Do you know if RFID is the mark of the beast...


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RFID is ( radio frequency identifcation chip)

I had a cousin ask me, and I never heard of it, except in pets, and some talk of people keeping track of the Lil-kids, he thinks it contains the number of the beast.

I searched and found not much on this topic, youtube has a ton of video's, but they are not crediable(lack of source's) what should I tell him?

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A few years ago, I was asked to submit a list of ten-future technology that a branch of a military could use by 2050. One of them was a concept of using a newly organic embedded micro-chip, which could be GPS, store enormous amount of personal data [iD Card, Medical Card, training record, SRB so forth], and easily programmable via wireless. This was for the common grunt or soldier in the heat of battle when lost, medically impaled, or a commander what to know of his/her medical conditions, from a military C2 System. A couple years later did I realize the scope of what could be used against us in the last days…

A few of those concepts I submitted are either still on a drawing board, being worked on [Future Weapons series] as shown on TV, or no current technology available to begin a program.

So to answer your question, it would be YES.

Edited by Hemidakota
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I think we will come back to new homeland security act that Bush passed after 911...anyone knows what I am referring too?

Thank you Hemi.... *and all posters, (I agree)also its been a big topic here in my neck of the woods, so glad you all hate this idea;) invasion of privacy, mutilation,to name a few sins,also,it could cause civil war(hope an pray not tho), martial law, the implications are to horrible to contemplate.

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Here is something personal I received a couple of years back with finding those individuals that will fight against the AC and newly formed world government. I was shown how the last Pope was murdered by insiders for the AC, in taking control of the Catholic Church. What I did notice, among many of the electronic eavesdropping, GPS was one of the choice trackers that is commonly found now in many electronics that will be used to do some personal surveillance in tracking us. :)

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Guest JHM-in-Bountiful

I've talked to several LDS members about the chip. I was surprised that virtually none were aware of the issue. There are several websites and online vidieos that discuss the chips. Many evangelical (sp) christians are aware of the chip. Hal linsey & Jack Van Impe have written books about the chip being the mark of the beast. Verichip is one company that will issue the chips. Initually the chips will not be forced on the public. It seems that there may be one or more major world events that will put fear into the world's population. Total global economic collapse will most likely be one of those events. The governments will also say chips are needed to insure a person is who they say they are. This will prevent fraud, ect. However those who DO NOT accept the chip will be treated as outcasts in society. They will not be able to buy or sell anything without the chip.

Richard N. Skousen, a LDS author, has written a book called "HIS RETURN Prophecy, Destiny & Hope".

He discusses what the world will be like leading up to the 2nd coming. He mentions the mark of the beast. He is not clearly sure what it may be. I think he said it could possibly be in microchip form. Whatever the mark will be, the church will tell it's members not to accept it. Many communities that have a high population of LDS members will have to rely on each other. The towns will be like isolated communities, but will thrive until the 2nd coming.

On a personal note, that was my primary reason in wanting to move to Bountiful, Utah. I'm on social security disability. I would probably be among the first groups that the govt would want to chip. I will not accept the chip and will loose all income.In December 2008, I found out that relocating to Utah is no longer an option for me because the cost of living is much higher there than here in Iowa. So I'm not at all looking forward to the day the mark of the beast becomes manditory.

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Here is something personal I received a couple of years back with finding those individuals that will fight against the AC and newly formed world government. I was shown how the last Pope was murdered by insiders for the AC, in taking control of the Catholic Church. What I did notice, among many of the electronic eavesdropping, GPS was one of the choice trackers that is commonly found now in many electronics that will be used to do some personal surveillance in tracking us. :)

Yes, I read things about that, AC wants to control as many souls as he can.In that case, I just hope the Catohlics(the good ones) can can get back their church...that breaks my heart.

Nano technology is coming along,aswell,you could be served with a drink, an not know it...I hope that one is wayyyy off in the future/an/or nip it in the bud :)

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Guest DeborahC

RFIDS are everywhere already.

And yes, I personally believe they ARE the mark of the beast!

They are in the boxes of the items you purchase at the stores, so they can tell who is buying what and where.

They are in the labels on the neck and waistband of your clothing.

They are in your shoes.

They are in the mac & cheese box on the kitchen shelf

They are available to "chip" your pets.

They are being put into people voluntarily and could easily be used on humans without their knowledge by inserting them at either birth or during surgeries. They are most likely in the new "boxes" which are required for the new television technology.

