Discussion Regarding God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost


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It makes sense that you have one god that is more important than the others, but just the fact that there are three gods there, and probably countless gods before them, (ie our grandfather in heaven, our great grandfather in heaven) and I suppose that the mother in heaven is also a god?

Correct but that is another state of glory for those will inherit the celestial kingdom.

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The original word used in Greek and translated "fellowship" implies intimacy, communion and close relationship and association of the saints, a brotherhood and unison. It goes well beyond just common pleasantries and courtesy protocol.

Yeah, I know;-)

I was just being. . . .

The point is, many today are doing just that.

Different denominations are joining in church services and even sacrament.

Since we are all Christian, "why not" they say.

I believe there has to be more of a coincidence of belief in a god, a christ, a holy (spirit of sorts).

Just a thought.

Bro. Rudick:D

Edited by JohnnyRudick
Was shot of time a few min ago. . .
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Why should a politically motivated compromise have such weight and importance when it comes to the things of God? Why should such an important issue like "describing" the nature of God rest in the hands of a few led by an unbaptized political ruler? Again, for the uninformed, the settlement in Nicaea was neither inspired not holy. It was forced by the emperor, so I fail to see why we should attribute such an authority to it.

Suffice to say that precious few trinitarians today rely on Constantine's approval for gaining our own embrace of the doctrine. We come to believe it because we see it as Scriptural, and because there were at least a couple of other Christian leaders of something more than obscure status, who also endorsed the teaching during the past dozen or so centuries.

I could care less, but the bare facts are that the Nicaea Council had as much authority as the Eastern Orthodox Church whom soon after decided they did not want to dance to the song of the church at Rome. Who appointed anyone modern denomination to be the arbiter of Christianity?

I believe you actually do have an answer to that question, and I'm guessing that it lies somewhat west of Springfield, MO (the headquarters of my particular denomination). :D

I think it is pure spite and animosity that drive those that will contend that Latter day Saints are not Christians. For almost 200 years we have proclaimed that Christ lives, that He stands at the right hand of the Father, that He directs the affairs of His Church and sits at the head thereof. But somehow that testimony does not count. The fact is that the claim of the Restoration is so bold and the last two centuries so compelling that it is threatening. Unfortunately some are more concerned with self preservation than truth.

"And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." 2 Ne 25:26

Who knows the hearts of men, but God. However, the Christians I know who do not trust the teachings of your church indeed focus their concern on the teachings of your church--especially concerning the nature of God.

To give you a prime example, the United Pentecostal Church probably shares 98% of our theology. They are evangelical, pentecostal, holiness oriented, and they like their music loud and fast, like we do. BUT, they deny the Trinity. For this, they cannot even gain membership into the National or World Council of Churches (both very liberal groups), much less the National Association of Evangelicals. And, yes, many of us wonder if their anti-Trinitarian stance is too much of a break for us to share "like precious faith."

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I would like to remind everyone that "Mormon" was not a name we gave ourselves. It was the name given to the early members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was said with derision and hatred. It still has a negative connotation in many places.

Ironic that "Mormon" and "Christian" have the same history. They were used as terms of derision. Yet Christians embraced it as a badge of honor. The exception, of course, are Messianic Jews, or those Christian Jews who call themselves "completed Jews."

Today, there are times when instead of calling us Mormons we're called "The Church of Latter-day Saints", deliberately leaving out "Jesus Christ".

It's not common for me to hear folk here say, "I'm LDS." So, it may not be malice that causes non-members to say you are "the Church of LDS." Nevertheless, I understand your point.

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Suffice to say that precious few trinitarians today rely on Constantine's approval for gaining our own embrace of the doctrine. We come to believe it because we see it as Scriptural, and because there were at least a couple of other Christian leaders of something more than obscure status, who also endorsed the teaching during the past dozen or so centuries.


