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I've been considering going to a Latter-day Saint sacrament service. You know, just to see what Mormon worship is like.

The meeting center near me, if you want to call it that, is really small.

Wonder if there'll be any room for me. :confused:

What's the deal with Sunday best?

What does the average 18-21 yo wear?

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I've been considering going to a Latter-day Saint sacrament service. You know, just to see what Mormon worship is like.

The meeting center near me, if you want to call it that, is really small.

Wonder if there'll be any room for me. :confused:

What's the deal with Sunday best?

What does the average 18-21 yo wear?

Girls wear also something a bit better than everyday clothes. Dont worry about the room.. they`ll make room especially for vistors.:D

Every first Sunaday in month is a bit special... the word is free... testimony meeting, no beforehand made speaches, but often very good spititual experience.

If you think of going only for sacrament meeting... find out what time is that... usually 10.00 but some wards do the days meetings in an other order and it may be the last meeting.

I hope you`ll get a good experience!

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The purpose of Sunday Best is to place yourself in a good frame of mind and show respect for the sacrament. Personally I would recommend going for the whole thing as an investigator I found sacrament difficult it was like a whole new language lol the other classes were more informative


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I think I'd better do some shopping then. :P

I don't wear white shirts.

What sort of pants?

my husband tries not to do white shirts lol have you got a coloured shirt and tie that will work. Umm as I am British your trousers are basically just dress ones or dark trousers not jeans. Your pants can be whatever you choose noone is gonna see em:):D


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The church standard is to wear your best clothes, and meet the modesty standard. We live in a rural area and within our ward boundaries is a Camp for Alcoholic treatment. Last Sunday one of the new residents called for a ride to church. He wore jeans and a long sleeve colored shirt. That was the best he had. Its ok. . . everyone welcomed him.


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Sounds great for a frist timer.

Here some members who have not that much $ wear jeans, boots and wollen cardigan with or without buttons (missing my words today... a wollen swetshirt?)... In my country they do not use bowties except in weddings... maybe... White shoes reminds me of a missionary to be, he always had white shoes.

Ah my son has forgot sometimes and taken his sneakers on with a dress:eek: ... stil he did deal out the sacrament (I seen this happen to others too):D

Anyway if someone has a problem... dont forget that is THAT persons problem, not yours!

They will meet you with open arms!

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I've been considering going to a Latter-day Saint sacrament service. You know, just to see what Mormon worship is like.

The meeting center near me, if you want to call it that, is really small.

Wonder if there'll be any room for me. :confused:

What's the deal with Sunday best?

What does the average 18-21 yo wear?

Some things to consider...........

1. We meet in a "meetinghouse" or "chapel".

2. A congregation is referred to as a "ward".

3. We meet for three hours, called "the three hour block" or just the "block meetings" when referring to all three.

4. Sometimes there are several wards (separate congregations) meeting in the same meetinghouse on the same Sunday with their three hour block of meetings offset so there is room for all on a rotating schedule. My meetinghouse has three wards meeting in it on Sundays.

In most wards Sacrament Meeting is the first one of the three one hour meetings. If more than one ward is meeting where you go you will need to determine what time their Sacrament Meeting begins.

5. After Sacrament Meeting there are two more one hour meetings you should attend. One will be the "Gospel Principles" class for "investigators" to learn basic doctrine and to ask questions. Then the third hour you can go with your age group to Priesthood Meeting if one is male, or to the Relief Society meeting if you are a female over 18.

6. Then there is another possibility. There may be no meetings at all on some Sundays. This is at times like Stake Conferences when all wards may be meeting together in a different meeting house, so you will just have to show up and see what's going on that Sunday.......Good Luck.

You may be able to find the meeting times of your nearest ward by going to

LDS Maps and putting in the information to bring up the website of the nearest ward to you. There is more information about what to expect there too.

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I've found two phone numbers, so, I'll ring one of those numbers sometime during the week. Of the two, one is reffered to as an "alternate" number -- so does that mean it's the phone number of the bishop at home?