What better way to get into every house in the nation than to require people to either purchase a new television set or a "box" --

Most houses have at LEAST one television set, no matter how poor the people are.

I'm not saying they are going to spy on everyone, but "if" they wanted to, it would only take the flip of a switch to hear and see everything going on in your house. Now THAT creeps me out!

Here is a website with lots of reading for your entertainment pleasure: - how RFID will compromise privacy, security, freedom

It is all about RFIDS and how they will affect your life today and in the future

CASPIAN - Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering

This essay in particular was interesting to me:

Auto-ID: The worst thing that ever happened to consumer privacy

Just for fun, see if you can spot the RFID on these products:

Wal-Mart RFID Tags, Dallas, Texas 10/15/05

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Cash is still anonymous.

Plastic causes prices to rise because merchants are charged anywhere from 1.5% to 3.0% for the transaction plus fees and equipment. And, your financial institution knows your every purchase and can be compelled to divulge this information to government authorities.

Assertions that plastic is safer than cash are simply outrageous. Perhaps the day will come that cash is outlawed, but until then, I use it.


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RFID chips rock. They help us find our doggies when they get lost. They help WalMart lower it's inventory management costs by another tenth of a percent, so they can keep with the low prices. I fully expect they'll help us take our shopping cart out the front door of the supermarket without pausing for checkout, the total being scanned and deducted from our credit card as we pass through the scanners in the door.

I'm all for them.


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I've talked to several LDS members about the chip. I was surprised that virtually none were aware of the issue. There are several websites and online vidieos that discuss the chips. Many evangelical (sp) christians are aware of the chip. Hal linsey & Jack Van Impe have written books about the chip being the mark of the beast. Verichip is one company that will issue the chips. Initually the chips will not be forced on the public. It seems that there may be one or more major world events that will put fear into the world's population. Total global economic collapse will most likely be one of those events. The governments will also say chips are needed to insure a person is who they say they are. This will prevent fraud, ect. However those who DO NOT accept the chip will be treated as outcasts in society. They will not be able to buy or sell anything without the chip.

Richard N. Skousen, a LDS author, has written a book called "HIS RETURN Prophecy, Destiny & Hope".

He discusses what the world will be like leading up to the 2nd coming. He mentions the mark of the beast. He is not clearly sure what it may be. I think he said it could possibly be in microchip form. Whatever the mark will be, the church will tell it's members not to accept it. Many communities that have a high population of LDS members will have to rely on each other. The towns will be like isolated communities, but will thrive until the 2nd coming.

On a personal note, that was my primary reason in wanting to move to Bountiful, Utah. I'm on social security disability. I would probably be among the first groups that the govt would want to chip. I will not accept the chip and will loose all income.In December 2008, I found out that relocating to Utah is no longer an option for me because the cost of living is much higher there than here in Iowa. So I'm not at all looking forward to the day the mark of the beast becomes manditory.

Excellent post. ;)

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Yes, I read things about that, AC wants to control as many souls as he can.In that case, I just hope the Catohlics(the good ones) can can get back their church...that breaks my heart.

Nano technology is coming along,aswell,you could be served with a drink, an not know it...I hope that one is wayyyy off in the future/an/or nip it in the bud :)

Not far at all....DARPA is already working on several version of Nano technology to be used from medical to as a weapon.

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I've talked to several LDS members about the chip. I was surprised that virtually none were aware of the issue. There are several websites and online vidieos that discuss the chips. Many evangelical (sp) christians are aware of the chip. Hal linsey & Jack Van Impe have written books about the chip being the mark of the beast. Verichip is one company that will issue the chips. Initually the chips will not be forced on the public. It seems that there may be one or more major world events that will put fear into the world's population. Total global economic collapse will most likely be one of those events. The governments will also say chips are needed to insure a person is who they say they are. This will prevent fraud, ect. However those who DO NOT accept the chip will be treated as outcasts in society. They will not be able to buy or sell anything without the chip.

Richard N. Skousen, a LDS author, has written a book called "HIS RETURN Prophecy, Destiny & Hope".

He discusses what the world will be like leading up to the 2nd coming. He mentions the mark of the beast. He is not clearly sure what it may be. I think he said it could possibly be in microchip form. Whatever the mark will be, the church will tell it's members not to accept it. Many communities that have a high population of LDS members will have to rely on each other. The towns will be like isolated communities, but will thrive until the 2nd coming.

