Other Planets, Aliens, and can we inherit other worlds?


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I have heard it mentioned that LDS believes some of the faithful will inherit other worlds and even be rulers of those worlds. I have only heard this from fundamentalists who say this is an LDS teaching and they do not believe in it.

First of all I believe God made other worlds and there are sentient life forms on them.

Second, I believe it is entirely possible for someone from earth to go to another world, especially in Gods kingdom.

Thirdly I believe it is possible that a mere "earthling" could be a leader of another world if that person were to be faithful to God.

Fourth, I believe the other worlds we might go to are inhabited by basically human life forms created in the image of God, but also that there are worlds inhabited by stansa servants that cause chaos in the universe and we would not go there unless it would be to clean them up....

Is any of this LDS doctrine?

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In LDS scripture it is said "As man is God once was, as God is man might become". From there it is supposition as to what we will be able to do from the highest degree of Celestial Kingdom. It is those who attain the highest degree of Celestial Kingdom who will have eternal increase. The rest will not.

Ben Raines

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In LDS scripture it is said "As man is God once was, as God is man might become". From there it is supposition as to what we will be able to do from the highest degree of Celestial Kingdom. It is those who attain the highest degree of Celestial Kingdom who will have eternal increase. The rest will not.

Ben Raines

So it's basically just a supposition? Like, it could be, but it isn't actual doctrine/theology?

I had heard it was, and then of course they would say any mention of aliens or other planets was a satanic conspiracy....

Personally I believe God did not limit himself to making an entire hugely vast universe and then only put life on one in some remote sector.

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Originally Posted by BenRaines

In LDS scripture it is said "As man is God once was, as God is man might become". From there it is supposition as to what we will be able to do from the highest degree of Celestial Kingdom. It is those who attain the highest degree of Celestial Kingdom who will have eternal increase. The rest will not.

Ben Raines

This post seems to have disappeared, and I'm guessing that it's because Ben wanted to correct himself. That couplet comes from Emma Smith, and is NOT found in the scriptures. The concepts are, but that verse itself is not found in LDS scripture.

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I have heard it mentioned that LDS believes some of the faithful will inherit other worlds and even be rulers of those worlds. I have only heard this from fundamentalists who say this is an LDS teaching and they do not believe in it.

First of all I believe God made other worlds and there are sentient life forms on them.

Second, I believe it is entirely possible for someone from earth to go to another world, especially in Gods kingdom.

Thirdly I believe it is possible that a mere "earthling" could be a leader of another world if that person were to be faithful to God.

Fourth, I believe the other worlds we might go to are inhabited by basically human life forms created in the image of God, but also that there are worlds inhabited by stansa servants that cause chaos in the universe and we would not go there unless it would be to clean them up....

Is any of this LDS doctrine?

I would start with the basics before applying the mysteries of the kingdom. The mysteries will come later when the Savior feels that you are ready for it. Usually stuff like this is only given to them that are of the Church of the First Born for a wise purpose and not to the church as a whole.

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"You shall have no other Gods before me."

That includes us. ;)

This commandment applies only to fallen man - that has the mediator Jesus Christ and the only means to the Father.

Do you not understand the fall of man?

The Traveler

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Ofcourse I understand the fall of man, but all man is fallen.

Only, we are complete in Christ.

This doesn't mean that commandment doesn't apply to us.

I have to wonder -- where does any scripture say that that particular command relates only to the fall of man?

And also, are you then saying that Adam and Eve were pseudo-gods in the Garden of Eden?

Gods commandments are for all of His children, in other words, those of the body of Christ.

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When I couldn't find the verse I deleted the post. Someone copied it before it was deleted and it was almost immediate.

My error.

Ben Raines

If you are referring too this quote: As man is, God once was; as God is, man may be, a good source of quotes is the book is "We Believe" by by Rulon T. Burton. The section called 'GOD' has that phrase.

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Well this is a great thread -- no one seems to want to quantify this doctrine.

Here are some official LDS articles:

LDS.org - Melchizedek Priesthood Chapter Detail - “To Live with Him Somedayâ€

LDS.org - Liahona Article - Salvation and Exaltation

Doctrine and Covenants 132

"...Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Nauvoo, Illinois, recorded July 12, 1843, relating to the new and everlasting covenant, including the eternity of the marriage covenant...

... 20 Then shall they be gods, because they have no end; therefore shall they be from everlasting to everlasting, because they continue; then shall they be above all, because all things are subject unto them. Then shall they be gods, because they have all power, and the angels are subject unto them.