It's 2.15 PM on a sunday now, so I wholeheartedly assume that there's no services going on now. :P

Are the mettinghouses only open on Sunday?

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I've found two phone numbers, so, I'll ring one of those numbers sometime during the week. Of the two, one is referred to as an "alternate" number -- so does that mean it's the phone number of the bishop at home?

It's 2.15 PM on a Sunday now, so I wholeheartedly assume that there's no services going on now. :P

Are the meetinghouses only open on Sunday?

They are also open on Wed nights for the Young Women and Young Men. Thursday or Tuesday night/afternoon for Relief Society/ Cub Scout functions (but not every week sometimes). If you called my Ward meeting house at 2:15 pm Sunday you would most Definitely get someone. There are meetings until PM on Sundays, as there are 3 wards that meet there.

The alternate number could be a pay phone in the lobby, or the phone in the Clerks office, or it could be the Bishops number. If the information you have gives the Bishops name, you might just look up the number in the phone book and see if he is listed. And yes, you can call the Bishop at home, as long as you call at a respectable hour.

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I've been considering going to a Latter-day Saint sacrament service. You know, just to see what Mormon worship is like.

The meeting center near me, if you want to call it that, is really small.

Wonder if there'll be any room for me. :confused:

What's the deal with Sunday best?

What does the average 18-21 yo wear?

I should have read your first post first. :P

There is always room for everyone.

Sunday best can be clean jeans, shirt and socks and shoes. OR a dress or skirt/slacks with nice blouse/sweater for women (any age); slacks (dress or casual) shirt for men (any age). Because we espouse modesty, we do not wear clothing that will expose too much bare skin. Thus the women/young women/girls do not wear thin strapped tops or tops that expose their belly's, or hems that are above the knees or necklines that plunge at the front or back. They also do not wear thin, see through fabrics unless they also wear a modest camisole underneath.

I am going to wear black dress slacks, black and white dressy top and my black open toe wedge heels to Church tomorrow. I am female. Was baptized when I was 14, am 56 now. Usually I wear a dress- but the dresses I have are just way to warm for me. I live in AZ and they keep the heat on at 85 during the winter months at my meeting house. It is too hot for me. So I wear the slacks and the light weight dressy top. It is cooler for me. During the summer they have the AirConditioning on at 72.

If the dress slacks are not any cooler, then I will start wearing my Capri's. If the bishopric doesn't like it, they can lump it. Same with any of the members of my Ward.

No where is it written or decreed that one must wear Dress/Skirts for women and Suit slacks & jacket with white shirt and tie for men.

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If the dress slacks are not any cooler, then I will start wearing my Capri's. If the bishopric doesn't like it, they can lump it. Same with any of the members of my Ward.

No where is it written or decreed that one must wear Dress/Skirts for women and Suit slacks & jacket with white shirt and tie for men.

My wife and I have been LDS for over forty years. We are converts. She wears jeans six days a week, but on Sunday she wears a dress. She may wear jeans in the church on week days outside of the sanctuary of the chapel itself, but she will not go in the chapel unless she is in what she considers proper attire. She says it's a simple matter of respect.

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Just to summerise: Wear what you feel like! If you go to a interwiev in a job you really would like to have whose leaders you respect.... without absolutely needing to go shopping... well some people do go shopping...

We have a new young man in the ward and now he bought a dress... after a couple Sundays.

The name of the "meetinghouse" depends on where you live. In Finland they call them chappels in Norway Churches.:D

"Ward" in Scandinavia is called congrigation.:D

We have only one ward meeting, but we dont start before 11.30... due to buss and train scedules. And our sacramentmeeting is last.

Brad Pitt... who is he? ..... I think MOST of the men in the church look better than him!


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Do non-metrosexual people dress differently in your part of the world?

Baggy white shirts with ties, black pants, black name tags, bicycle helmets and black shoes. Although it is a hidden accessory, best to keep a small box of Jell-O in your back pocket.

However you choose to dress you will be welcome. :)

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