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Just some food for thought.

The word sin comes from the Greek word HAMARTANO which means "to miss the mark." In other words when the Greeks 2000 years ago shot at a target with an arrow and missed they "sinned" (HAMARTANO) or missed the target.

Is this how the word "sin" is used today? Verily no. When the religious person thinks of sin in our age he generally thinks of being unclean and ridden with guilt.

Forgiveness in the Bible is translated from the Greek APHIEMI. The trouble is that this word does not mean forgiveness as we understand the word today, even though it seems to when it is used in connection with the forgiveness of sins.

If you go through the New Testament and examine all the places where APHIEMI is used you will see that the most consistent meaning of the word is "to give up, let go, yield or release."

In this light let us retranslate the Biblical term "forgiveness of sins." A much more accurate translation would be "the letting go or giving up of error."

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