21 Verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye abide my law ye cannot attain to this glory..."

Edited by Aesa
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Joseph Smith -

Here, then, is eternal life-to know the only wise and true God; and you have got to learn how to be gods yourselves, and to be kings and priests to God, the same as all gods have done before you, namely, by going from one small degree to another, and from a small capacity to a great one; from grace to grace, from exaltation to exaltation, until you attain to the resurrection of the dead, and are able to dwell in everlasting burnings, and to sit in glory, as do those who sit enthroned in everlasting power. (To the Church in General Conference-a congregation of 20,000-,"King Follett Sermon", April 7, 1844) (See HC6:302-317, also see The Words of Joseph Smith, pp. 340-62.) HC6:306

Joseph Smith -

Therefore, I must gather together my people, according to the parable of the wheat and the tares, that the wheat may be secured in the garners to possess eternal life, and be crowned with celestial glory, when I shall come in the kingdom of my Father to reward every man according as his work shall be; (Revelation received Dec. 16, 1833) D&C 101:65

Orson F. Whitney -

God's greatest gift is eternal life, but that pertains to Eternity. The greatest blessing that our Heavenly Father can bestow upon us in time, or while we are here, is the power to lay hold upon eternal life. The everlasting Gospel, through obedience to its every requirement, and the gift of the Holy Ghost, gives this power. It not only saves-it exalts men to where God and Christ dwell in the fulness of celestial glory. CR1929Oct:30

Marion G. Romney -

Eternal life is the quality of life which God himself enjoys. The gospel plan, authored by the Father and put into operation by the atonement of Jesus Christ, brings eternal life within the reach of every man. The Lord gave this assurance when he said, ". . . if you keep my commandments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life, . . . " CR1965Oct:20

Bruce R. McConkie -

Eternal life is life in the highest heaven of the celestial world; it is exaltation; it is the name of the kind of life God lives. It consists of a continuation of the family unit in eternity. ("The Salvation of Little Children," EN1977Apr:5) TLDP:604

Joseph Smith,

translating the Book of Moses

For behold, this is my work and my glory-to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. (The Lord talks to Moses face to face) Moses 1:39

Elder George Albert Smith -

The gospel has been restored in these latter days to prepare men for the celestial kingdom. This gospel has not been given to qualify men for any other kingdom, but has been given to us to prepare us that we may dwell upon this earth when it has been celestialized, when our Redeemer will dwell here and he will be our lawgiver and our king. CR1926Oct:102-03

John A. Widtsoe -

Now the concern of the Church is to bring all men into the celestial kingdom. It has no interest in the other, lower kingdoms. Every doctrine, principle, and item of organization within the Church pertains to the celestial glory. The manner of entrance into this the highest kingdom, is therefore made clear. Any person who wishes to enter it must have faith and repent from his sins. Then he must be baptized, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost by one who has divine authority to perform such ordinances. There are principles and ordinances which in their entirety belong peculiarly to the higher kingdom.

After having laid the foundation for his claim to celestial membership and association, he must, to receive all available blessings of this kingdom, comply with the many requirements of life within the Church. He belongs to "those who are valiant and inspired with the true independence of heaven, who will go forth boldly in the service of their God leaving others to do as they please, determined to do right, though all mankind should take the opposite course." All this having been done, he is qualified to enter the celestial kingdom. Indeed, he is then, even on earth, in the celestial kingdom of God. (Evidences and Reconciliations, pp. 200-01) TLDP:163-64

George Q. Cannon -

I think it is of great importance to us as a people to know what we shall do. Are we content to aim for telestial glory? I never heard a prayer offered, especially in the family circle, in which the family does not beseech God to give them celestial glory. Telestial glory is not in their thoughts. Terrestrial glory may be all right for honorable Gentiles, who have not faith enough to believe the Gospel and who do right according to the best knowledge they have; but celestial glory is our aim. . . .

. . . . All that I am on this earth for is to get celestial glory. CR1900Apr:55-56

Edited by Hemidakota
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The opening post doesn't make any sense to me. We're permitted to travel to other planets and be rulers? I don't even know what a stansa servant is.

I would like to believe that someday we will develope faster than light travel and go to another planet. I doubt we would become leaders of those planets though. I do believe that any inhabitants of other planets would look like us because they would be Children of God. But they would probably have their own unique animal life.

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