May I say, that most denomionations do not 'come' to believe such things as the theological points debated at Nicea; they are required to believe them already in order to enter the very panoramic space of christianity itself and enjoy debates and edifying theological wondering. Denominations have had to believe it in order to enter the very space they ought first to define by debate! It was Constantine's sword that drove out of Rome those arrian bishops(most* of the bishops at that time of Nicea) just after the edict of Athanasius' win. It was not a peaceful matter of 'agreed upon' exegetical excercise; it was a polemic, and one that resulted in one of the most famous obnubilations and exclusions of Western history. The 'making' of Heresies in both antiquity and modernity, has been a sociological phenomenon that exceeds mere appeal to 'come to believe by scripture'. From the early fathers and their internal borrowings of traditions and internal fights, to the most important Councils(including Carthago, ironically, one that protestantism does nto subscribe to -as it was the one who designated Mary as 'theotokos', or 'god-bearer'), to the heat of protestant disputes, to the Galileo affair(a scriptural and ecclesial matter more than a 'science vs. religion' issue, as most genuinely -but wrongly- believe), it has been 'other-making', 'demonization' and making caricatures out of heterodoxical postures that has been at work behind the 'evolution' of christianity in general and its theological development. It is not to say, of course, that all change responded to mere 'want of exclusion' or 'hatred', but to insist that every act that was discriminatory -excluded in its motivation, from such hatred of heresy,- ultimately, resulted in an implementing of a feeling of disgust and hatred for optional readings. This is, you come to 'find it scriptural' after you already 'come believe it'. That's the appropiate order, for me.

So, after so long a road, and bloody -lets not forget (for exegetical sins, were also paid with life, in a sense)- we cannot genuinely believe that the changes and fights over 'right' renderings of theological truth come to be reduced to that epithet of Luther (ignorant of true hermeneutics and history and tradition) "Sola Scriptura'. Indeed, a reading of both Luther and Calvin (especially the latter) result in great pleasure. But it nevertheless shows how much a political affair was to 'render' a bible 'right' than a merely 'advance of comprehension', least of all a 'communal comprehension' between denominations of the 20th century.

So we may take for granted, the use and acceptance of the creeds of the Councils before 430 a.c.e.(in the case of main-stream Protestantism), but we can't just let the analysis of such beliefs slip through such a gratuitous claim as 'we came to it by communal enlightment', 'you are the ones(mormons) who result in disagreement'(a heretical one, on top of all).

The question is, more than a mere revision and expansion of the Nicea event(overrated, for me, as many know), the ethical question at the heart of christianity which comes after the reading of a scripture quoted above, regarding Jesus and his acceptance of others who claimed authority in his name without having even met him(this, without he himself dying, the very thing which would for the first time assure such phenomenon), and practiced a 'christianism'(lets invent that term):

Who are those who are 'not against us'(this is, natural, inherited, orthodox christianity) and yet are with us who (by what criteria!) are still able (and hold a right to it according to Christ, or at least, his not-condemning it constitutes the extension of a new right) to proclaim Christ in the absense of his actual teachings, indeed in the very absense of his blessing, presence and comunion!?? Because the preocupation of the disciples, and their reasoning are exactly representative of orthodox (nowadays) christianity regarding heresies.

I , for one, bet (a lot!) that if this passage of scripture had not been found in integrity within the gospel(s), or existed at all, Protestantism would faint and deny any possibility of a true-Jesus-like-statement at the posing of it by any other -nowadays- 'christianisms'(lets keep the invented term, for, heretical 'christianities' are more considered isms than the former).

I love Levinas' view that every epistemological phenomenon begs the question as to an ethical relationship.

So, that would be the question, for which, I expect serious answers (and as you see, i can easily differenciate between them bad and good so dont pull anything, lol...).

You choose: we may go down the historical road, or down the ethical road...

Edited by Sergg
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When we say "fellowship" do we mean being "nice" and treating each other wit the respect that says

"I understand what you believe to be true is important to you and I have no problem with you practicing your belief that falls into the Judo/Christian lifestyle" (yeah, I do have my limits on this "live and let live attitude too;-)

Or do we mean that Catholics, Protestants, and people of the Church of Jesus Christ can be allowed to mingle in together in our houses of worship and partake in each others sacraments with no limits or exclusions?

I've not heard too many folk actually suggesting LDS-Evangelical ecumenism, so definitely more the former. And, perhaps not even quite that much. Commonalities as I understand it, simply means that we do indeed share our belief in the Bible as Scripture, in Jesus Christ, born of a Virgin, sent to redeem, and that he is the Son of God. We share conservative social mores, and a general belief that people of gospel faith face rewards, whereas those who reject God and do evil will receive their just pay.

There is not nearly enough agreement to form a join-church. Perhaps at best, you'd say evangelicals are unrestored and apostate, and I'd say you teach some serious heresies. Fair enough. We can meet on those grounds.

The best example of evangelical and LDS commonalities I've seen is in the book, How Wide the Divide: A Mormon and an Evangelical in Conversation, co-authored by a BYU professor and an evangelical one. They agreed that there is a divide and they explicated their differences. But, they did so with Christian civility, and with an aim to see just what meeting places there might be if we discussed these weighty matters with open ears and hearts and minds.

