Good Article


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A good article. I wonder how many people will be contacting the missionaries so they can get the church to pay their rent, house payment, cell phone bill, cable tv, and for sure to keep the payments up on their luxury cars.

My good friend who is a Bishop received a call last week from an investigator that the missionaries are teaching asking about assistance that she had heard about. Bishop told her he expects people to come to church before asking for assistance. Said he would provide food, no one should go hungry, would not pay their bills.

Ben Raines

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A good article. I wonder how many people will be contacting the missionaries so they can get the church to pay their rent, house payment, cell phone bill, cable tv, and for sure to keep the payments up on their luxury cars.

My good friend who is a Bishop received a call last week from an investigator that the missionaries are teaching asking about assistance that she had heard about. Bishop told her he expects people to come to church before asking for assistance. Said he would provide food, no one should go hungry, would not pay their bills.

Ben Raines

I was wondering how many people will investigate church thinking they will get their bills payed...
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Oh yeah, there's nothing new about folks joining up to get plugged into the church's welfare system. New Bishops (probably in most countries) come down the learning curve real quick about how the church's welfare system works and how it doesn't. For folks looking for a free handout, they learn pretty quickly that Bishops are a tight-fisted bunch.


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Oh yeah, there's nothing new about folks joining up to get plugged into the church's welfare system. New Bishops (probably in most countries) come down the learning curve real quick about how the church's welfare system works and how it doesn't. For folks looking for a free handout, they learn pretty quickly that Bishops are a tight-fisted bunch.


there are some that run into problems....especially when they try to help everyone...
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  • 3 weeks later...

"It's unclear how many individuals and families need church assistance each year. Church statistics from 2007 show some 210,000 people used employment centers and training to find jobs. But church officials declined to provide a demographic snapshot of the average welfare recipient, the amount of time most recipients use the programs and an average value for the commodities provided.

Without that information, it's difficult to assess the effect the church programs have on the community, said Glenn Bailey, director of Crossroads Urban Center, an advocacy and direct services agency for the poor in Salt Lake City that annually gets a share of church commodities for its own emergency food bank.

"I think they play a critical role, it's just that there's no way to tell the size of the gap they fill," Bailey said. "Obviously they are doing a lot of work and helping a lot of people who would go without or seek assistance elsewhere.""

A truly remarkable program to help our poor and needy.
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