How much should I give for


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How much should I spend for Christmas ? One is on her own 20yrs old the other is a senior in HS 18yrs old all they want is clothes and they dont want me to buy them so I guess gift certificates is what they want, I really dont want to ask them how much the clothes are so , what do you think would be a good amount?

P.S. I know its usually a personal choice but humor me LOL

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I am not sure how much clothes cost over there...

But I think that an important question to ask is how much you can afford?

It's not like you have to buy them a whole new wardrobe... Rather something they can add to what they have...

I would just have a looksie at what things cost & get a gift certificate for that amount... Also you could consider taking them to get what they want...

Just my two cents worth...

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I would figure out how much you have spent on average in years past on gifts, and if you can still afford that amount, put it on a gift card if that's what they want. Be careful about who you get the gift card from though, as there are some stores that may not be around much longer. I'm not sure if it's possible anymore, but I would look into getting a preloaded VISA or Mastercard gift card that could be spent anywhere.

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How much should I spend for Christmas ? One is on her own 20yrs old the other is a senior in HS 18yrs old all they want is clothes and they dont want me to buy them so I guess gift certificates is what they want, I really dont want to ask them how much the clothes are so , what do you think would be a good amount?

P.S. I know its usually a personal choice but humor me LOL

100.00 DOLLARS is the usual amount we give to kids for cash.
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I would love to make them a sweater but that would be the last time I would see that, because it would have three arms LOL

I have to admit they did get rather spoiled in the past and thats why they think they should still be shopping in the trendy shops its not unusual to spend 50.00 on a hoodie or a two top set thats 45.00 but see im not really supporting that so much anymore the cost of things should really come into play and ive been talking to them about it , not so much my oldest she knows its going to be different its my youngest theres an entitlement thing going on. I was thinking 150.00 each and that is very different from when they were younger.

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Guest DeborahC

100.00 DOLLARS is the usual amount we give to kids for cash.


You want to adopt me?:D

Two of my sons are getting a pair of knitted slippers each.

My daughter in law is getting a needle felted doll that I made that she loves.

My other daughter in law is getting a nightgown.

My two grandkids are each getting a tablegame.

My last son is getting a check for $20.

That is IT!

Christmas is NOT a huge checkspending spree in our house.

It's a time when we get together, have a big family dinner, spend time with each other, and celebrate either the birth of Christ (for those who are Christian) or the changing of the season (for my pagan daughter in law).

We have put a $20 cap on ALL gifts and prefer hand made items.

Even the kids make their gifts.

It's awesome!

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The last couple of years I have set for myself $200 for each child. Usually it's necessity items they can use for the year with a couple of fun things thrown in. But that is just me and what I can afford. As they move on it will for sure lessen. But for now they are all still at home.

Edited by pam
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Hmm, well if you want a contrast in clothes price.

Yesterday I decided I needed some new summer clothes.

So I went and bought two pairs of shorts and two t-shirts.

The shorts cost $40 each, and the shirts were $30 for two.

Obviously not in american dollars though -- you could take about 40% off the price if you wanted it in american dollars. At this point in the currency values anyway.

Overall, I agree with John. Prepaid visa or mastercard is always so much easier.

I hate those things! I was so glad when I got my Visa Debit card. As a student it's fee-free, and it's my own money -- so I cannot go crazy and overspend, but I wouldn't anyway. Edited by Aesa
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my kids get equivelent of $60 spent on them every year and have no intention of changing that hugely. I buy expensive good quality clothes but the point of spending that much is one item should last 10 years and still look fantastic


I thought your kids were fairly young. I'm just trying to picture a 10 year old trying to squeeze into a sweet-looking onesie.

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Hmm, well if you want a contrast in clothes price.

Yesterday I decided I needed some new summer clothes.

So I went and bought two pairs of shorts and two t-shirts.

The shorts cost $40 each, and the shirts were $30 for two.

Obviously not in american dollars though -- you could take about 40% off the price if you wanted it in american dollars. At this point in the currency values anyway.

I hate those things! I was so glad when I got my Visa Debit card. As a student it's fee-free, and it's my own money -- so I cannot go crazy and overspend, but I wouldn't anyway.

I'm not sure how you could overspend on the prepaid visa cards. Someone puts $100 on it and that's all you have to spend. It's not a credit card.

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My oldest needs the clothes the most she was recently told she has a under active thyroid and gained about 25lbs and doesnt fit in anything she had before she moved out , so she really needs clothes bad.

when I told my youngest what the amount was going to be she acted shocked lol she knows its going to be hard to buy the kind of clothes she likes and is used to getting, but she gos off to college next fall and I told her she needs to start to understand how hard it can be and that I didnt want her to think it was going to be like living at home the clothes she would usually wear 1yr and then push to the back of the closet expecting something new to replace it but now I have told her that she needs to feel grateful for what she has I have been giving her used clothing for winter for when she gos out west she didnt understand why I was giving her used clothes but I told her to put them away for when she gos to school and when she gets out there she'll understand why, the gravey train is coming to a end she will get 100.00 a month from us for extras but she needs to get a job.