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Ironic that "Mormon" and "Christian" have the same history. They were used as terms of derision. Yet Christians embraced it as a badge of honor. The exception, of course, are Messianic Jews, or those Christian Jews who call themselves "completed Jews."

It's not common for me to hear folk here say, "I'm LDS." So, it may not be malice that causes non-members to say you are "the Church of LDS." Nevertheless, I understand your point.

I for one do not use the term Mormon to describe the members of the church. Either it is the Latter-day Saints, not using the original church term, Saints, fellows of Christ, or Christians.

I know I am not a follower of Mormon but the one who bears the title Jesus Christ. :lol:

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I've not heard too many folk actually suggesting LDS-Evangelical ecumenism, so definitely more the former. And, perhaps not even quite that much. Commonalities as I understand it, simply means that we do indeed share our belief in the Bible as Scripture, in Jesus Christ, born of a Virgin, sent to redeem, and that he is the Son of God. We share conservative social mores, and a general belief that people of gospel faith face rewards, whereas those who reject God and do evil will receive their just pay.

There is not nearly enough agreement to form a join-church. Perhaps at best, you'd say evangelicals are unrestored and apostate, and I'd say you teach some serious heresies. Fair enough. We can meet on those grounds.

The best example of evangelical and LDS commonalities I've seen is in the book, How Wide the Divide: A Mormon and an Evangelical in Conversation, co-authored by a BYU professor and an evangelical one. They agreed that there is a divide and they explicated their differences. But, they did so with Christian civility, and with an aim to see just what meeting places there might be if we discussed these weighty matters with open ears and hearts and minds.

Actually I was referring to Catholics and Protestants or should I say former Protestants;-)

Never have I ever heard of an invite sent out to Original Church of Jesus Christ members to join in for a church meetin'.

That is in the up and up and all;-)

Bro. Rudick:)

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Serrg, wow you pack a lot of information in that last post. For evangelicals, particularly for my church (which is even newer that the CoJCoLDS), the embrace of Trinity was not a forgone conclusion. Indeed, one of our early leaders drifted into the Oneness Pentecostal camp for a few years. For me, the doctrinal battles of history are important, but the excesses of individuals in one camp or another do not guide what is ultimate truth, imho.

At it's simplest, the Trinity explains how Father, Son, and Holy Spirit can all be God, and yet there be only one God. My forefathers of a mere three generations ago really did not want any creed, statement of beliefs, or article of faith. However, when the New Issue (the modalism of Oneness Pentecostals) arose, they realize they had to unite around some basic beliefs, or they would be scattered by every wind of doctrine. Thus, they formulated, based on Scripture study, 16 fundamentals. The doctrine of Christ's deity, and of the Trinity, take up two-thirds of the verbage. There was no threat of violence, and in that era (1917), no hope that we would be accepted by mainstream Christians. The modernists thought we were nuts, and the fundamentalists thought we were demonized.

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Serrg, wow you pack a lot of information in that last post. For evangelicals, particularly for my church (which is even newer that the CoJCoLDS), the embrace of Trinity was not a forgone conclusion. Indeed, one of our early leaders drifted into the Oneness Pentecostal camp for a few years. For me, the doctrinal battles of history are important, but the excesses of individuals in one camp or another do not guide what is ultimate truth, imho.

At it's simplest, the Trinity explains how Father, Son, and Holy Spirit can all be God, and yet there be only one God. My forefathers of a mere three generations ago really did not want any creed, statement of beliefs, or article of faith. However, when the New Issue (the modalism of Oneness Pentecostals) arose, they realize they had to unite around some basic beliefs, or they would be scattered by every wind of doctrine. Thus, they formulated, based on Scripture study, 16 fundamentals. The doctrine of Christ's deity, and of the Trinity, take up two-thirds of the verbage. There was no threat of violence, and in that era (1917), no hope that we would be accepted by mainstream Christians. The modernists thought we were nuts, and the fundamentalists thought we were demonized.

But it would be silly of me to state that every communal christian faith(especifically the independent ones under the vague flag of Protestantism), in its acceptance of Athanasius Creed, proceeded out of actual and presently fear and threat. But it was, in , say, Foucault's terms, a force nonetheless. For as you yourself recognize, it was a fear(or uneasyness, or whatever you may call it), a threat at being lost and suddenly cut-off from traditional christian sense(regarding the Trinity) that actually prompted your forefathers to produce, engage in, and attempt at getting it 'right' amidst all that heretical "Oneness"; presently in the modalities of the 'Jesus Only'). That threat responded to an already established habit-belief in the Trinity, even, if vague. Anyways, we cant take up the case of such people here, for all is hear-say and lost in time.

