Introducing self new to LDS


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Hi everyone,

I am not a member of the church yet. I have felt a pull to research the church and to become more involved. I can't explain why, it's just the way I feel!

I am marrying a man, whom I know would hit the roof if he knew that I am feeling compelled to get closer to LDS faith. So I am asking: have others felt this strange pull to convert in adult life? Was it like this for you? What is your story?

Also, am I a "lost cause" because I am with someone who is not interested in converting?

Thanks for all your advice!!!


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Welcome to the site. I was born and raised in the church. My parents were converts though. They both experienced a desire to know more about the church, at about the same time. I would say about the man you are marrying, you should pray for guidence about the situation and pray for a moment that the sprit will be open and receptive for him and that he'll understand your desire. That's about all I can say on your seeking more info on the church and hoping that he won't hit the roof.

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I agree with what Pam said!!!

I am LDS and married to a non-member.

I have a strong testimony of the restored gospel and couldn't be happier that I joined the church. And even though my husband doesn't have my same beliefs he respects them and is greatfull that we are raising our children in the church.

Best of luck


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While never a lost cause, be aware of the statistics. Women who join the Church having a disbelieving husband only have a 20% chance of converting him over. If the man dislikes the Church now, you can imagine your chances as even less in the future.

Be up front with him now, before marriage. Tell him you are possibly interested in Mormonism, and may consider joining it sometime. But that would require him to accept that now, so it isn't a surprise for him after the wedding vows. He knows what he is getting into in a relationship now, but you can't expect him to like you changing the rules of the game after it has started.

Also realize this, if he is extremely negative towards the Church, you will have to decide which is of greater worth to you: him or the gospel. It would be easier to make that tough decision now, rather than later after marriage and possibly kids are involved. If you choose the Church, which I personally believe to be the best choice, the Lord will make it up to you by preparing you to be married eternally in the temple, sometime in the future.

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Pull... YES!

First time I heard about the Church it was as I red that my favorite popgroup were LDS.. I was interested in knowing what that was. I red some things about the church which I lkied,. How ever it to around 10 years before missionaries found me. They gave me the first lesson and came for the second and I knew I was home.

Later I learned in my Patriacal blessing ( a special blessing you can get when you been a member for a year or so.) that I wanted to follow Jesus already in the Spirit world. What I believe is that there are many people out there who already in Spiritworld want ed to follow Jesus, but they are born outside the church and we members should go and find them. I also believe those people do feel the pull, when they are in contact with the Church.

I hope everything will go ok with you. Maybe even your husband to be will get interested after a while..... but it is a gamble.

You can read about my testimony in my profile.

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Hi everyone,

I am not a member of the church yet. I have felt a pull to research the church and to become more involved. I can't explain why, it's just the way I feel!

I am marrying a man, whom I know would hit the roof if he knew that I am feeling compelled to get closer to LDS faith. So I am asking: have others felt this strange pull to convert in adult life? Was it like this for you? What is your story?

Also, am I a "lost cause" because I am with someone who is not interested in converting?

Thanks for all your advice!!!


You can first blame the Holy Ghost and then your friends across the veil. :lol:

Welcome to the forum and I hope you find your answers as most of us did.

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