Nov 30 2005, 02:20 PM

Jason, I'm not sure you are prolife.  Are you suggesting that in order to be consistent, we would have to oppose abortion even if the pregnancy would kill the mother, and the child would not survive to term anyway?  I prefer black and white to gray, when it comes to morality, but your attempt to push prolifers into an unsustainable position will not succeed.

When it comes to morality, ethics, and what's right:  the mother's life (not health) seems to be the only valid "except." 

Oh, I see. So what you're suggesting here is that there are certain situations where Ethical standards can be "overlooked".

To state that abortion is always wrong would be crazy if Mommy's life is in danger. Ok. That makes sense to me. Do you know why? Because we're talking about Situational Ethics.

You know Chap, this reminds me of the ethical example I gave on the other thread about stealing some food to keep your kid alive. Where I stated that it was ok in that situation to steal, and you pounded the pulpit and told me that god's commands were unchangable in spite of his mercy. Remember that?

Now I know that I posted loudly against abortion of any kind earlier. I did that on purpose. I knew that Mormons would disagree with me and suggest as you have done that it's ok in certain situations. But what I was hoping for was that someone would take the bait and I would be able to offer a simple lesson: that what may be a sin in one instance, may not be a sin in another instance.

And that applies to any of your god's commandments.

Ohhh...gotta love situational ethics.

Have a nice day. B)

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I think the only time there should be abortion is if the person has been molested or raped, it should be an option they hold open for the victim.....Too .......many feel trapped afterwards and try to take there life as an only way out to forget or get away from what happened.....

Anyone else to me is a coward....If you mess with fire without more than one of the available protections out there then you should have to deal with it. Men and woman for years have kept from getting pregnant using various methods...We only have this problem now because people are not as responsible....

And as for the pill didnt work..Well add something to it and make it a cocktail....that will work. If your pill dose is to low, you will get pregnant...Seek a provider that will run test to get you what you need. Just my thoughts.........There are ways .......

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Originally posted by Laureltree@Dec 1 2005, 09:32 AM

I think the only time there should be abortion is if the person has been molested or raped...

So LT, you don't think that the abortion is valid if it endangers the life of the mother - because you know that if the mother doesn't survive there's a good change the baby won't survive either. What about if the mother already has existing children who know, love and need her? I believe the existing children take precedence over the baby (fetus) that requires the mother's health in order to survive.


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Originally posted by Maureen+Dec 1 2005, 01:48 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Laureltree@Dec 1 2005, 09:32 AM

I think the only time there should be abortion is if the person has been molested or raped...

So LT, you don't think that the abortion is valid if it endangers the life of the mother - because you know that if the mother doesn't survive there's a good change the baby won't survive either. What about if the mother already has existing children who know, love and need her? I believe the existing children take precedence over the baby (fetus) that requires the mother's health in order to survive.


Actually....maureen that was my point...If it will save a mother yes...If she forgot to take her pill...No...

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