Also, their contact with traditional text was obviously colored by their most intuitive appeal to tradition, believe it or not. It is always criteria that guide exegesis; interpretation never on its own 'finds' truths in texts. This is even known from cognitive operations, be them visual, of memory, or of creativity. Just as creativity, 'discoverings' also happen within limits; those set by the mix of both cultural (internalized) 'already-done-so' phenomenons and volition/imagination.

But I guess that we see hermeneutical experience from two different angles; you see it through Reformation's claim of 'freedom' of exegetical authority(this is, a spirit 'that inhabits any man disregarding status'), indeed, paradoxical in respect of later considerations such as the Erasmus/Luther-Calvin fight over freedom properly stated. My hermeneutical approach comes from the tradition of Agustin, Wittgenstein, Gadamer, Ricoeour, Blumenberg, Derrida. Yours derives from traditional concepts of 'looking and finding' through 'inspiration'. Fine. No deal there.I cant nor will proceed to call it or argument against it as contextually 'disparate'. For it is, after all, part of the legacy that gave form to current democratic experience.

I only intervene in things as historical fact, non-justified claims concerning things I do can deconstruct or at shouts that unjustly proclaim 'superiority' without being argumentative at least.

The other part, that of the Athanasius position being clear and simple, is of course, a hardly-true claim to accept. For the very intellectuals at Nicea, argued insesantly against not only its unscriptural (in fact, lets accept: unjudean origin), but its factual nonsese*. And through the ages, it did not get any clearer. It received the worst attacks coming from either side: philosophical thought, scientific thought, even mythological thought. For a truth to be so universal and evident, we must hold fast to Paul's own metaphor in Hebrews, that finally has God spoken clearly and fully through the Son. For, all in all, everything was shadow. Precisely because the platonic-aristotelian notion of the Trinity is heterogeneous to traditional thought. Nor myths, or posterior conceptions of Occidental thought have constructed suh abstraction. It is a Creed only to subscribe to, for it is plainly, non understandable. That is why, elevated people such as Agustin proclaimed 'believing before understanding'. Not playing there.

So we may dilucidate and analyse the composition of the classical Trinity Creed, but it will not be reaviling as to its truth, but as to its historical and traditional causations.

Neither the hebrew tradition, nor mythological thought before up to the neolithic, can understand suh concept. It is only found in the Bible, through a particular (compromised -and hey, being compromised is nothing wrong, just not to acknowledge it is) exegesis.

But hey, I am all for it. I know it to have undergone supreme additions and work, by many theologians (on both sides). I only underline its contingency as an interpretation; your Creed is not an obvious reading coming from early christian tradition in its magnitude of ramifications. It was a process resulting in a political event.

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One point concerning the nature of G-d's individuality and singularity as expressed in “religious” doctrine is the relationship of that nature to other creatures in the society of G-d; most specifically, man. When we define the “nature” of G-d we are in essence defining G-d and our reason to worship him. Thus the definition of G-d’s nature defines the context of worship and the basis of both “true” and “false” worship and the worship of “the” true and living G-d or a false or “counterfeit” G-d.

The reason I bring up the relationship of G-d to the creature man is because man’s purpose or destiny is in the “image and likeness” of G-d. This doctrine is expressed in Genesis 1:26-28. The verses of Genesis 1:26-28 form a literal Hebrew structure which is intended to complete or make whole a doctrinal thought or principle. In essence what the scriptures tell us is that man is given a charge to be a “g-d” of earth in the image and likeness of the very G-d of the society of heaven.

Therefore, at the beginning of understanding of G-d’s nature in order that we worship the true and living G-d is not just that we are in his image and likeness but that we can become “one” with him. The point that I would now make is that for all those that follow a doctrine that differentiates the nature of G-d from the intended destiny of man’s nature to become, through the “salvation” of G-d, a nature indistinguishable from G-d’s; make it impossible for them to worship the true G-d to that level of being “one” with G-d.

If we understand “damnation” of an individual as a limit or bondage within some limits then the doctrine of differentiation of G-d’s nature from a disciple of G-d’s destiny; such doctrine is in essence a doctrine of “damnation”. I would point out a most important doctrine of Christ – that to be a “true” disciple of Christ – we become by nature one with Christ and the Father and thus are not of a nature with limits or of bondage but are indeed free.

The Traveler

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