On a personal note, that was my primary reason in wanting to move to Bountiful, Utah. I'm on social security disability. I would probably be among the first groups that the govt would want to chip. I will not accept the chip and will loose all income.In December 2008, I found out that relocating to Utah is no longer an option for me because the cost of living is much higher there than here in Iowa. So I'm not at all looking forward to the day the mark of the beast becomes manditory.

Won't instructing members to not receive the chip be going against "the laws of the land"?

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I'm sorry, I have to roll my eyes at that Wal-mart page. Do you know why those products have RFID tags? Inventory and tracking. A huge chain store like Wal-mart, of course they would implement that sort of technology in order to keep their inventory and stock straight.

You need an RFID reader in order to read an RFID tag, and those work in close proximity; RFID does not transmit. A shipment of hundreds of several hundred- or thousand dollar televisions - if you're the manufacturer/shipper, don't you want to make sure they all arrive when and where they're supposed to?

Is RFID evil, or the mark of the beast?

No. It is just technology.

Can they be used in a way that is evil, or the mark of the beast?

Yes. People's intentions can be evil. Consider how the symbol of the Star of David was used to identify people as Jews so that they could be persecuted. Is/was the Star of David evil? No, it was merely a symbol. It's what the intention of its use that was evil.

Edit: I also have to roll my eyes at "Spychips". That's just name-calling and propaganda.

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Guest DeborahC


Here's a little demo on how they work in clothing.

I am not all for them at all. And no, they are NOT for inventory only.

You can roll your eyes, or take time to be educated by reading the entire site.

However, if you already have your mind made up, that's your choice.

The RFIDS transmit PERSONAL information, as well as being used for inventory tracking.

A chip in my arm or scalp is not for inventory, nor is one in my credit card (which I do not use, by the way).

As a person who has been diagnosed with multiple chemical sensitivities and sensitivities to electrical and magnetic waves of various types, I don't appreciate being "scanned" or hit by any type of waves without my permission. Just sleeping next to the wall where electrical lines come into the house make me very ill.

There is enough of that with microwaves, cell phones, wireless of all types, radio waves, television waves, x-rays, radar, and a plethora of other 'waves' that in my opinion, are one reason things like ADD are skyrocketing. When your brain is constantly bombarded, there is sure to be a consequence.

The main reason for the low prices at Wal Mart is their use of foreign cheap slave labor to make the products they sell. I'm willing to pay more for products made in the USA, and will do without otherwise, as much as is possible. Walmart is especially toxic, and even has a notice right inside their front door that tells you the environment is toxic. But ask just ONE salesperson to tell you what it means, in fact ask a MANAGER, and nobody knows... it's a mystery... ACK! Don't get me started on Walmart and their Chinese products...

But the REAL fear is of the day I see coming when credit cards are no longer used because it's much easier to put a tiny chip under your skin.

Then all you have to do is wave your hand over the machine, and they charge your bank account.

Problems include "No chip, no food," as well as the ability for the powers to be to "turn your chip off" if they care to and even to make you totally disappear by wiping out all records regarding your existence.

Seem like science fiction?

So did cell phones when I was a kid or screens where you could SEE the person you spoke with.... it was called Dick Tracy!

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Guest DeborahC

And by the way, if "the RFID does not transmit" then how can it be used to track inventory?

It most certainly DOES transmit.

It is a microchip which is used to store more information than will fit in your home library.

It can be read... by anybody with a reader...

WISCONSIN seems to be concerned, since they passed a law regarding the implanting of people against their will with spychips:

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RFID chips rock. They help us find our doggies when they get lost. They help WalMart lower it's inventory management costs by another tenth of a percent, so they can keep with the low prices. I fully expect they'll help us take our shopping cart out the front door of the supermarket without pausing for checkout, the total being scanned and deducted from our credit card as we pass through the scanners in the door.

I'm all for them.


I want one for my wife's car keys, purse, wallet, shoes, pretty much everything she owns.


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Won't instructing members to not receive the chip be going against "the laws of the land"?

I'm not LDS, but my bet is the LDS leadership, would prefer succession rather than mutilate their members by accepting it,just a thought.

They may not have a choice, civil war could easly break out if the government tried to force this idea on the population(America hangs by a thread) did I hear that somewhere?

Where would freedom reside?The American way, If not in the safty of the mountains( Rev.12:6 ).

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