Her dad wants to send her out there with a car but I dont im not taking on the expence of insurance and gas and I dont want her to get distracted trying to make enough money to maintain a car.

what do you think about the car ??

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I thought your kids were fairly young. I'm just trying to picture a 10 year old trying to squeeze into a sweet-looking onesie.

they are lol but my daughter wore her clothes I passed them onto a friend who used them, then gave the unisex stuff back when I had Gubby, then I gave them to someone else, who will be due to give them back in a few months for Pumpkin. And they look fine still - I made the mistake for first year of Ellie buying cheap clothes they were in an awful state after a few months,

So Ellie's clothes are 4 years old and look capable of doing a few more kids:)


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Her dad wants to send her out there with a car but I dont im not taking on the expence of insurance and gas and I dont want her to get distracted trying to make enough money to maintain a car.

what do you think about the car ??

If she has an underactive thyroid I would consider it - also depends on where my child is going how safe and regular is public transport and can she walk where she needs to go for the basics. I know things are different in parts of the US my in laws look shocked when I walk 2 blocks to a shop, but San Diego is best place I have been for public transport had no issue taking myself about at night on it, or getting where I needed to go, where she is going could she get by with a bicycle etc?

For example if my daughter was going to a university here like Keele or Stirling which is self contained and out of town I would consider helping with a car, if she was going to somewhere like Oxford or Cambridge a bicycle would be suffcient, if it was London or Sheffield or Liverpool then public transport and foot should be sufficient.


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My oldest needs the clothes the most she was recently told she has a under active thyroid and gained about 25lbs and doesnt fit in anything she had before she moved out , so she really needs clothes bad.

when I told my youngest what the amount was going to be she acted shocked lol she knows its going to be hard to buy the kind of clothes she likes and is used to getting, but she gos off to college next fall and I told her she needs to start to understand how hard it can be and that I didnt want her to think it was going to be like living at home the clothes she would usually wear 1yr and then push to the back of the closet expecting something new to replace it but now I have told her that she needs to feel grateful for what she has I have been giving her used clothing for winter for when she gos out west she didnt understand why I was giving her used clothes but I told her to put them away for when she gos to school and when she gets out there she'll understand why, the gravey train is coming to a end she will get 100.00 a month from us for extras but she needs to get a job.

Her dad wants to send her out there with a car but I dont im not taking on the expence of insurance and gas and I dont want her to get distracted trying to make enough money to maintain a car.

what do you think about the car ??

I don't know if this would work for you or not. My kids love high quality clothes but we can't afford them so from the time they were little we go to consignment and thrift stores and they shop for what they like. We bring it home (you can get a lot for you money) I wash it spray with fabreeze or starch and iron it if necessary fold nicely tissue wrap and walah. Other than that they pick one thing they really want. The rest is usally stuff I find at yard sales and thrift stores except new socks and underwear. Hope this helps. My kids have always done this so I don't know how they would feel if they haven't done it before. I usually get my kids about 5 shirts and 5 pants for around 50 dollars. (the consignment store by me has 1/2 off days. Good luck.

Also I never had a car in college and I survived just fine.

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Posted (edited) · Hidden

I don't give gift certificates. I consider them a hassle both for the giver and receiver. Cash is always appreciated.

There are warnings in the news about giving gift certificates. The businesses are going out of business. Be careful.

We give each of our adult children $100. . . we started this when they were teens.


P.S. This year they might only get $50 :eek:

Edited by applepansy
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^I think that's the amount my parents do for me and my brother, plus $100 for each of our spouses. It usually comes in the form of gift certificates.

I think we spent $60 bucks on Eli. So long as we can afford it we will certainly do more when he gets older. But he's not quite a year old yet, it's not like he's going to remember and cherish his first Christmas. It was mostly things he needed anyway. First set of toothbrush, new babytub, sleepers etc.

I think my parents did around $300 a piece for us when we were kids. Which is a lot, but most of that was stuff we needed anyway that you could get cheaper during Christmas, like school supplies and clothing for the summer. I can only think of a couple of toys that we got for Christmas over the years.

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Guest DeborahC

what do you think about the car ??

Well, for me, it's against everything inside me to buy a young person a car.

If they want a car, they should be able to pay for it.

I told each of my boys I'd buy them a car as soon as they could pay for insurance.

It never happened.

End of story.

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