Typos, misspellings, grammatical fumbles and such


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I fancy myself a good writer, and generously excuse my occasional mis-keys as "poetic license." This, in spite of one of my professors who dryly declared, "Typos are a sin!" In one class this same beloved professor darkly proclaimed, "I can accept seeing a single error on a given page. A second fumble, I'll tolerate. However, I consider three or more errors to be a personal insult to me!"

That professor was my favorite. His humor was dry, his standards high. I learned much. . . . Or, did I? Of late, I've noticed my posts are pock-marked with mispellings, typos and grammatical gymnastics of Olympic proportions.

So...I extend my gratitude to all of you who have endured my clumsy ramblings without narry a word about my many "sins" and "insults." My God grant to you the same mercy you've extended to me, unworthy though I am.

Edited by prisonchaplain
fixing typos, mispellings, grammatical fumbles and such
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I always felt like my job should be a proof reader. I notice spelling errors right off. Now not saying I'm perfect in the spelling department but spelling has always been a thing with me. I should write a book with pictures displaying even professional signs etc that have spelling errors. You wonder...where was the spell check when they needed it?

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I always felt like my job should be a proof reader. I notice spelling errors right off. Now not saying I'm perfect in the spelling department but spelling has always been a thing with me. I should write a book with pictures displaying even professional signs etc that have spelling errors. You wonder...where was the spell check when they needed it?

Here are a couple of funny blogs you might enjoy, Pam:

English Fail Blog: User-Submitted FAIL Pictures of the English language.

The “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks

And there's a book out there that I'm going to read in a couple of months for book group called Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation.

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definitely OC:lol:

(but then, I'm someone who has alll the keys turned the same way on the ring, and the spices alphabetically lined up in the cabinet)

alll? hahaha love ya woman

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Guest SisterofJared

I cojnfess that certain spelling errors drive me nuts... they tend to look totally uneducated. For instance, when someone writes, "there going to the store" instead of "they're going to the store." or "give it too her" instead of "to". "your" instead of "you're" etc. I think America is really dumbing down... I find people everywhere that don't know which spelling to use for words that are homonyms.

But I find I do it sometimes, too! Especially if I'm typing fast. And I almost can't type an "s" at the end of a word without putting an apostrophe in there! I go back and edit those a lot. My little finger just reaches out and sticks that ' in there. My pinky has a mind of it's own!! LOL.

But it's not just online. I taught seminary, and noticed that the papers coming in more often than not had horrible spelling. Are these things just not being taught anymore??


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M[a]y God grant to you the same mercy you've extended to me, unworthy though I am.

Now, was this an ironic sentence, given the subject of this thread, or was it just coincidence? :D There's really a simple solution - proof reading and that lovely edit button. ;)
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I think with the age of texting etc alot of our youth are forgetting how to spell. One of my kids' English teachers said you would be surprised how many essays come in with LOL, ROFL, BFF etc etc etc.

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I fancy myself a good writer, and generously excuse my occasional mis-keys as "poetic license." This, in spite of one of my professors who dryly declared, "Typos are a sin!" In one class this same beloved professor darkly proclaimed, "I can accept seeing a single error on a given page. A second fumble, I'll tolerate. However, I consider three or more errors to be a personal insult to me!"

That professor was my favorite. His humor was dry, his standards high. I learned much. . . . Or, did I? Of late, I've noticed my posts are pock-marked with mispellings, typos and grammatical gymnastics of Olympic proportions.

So...I extend my gratitude to all of you who have endured my clumsy ramblings without narry a word about my many "sins" and "insults." My God grant to you the same mercy you've extended to me, unworthy though I am.

Big hugs to you, and a hearty handshake to your professor.:)

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Today I was given a document to layout and print, and a co-worker from IT came by my office and saw me correcting grammatical errors. He told me it wasn't a part of my job, to which I replied "I don't make bad work!"

I used to be an editor too, and I was a barracuda when it came to finding mistakes in the copy.

I was so bad I was obnoxious.

One time I was visiting a friend who had just written a computer program. When he showed me the printout, all of the errors just popped out at me.

So I took out my red pen, which I always kept by my side, and started correcting them.

He was not amused.


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I cojnfess that certain spelling errors drive me nuts... they tend to look totally uneducated. For instance, when someone writes, "there going to the store" instead of "they're going to the store." or "give it too her" instead of "to". "your" instead of "you're" etc. I think America is really dumbing down... I find people everywhere that don't know which spelling to use for words that are homonyms.

But I find I do it sometimes, too! Especially if I'm typing fast. And I almost can't type an "s" at the end of a word without putting an apostrophe in there! I go back and edit those a lot. My little finger just reaches out and sticks that ' in there. My pinky has a mind of it's own!! LOL.

But it's not just online. I taught seminary, and noticed that the papers coming in more often than not had horrible spelling. Are these things just not being taught anymore??


Haha! So how do you spell "cojnfess"?
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Had to post my apolagies (that is wrong). I mess up spelling often and my grammer can be even worse. Thanks for your patience. I missed a lot of this type of learning because my mind was elsewhere in school and my brain goes faster than my fingers. So far noone has highlighted my errors but I know they are everywhere. Thanks.

Oh also maybe you can give me the correct spelling on words I often use at home. I try to not sound so redneck online.

goodnuf - woosher - ubecha - ferrude - mahap - gits - nuuh - gimmy - yup (there are more but I think I may have lowered your IQ's enough for now).

Edited by countrygirl66
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